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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    wow, look at me beeing un-interesting!
  2. Le Chat, c'est moix *puts sunglasses*

  3. how is "musicians corner" not "moaning cats?"

    1. Champ213


      Because I'm not that clever :<

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      wow, it is now *moans*

    3. whitegrey


      since all staff are cats now I vote for Staff Reviews = Cat Reviews :3

  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    proud owners of hifiman he 300 / 400 cans, seeing as the impedance of the 400s is just 35ohms do you think it's possible to drive them without the need of a headphone amplifier? as my trusty old grados are falling apart now after all those years i've been looking for an over-ears, rather than on-ears alternative, as my ears tend to hurt after several hours of wearing the heads. they should be open design and still possible to be driven by ipod (i don't mind beeing seen as hipster-scum, or as whatever actually) to serves as quality on the road head, but also works as studio-purpose. i could shoot some practically new he400s for 240euros (about 280 dollar [EDIT: actually 330$ ] i guess?) which is why i'm asking, or do you have any interesting alternatives (preferrably not more expensive, the hifimans are alread way out of my pricerange actually, but the hell...)?
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    re-starting dark souls 1 aswell atm. pc-port is really bad, but with a bugfix or two and a xbox-gamepad it's quite ok then. let's see if i manage to stay with it this time
  6. hotel internet too slow for the speedtest to even be able to read it, surfin' teh cyberspace like its 2002

  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    <?xml version="1.0"?> <vst-xml version="1.1"> <region id="356400520"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\ABL#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="355975576"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\ABR#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="362991544"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\AkkL#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="450353728"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\AkkR#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="452656280"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\RmL#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="454571360"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\RmR#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="456652624"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\SaxL#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> <region id="457020240"> <filename>C:\Cubase Projekte\EnnoClemens\Audio\SaxR#23.aif</filename> <start>301785838</start> <end>320007568</end> <projectTime domain="quarterNotes">3636.9359479166665</projectTime> </region> </vst-xml>
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    wow, i think umbrella was the very first track i heard from them (in some live-video iirc) curious how it'll sound nowadays^^
  9. Beta Key to the Elder Scrolls Online this Weekend. Goodbye Sleep

  10. plugging seems like a good idea, doesn't it? http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/

  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    not sure if that's what you're looking for, but despite their obvious shonen-roots Deathnote and FMA:Brotherhood are pretty damn dark, i guess you know those already though also i have to second Jigsaw with the "Monster" proposition. this is some of the finest horror-thriller-crime-mystery series that exist out there. it has a terribly long start, but trust me it's worth every single minute! also some of the darkest stuff i've come across so far might be "Texnolyze". i don't know much about it though, couldn't watch it, it was too confusing and random, might pick it up again in the near future. also "kurozuka" might be worth a second look. a tad more action-focused but still great psychological horror aswell
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    just posting to say i'm all in with the weekly anime-streaming idea. watching new anime episodes with fellow monochromians sounds tempting as for just started series i'm currently watching Noragami (2 episodes so far) which seems promising and maybe would be cool to include. apart from that i'm watching KillLaKill, LogHorizon and Magi, but they're all roundabout 14 episodes in, so we first would have some catching up to do. but yeah that's only for currently running series obviously, if we're going for already finished series/movies i'll take anything that comes, movie actually would be a cool opening i think (proposing "sword of the stranger". wanted to rewatch that for a long time, would also be interested in the new gintama movie though)
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    http://180upload.com/lgfmyt35wwsu http://180upload.com/pqrcpmjqlwom
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    it has a nice flow and atmosphere to it, but something is really off with those harmonies (don't know if there's actually "wrong" notes, or just somehow unfavorably executed vocal/bass-lines) ...
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    i don't understand all the hate the preview gets i don't quite see the connection to the ambient/folk/acoustic etc. stuffs as it was described as earlier, but for the practice-room-recording that it is this sounds very promising, love the bass and it's also nice to see kyo for once with a drummer that can hold a beat XD can't hear that much of the vocals unfortunately and practically nothing of the guitar, but we'll see soon enough anyone else getting a strong Primus-vibe by this? (also all this violent speculation about who hates what band/part of what band is rather pointless imho...)
  16. i'm sitting on a 8hour busride, but i have bloody wifi! progress bitches...

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      inb4, i know that's common other places, but here in germany that's pretty damn rad :)

    2. fitear1590


      I also experienced my first wi-fi bus ride this year (but in Spain), so I understand your excitement! :D

  17. lalala, new demetori today! hope it'll see the light of the net in very close future :)

  18. bonsaijodelfisch

    ok, grabbing actually everything from that metal-list as the samples sound awesome (totally forgot about Heaven inherarms, stupid me...) /EDIT: save for terra now after second listen. this type of music certainly needs a real drummer. or if you by all means HAVE to utilise a drumsampler please don't use the very first factory preset of one of the most widely spread drumsamplers. that not only sounds crap, but also shows a bit of a lack of passion for your product which leaves a bitter aftertaste.... and probably the majority of the rest too thanks a ton zess, it's nice to know i can count on you when i'm running out of new music (btw some of those albums are for free on the artists pages or on their bandcamps, for anybody who's looking for them...)
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