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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    OMG, MY BODY IS NOT READY! ERMAGHERD *violently starts masturbating*
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    jesus, totally forgot about wakusei! i actually downloaded it and put it on my ipod when it came out, but then it completely left my brainworks this shit is seriously cool, very tokyo jihen-ish, in a good way! thanks for pointing them out again (over the winter-holidays i will be hanging at my parents place and be very very bored, ideal for listening this whole list through and maybe reviewing the stuff that caught my attention )
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    i don't see why big headphones are a thing to criticised/laughed at? sure just flashing them to show some brands aroung defeats the purpose of headphones imho, but whats wrong with listening to music on your preferred headphones whilst outside? if i had the choice i sure as hell wouldn't go for crappier heads just because of fearing to be seen as a hipster or whatnot EDIT: also yeah, in terms of closed headphones in the affordable pricerange the audiotechnica athm50's are probably one of the best options available
  4. bonsaijodelfisch

    kill la kill is getting better and better. and it's just off the charts how incredible this anime looks!! at times i can't focus on the subtitles just because i'm so overwhelmed by the sheer overstyledness and beauty on the screen (no, i don't mean that in terms of bewbs..) also i've just completely marathoned through the first season of "magi" and about to start the second one. it started of kinda meh, but as soon as they meet again after a few years i just couldn't stop watching very captivating, damn you cliffhangers!
  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    Cyclamen proudly announced your pick on their facebook
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

    there's cool stuff there! you got a very talented vocalist i think, also some really nice musical ideas, getting a slight grunge-vibe there which is a good thing main issue that i would point out is that you should reeeeaally look for a real drummer, or look a bit more into drumprogramming and -mixing (well, past tense now i guess), because these midi-drumloops pull you right out of the otherwise cool created atmospheres.
  7. bonsaijodelfisch

    audio... wow, this mixing desk looks nice, how much? only about 1,5 million, but it's only so cheap because half of the channels aren't working since 1978... (and then we haven't even started with video.... )
  8. bonsaijodelfisch

  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    sweet jesus, now that's a shitton of shows but thanks for the descriptions! based on those and watching the corresponding openings/trailers i might add Magi and Kyousougiga to my current showlist that so far only consists of KillLaKill and LogHorizon (which i agree is pretty much SAO, but the first 5 or 6 episodes of that were absolute killer too, so maybe LH has it's downfall coming too )
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    Already posted this in the "last thing you bought"-thread but here in a little more detail Laney AOR ProTube 50 Watt Head i bought it a little bit on a hunch, since i still have and love my Blackstar HT5, but hey, i saw this amp on ebay and i was able to shoot it for 250 Bucks! who could've resisted? it is basically a version of a hot-rodded Marshall LEAD800 2204 with a bunch of ECC83 in the preamp (4 i think?) and two EL34 in the poweramp. it came out some time in the late 80s early 90s and is nowadays mostly know for beeing utilised by some of the more filthy sounding bands in the stoner/sludge/doom territory ("Sleep" used them for a while) despite them beeing actually quite versatile and nice sounding amps (well, just like you'd expect a marshall i guess...) now where this amp becomes a bit "special" is with its channels and tone-section. the channels are used via two different inputs (would need an A/B-pedal then for channel switching, haven't tried if daisy-chaining is possible yet) where the "low" input seems to be the cleaner-option, is a tad darker and i think goes through only one of the preamp tubes. the "high" input then is the gain channel with 3 tubes plus a footswitchable gain-boost ("AOR-Circuit") with another added tube. Weird thing is, the amp has like 3 different gain/volume knobs for the different channels and all plus a master-volume, but depending on wich input you are on and bosst on/off the seem to do different things, the preamp 1 volume for example is a volume-knob in low-input, but a gain knob on high-input. the preamps 2 volume knob has no funktion on low input, is a second gain knob on high-input, but is an additional level/volume pot again once the boost is activated etcetc... it's just weird... but once you find wich input you want to use and how much gain you can just leave it and that, maybe setteling on one of the knobs for gain and thats it even more interesting tho is the tone section. it features your expected bass middle treble knobs that behave just like they should and give the amp a very old-school british kinda honky (in a good way) mid focused sound. now each of those pots is a push-pull and when engage gives a boost to it designated areas. thats already nice and cool for the middle and treble section, as its not just a type of "well, could've just increased the range of the pot then, couldn't you" thing, it does something different that i have now clue what it is, but sounds nice. a different kind of pony is the bass-boost. it works a bit different than the other ones in they way, that it's basically a EQed master-volume-defeat. that means that even with master volume dead down, when you engage that boost you have all the low end at full throttle screaming out of you cabinets, at the same time, when you all ready drive your amp balls to the wall it pretty much won't do a thing. now that sounds pretty stupid at first, but actually this way you can influence this frequency band waaay more than with a conventional eq-pot, and at realistic band levels with maybe a third to halfway up this boost plays within very reasonable levels. the whole thing with the boosts looks stupid on the paper, like why switch on all the boosts, can leave it all off then in the first place? but actually it switches the very nature of that amp so that you have pretty much two different kind of amps on your hand depending on the boosts. either old-school mid-heavy rock with the boosts off, or Mesa-Rectifier-esque bass-heavy grunting behemoth. also it serves quite nice as a bass head too, might be not loud enough in a rehersal/gig setting tho, but sounds nice....
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    already a couple of weeks/months old, but this: Laney AOR ProTube 50 Watt EL34 Head from the late 80s / early 90s Stoner/Desert/Doom Filth amp of choice
  12. Guaise! my bands furst studio album is coming out soon, check this out, i know how all of you lust for swing-jazz and funk :P
    1. sai


