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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    Point beeing? i fail to see it as mentioned earlier, if you're statement would be true this would also apply to every single goddamn bandmember existing except for the songwriters themselves. this would also apply to the whole frickin concept of classical music. how is cheesy clichee shit cool with every other metal-thing and fantasy-movies etc. but not with this? i understand not liking cheesy stuff, but hell no to double standards I'm no expert on identifying VK, but i'm pretty sure this is not don't worry, nobody does and should care about anyones definition of what genre xy should be that statement has never been true, and it certainly hasn't changed "nowadays" Also: basically everything relentless said
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    ok, i think i need to adress this. i read that kind of argument a LOT and the hypocrisy behind it is just staggering. when in a band the guitarist writes all of the music you don't hate on the other members for playing songs they didn't write, you don't hate on actors who perform in movies/theatre that they didn't write the piece they perform, you don't hate on classical orchestras that perform music by guys already dead for hundreds of years, but somehow it is "lame" and for some not really apparent reason without "soul" when 3 teenage girls perform a series of high-energy metal-gigs all over the world? on top of that these tracks are so wildly creative, new and fresh, but apparently only the concept of a selling-machine? u-huh, because death-core-powermetal tracks about chocolate with reggae parts and dragonforce guitar-solos are a failproof combination for big bucks. sure thing... i can totally understand having a disliking for the cutesy high-pitched voices, or the riddicculous genre-mish-mash that is going on, or just the tracks in general for their complexity or whatever. but listening to those tracks it is painstakingly clear, that a LOT of creativity, thought, work and heart went into creating something truly interesting here (and the amount of controversy they stir up is probably the most solid proof of that) if now the second guitarist from the right is the writer of the tracks or not, how would that make any difference?
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    i'll just leave this here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7UWLNDH_bU babymetal cover X Japan (i'll take this over recent toshi anytime )
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    i'll start with the obvious choice... Tokyo Jihen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ71VBVViG8
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    it's not quite up there, but the guys from "byee the round" and "nothing is carved in stone" are quite raspy. most filth in the voice would be (both) singers of church of misery, but they're quite stoner-y but yes, it's quite the rare sight
  6. le sai has a burthdurr, herrpy berrderr my dear!

    1. Jigsaw9


      happy saibirth, day!

    2. whitegrey


      damn, I'm late... but I really mean it; HAPPY BIRTHDAY sai °(^o^)° Your birth was very sai-gnificant for mh and for many ppl - never forget that you'll always be loved by us! ^^

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  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    can i just point out, how ridicculously magnificent the ending for Zankyou no terror is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNF0Td-qHE4 unfortunately this is not from an existing band if i read that correctly
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    just recently found out that PS2 emulators work pretty darn well and now am terribly addicted to FF-X. also this is a great opportunity to experience a FF game that is considered one of the best (i think?) without knowing pretty much anything about the story/universe (currently about 35hours in...) next stop shadow of the colossus
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    really? so does it get better? because i started it, but ditched it after maybe 3 episodes because i found it to be boring and predictable might've been too quick in my judgement^^
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    moody as in dark, hopeless, misantrophic etc.: Monster, Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze moody as in melancholic: Kino no Tabi, Hotarubi no Mori e, Samurai X Trust and Betrayal (this one would fit into the "dark" cathegory aswell tho)
  11. ok, so apparently i won two spot on the guestlist for tomorrows concert of galneryus in cologne. anybody wanna come?

    1. togz


      oh cool, let me get one a plane now be right there. jkjkjk

  12. bonsaijodelfisch

  13. joining some tasty pluggin' is very YES! http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  14. jeeeesus, i'd kill to be in japan for THAT http://www.conpass.jp/5531.html

    1. CAT5


      THE NOVEMBERS AND ETERNAL ELYSIUM......ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!??? 2 of my favorite bands that I'd never imagine seeing together at the time!

    2. Jigsaw9


      *gives him a chainsaw and a bazooka* you know what to do.

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      boris and novembers *heavybreathing*

      i have to say i can see how that fits quite nicely actually, dang

  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    usually i think i prefer the more old-school VK band like calmando qual here, but in this case with lycaon in the race i must admit, that with their pv for eros, with them actually swallowing cum, they've shown a dedication to the whole VK-genre that other bands still struggle to achieve. my vote goes for modern VK here
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    sooo, first episode of tokyo ghoul was a bit of a mixed bag, i really don't like the main character (or any of the characters) so far. also everything story-related is probably the most generic and obvious stuff that one can think of when speaking about sombie/vampire-esque shows in general, so this was pretty disappointing too. that beeing said, the thing looks bloody brilliant, beautiful scenes and settings aswell als great animated and directed sequences (particularly liked the bit when trying to eat again...). who knows, could still obviously become more interesting, it's only been one episode so far... first episode of free! eternal sth was nice aswell, pretty much what you'd expect, some bro-ing/friendshipstuffs, some sports, tons of fanservice and some brilliant animation. started the new SOA too despite hating and dropping the first one after 15-ish episodes. so far the setup is nice and i'm genuinely interested what might happen in the course of the arc but i'm still very much positive that it'll be turning into some storytelling/pacing-trainwreck and overall low-level harem show again (the last scene + the ending/outro seem like a quality indication of that...)
  17. just bought the tickets for babymetal on thursday. excite!

    1. Jigsaw9


      *coats a hundred babies in melting-hot metal in anticipation*

    2. CAT5
    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      toki doki ebuningu

  18. in german a reef is spelt "riff"... so when today i saw the headline "ancient reef (riff) found in desert" i initially was "like early sabbath or sth?"

    1. Jigsaw9



    2. sai


      If I could like your comment I would omg

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  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    Hey guys, as some might already know i also play in a band as saxophonist (or atm bassist) Funkômas (me is bottom row orange shirt btw) Facebook it was mainly a backgroundmusic-swing-coverband when i joined, but we now have changed towards only playing original self-composed material that borders into the aforementioned genres (i'd like to think it compares a bit to Tokyo Jihen, but that's probably a stretch/wishfull thinking) we released an album back in march (i think) and here is a little trailer of that here are some of the songs in full if you are interested in having a listen Friends Of Drug Abuse https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7899279/01%20Friends%20Of%20Drug%20Abuse.mp3 Happy Violence https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7899279/03%20Happy%20Violence.mp3 Modern Schizophrenic https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7899279/06%20Modern%20Schizophrenic.mp3 Rise Again https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7899279/09%20Rise%20Again.mp3 Your Brother https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7899279/10%20Your%20Brother.mp3 most of these songs (all save for 'brother') have been written by me, but the CD also features a bunch of songs from other bandmembers too. thanks in advance if you took the time to listen to some of the stuff, and even more thanks in advance if you decide to leave some feedback or sth
  20. bonsaijodelfisch

    also generally still considered "good MUCC" probably, but without the angsty vibe of the early releases are the two albums that you already have (shion and kyuutai) plus Gokusai (which is very much worth checking out if you like those you already have...)
  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    watched the finale yesterday finally aswell, i can understand pretty much all critisism the episode has to take (suddenly magic everywhere, too much stuff in one episode, kinda inconsequent behavior by arya etcetc...), but for some reason it doesn't bother me at all, i had a most pleasant time and found it a magnificent end to probably my favorite season of this series so far. also *i'm very much pleased, please move this to my palace...*
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    it also has another (a new? special edition? vinyl only?) cover, with a friggin CAT this is how you internet
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