      Sounds good! Which instrument do you play?

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      since horns aren't recorded yet none in that clip (saxophone usually, although i re-recorded most of the bass and guitar again afterwards) but i'm the dude with the white t-shirt and fidelcastro cap running around confused and sitting in front of the mixing-console at the end :D

      thanks for all the nice comments^^

    3. Champ213
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  13. bonsaijodelfisch

    whao, thats a VERY good deal, for very good headphones! don't know about overseas shipping tho and taxes etc... EDIT: straight cable seems to be out, but the code applies to the coiled cable too (which is way cooler imo anyways) and shipping to UK is 27 dollars, that's in all still pretty darn cheap (about 90 pounds...)
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    ok it's been a while, but it looks as if the long in the making project of my Funkband would finally come to a close as we're playing a Gig this weekend i created an Album Trailer from some random video-shots we did while the recording. it teases a few songs (not the best, but the only ones with a bit of video-reference to them ) if anyone of you happens to be in or around Aachen/Germany this Weekend i'd be more than happy if you'd come by (but i doubt it^^ still hey, it's free...) Video
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    No Problem my guess is that when comparing you'll be easily find out that difference. think of closed backs like trying to listen to music with the head under water, as opposed to open backs, which are just a normal set of stereo speakers that are pretty close to your ears (yes, thats very exaggerated but to get the picture...) and yes, as Zess and Ito pointed out, testing is essential for the purchase. boss trick, compare all the heads of your pricerange to the most stupidly expensive they have at the shop and then take the one that comes closest regarding the grado-ebay thing, they seem to fluctuate in price, i think they were cheaper half a year ago or sth. but i've never seen a fake one so far. that doesn't meen they don't exist, but i think ebay is pretty safe in that regard...
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    well hello there, you've come to the right place first i would maybe propose this thread here http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/11752-earphonesheadphones/ as a maybe interesting read, particularly that headphone-guide-pdf that Zess posted http://ec.libsyn.com/p/9/f/f/9ffab659c693aad6/headfi-summerguide-2012.pdf?d13a76d516d9dec20c3d276ce028ed5089ab1ce3dae902ea1d01c08336d1c95f1837&c_id=4695668 also i can fullheartedly recommend those grados to you (not for that price tho, the are way cheaper usually) since i own a pair of SR80's myself and have so far never come across any other heads in the low to mid pricerange that even come close. Really, i've compared them to LOTS of other (and pricier) headphones, and the never let me down. Grados are remarkable. although sounding sublime they just have two problems: 1. they're open back. this is probably the main reason for sounding good, but if it's important to not let your whole surroundings know what you're listening to (say like in a library, or at desk-work...) they're not ideal 2. they are not exactly the most comfy heads too, since they're On-the-Ear as opposed to over the ear. but you can still have them on for a good 3 hours or so before it gets a bit uncomfortable. EDIT: as a bit of extension reading sai's post i might add one or two points. regarding the AKG's for 50 Bucks they really are very reasonably priced, also they come in many different colours and look funky which is cool too. as i had the opportunity to listen to the pair of my flatmate a few times now i can say that they sound okyish to good, but they are your typical closed back heads, meaning a little narrow in terms of stereo-image and with a very noticable hump in the low-mids (which sai described earlier) which can be pleasing at times, just isn't for me. also they don't all seem that bulletproof, as i had to repair said heads two or three times already (the jack to be precise) which is okay and probably the usual breaking point for any head, that cable just really isn't very repair-friendly that beeing said my grado are quite literally falling apart too tho, repaired the cable about 6 times and other parts a few times too, but i had them for a good 7 years now, and even bought them used in the first place (and used them more or less every day, inside and mainly outside) so that was to be expected. the best "affordable" option in terms of closed Heads, that don't really suffer that much from their closed-backness are the Audio-Technika ATH-M50. they are really comfortable too and priced around 160€ but you can also find them for around 100 on ebay...
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    and they just posted a song on their youtube-channel...
  18. stupid bonsai, go to sleep!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      sleep bonafied jellyfish

    2. Champ213


      Well, I just got up and you are still awake? XD

  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    Sadly they split up recently, and now put their music up free of charge... it's frightening how good they are, they manage to combine very complex sounds, electronics, weird voices and an awesome rock flair into some extremely listenable mixture that is partyable as fuck, while maintaining a circus-like flamboyant glam live-performance, sheesh they were fun This album (and their other stuff in related) http://pinokelmann.com/album/my-burqa-makes-me-sweat
  20. http://ukfjesus.tumblr.com/ this is the best thing that happened to the internet in a long time...
    1. Miasma


      omg some one should do this for the shoutbox comments on vk-artist l.fm profiles

  21. bonsaijodelfisch

    my flatmate, having violent diarrhea in the bathroom...
  22. bonsaijodelfisch

    i gigglesnorted also i think you're right about that "second round doesn't change much", and even if it does, what does that say? if in round one it's like band A has 30% and Band B 20% then it won't be much of a surprise when the second round ill be A: 66% B: 33%. and if it's the other way around it just ensures butthurt all over the place about "stupid" results and about which round now actually counted...
  23. bonsaijodelfisch

    EDIT: Haaaha, jig was faster than me, double post all the way accross the board, lolz the only japanese album that made the rounds on my ipod that isn't of the usual suspects (hurrr, checkout "the unraveling" durrrrr) would probably be the new Church Of Misery - Thy Kingdom Scum it's a uber-solid down to the ground stoner-doom riff-behemoth with the occasional psychedelic innuendos in between. i know it's not your typical MH-Material, but a band with such heavy grooves surely is worth considering for some 2013 list and i just remembered that the new Soutaiseiriron (Town Age) came out this year too and i haven't read anything about it on here, which i found weird since as i understand it they're a pretty big deal in Japan and apart from the annoying steeldrums this album is just another perfect example of what beautiful music this beautiful band can pull off...
  24. bonsaijodelfisch

    don't know too many asian electronic acts, but i believe that this tread needs the mention of Shinichi Osawa i believe he's on the Kitsune Label, so you kinda get that justice/mr.oizo/edBanger distorted elctro groove kinda feel...
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