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Everything posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. bonsaijodelfisch

    Prince and NCIS, nice list there... Prince would be my pick i guess 1. Martha Agerich + Mischa Maisky - Schumann Romanzen op. 94 1.Nicht Schnell 2. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Shuffle Your Feet 3. The Fratellis - Ole' Black'n Blue Eyes 4. FLOPPY - Pike 5. Radwimps - DADA 6. Kinderzimmer Productions - Nah 7. Kinderzimmer Productions - Unfug 8. The Subways - City Pavement 9. The Prodigy - KLF & Meat Beat Manifesto & Herbie Hancock & Marc T... 10. Papa Roach - Never Enough Jeez, that's quite un-representative... reminds me i have to delete a whole bunch of that crappy indie-boredom. subways and fratellis? srsly? also two times german hiphop is quite the coincidence, but Kinderzimmer is great my pick is Still Radwimps DADA, this might be one of my favourite songs in general probably^^
  2. bonsaijodelfisch

    hi there like pretty much everybody i love the VLC player to bits, but today i noticed something odd and wantet to ask, if that's the case for everybody. here is a comparising shot of the exact same file at roughly the same point. as you can see there is clearly a difference in contrast between the two images. my vlc-player is the latest version and all the optional video-adjustments, colorgrading etcetc are switched off, the other player is arcsoft totalMedia theatre 5 and afaikt there is no color-filtering or anything of the sorts activated aswell. is this a problem in general with VLC, or is this a problem only i have? do i need different codecs, or did i miss some crucial checkbox in the options? Screenshot
  3. bonsaijodelfisch

    instrumental Post-Rock/Metal 4-Piece "Barrows" has their second full concept-album "Red Giant" for free/paywhatyouwant on Bandcamp. this thing is Recorded and Prduced by Toshi Kasai and Dale Crower of The Melvins and was heavily featured on several Rock/Metal News-sites and it's easy to see why, it's simply a stupendously good album http://barrowstheband.bandcamp.com/
  4. new GoT... OUCH!

    1. CaRaN


      I had read the book, but that didn't make it any less painful lol

  5. bonsaijodelfisch

    can't really hear much of the riff through all the mud, but it seems to be lycaon's take on gazestep, which is pretty ok i guess starts at 0:01
  6. bonsaijodelfisch

  7. i'm having a very tokyo jihen day, it is a good day :)

    1. CAT5


      that sounds like a good day

    2. Tetora


      Cool, nice to see you are having a good day.

  8. bonsaijodelfisch

    ok, i'm just through and just wanted to say holy fuckin' shit, i'm floored (light novels is where it's at btw...)
  9. bonsaijodelfisch

    how strong are the spoilers in this? because i'm also crashing pretty hard on mekakucity and want to know more about what is going on (so far it's still a bit confusing, although the general outline is sort of clear by now), but i don't want to spoil any major plotlines for myself... better first finish the anime and then read the rest?
  10. bonsaijodelfisch

    ok, right upfront, am i the only one, that deson't really get all the exitement about this album? it pretty much falls into the cathegory "appreciate the effort, but no thanks" i'll start with what is (very!) good about this release. you can tell that there went a lot of effort into all of these tracks. there are tons of different and interesting ideas incorporated into pretty much all of these songs by every single member and the production team aswell at some points. it is also great that everyone seems to have stepped out of their comfort-zone a bit doing things a little different than in their previous bands to create something new. also there isn't any performance that only goes by the standard procedure of a bass/git/vox/drum formula. everyone tries to add something unique to it, so it doesn't become a "kyo+friends"-sideproject. with all this effort, with all this willingness to take a risk, with all the creativity-input from every side, i really really really wanted to like this record. i tried hard to, but now after four listens or so i think i don't, and here is why. ------------ unfortunately the songs in their completed stage don't work. that is as themselves, and as the 16-track combination that is this album. you can tell that this is a very new project, that hasen't really accustomed to each other yet. you can tell that there is always eclectic stuff going on in the guitars, some eclectic stuff with the bass and some offbeat drumming going on, all buried under eclectic multilayered falsetto-choruses from kyo, but none of this really fits the other. it feels more like an endless stream of random ideas in each part, that every member had lieing around somewhere on their harddrive added afteranother and layered over another. there is very few occasions, where one of the parts actually serves the other or compliments it. furthermore there then is very little developement or dramaticality in the tracks, they start at some point, morph their initial idea/groove a few times around and then at some point they end, like a shapeless form of music, that just happens to be as long as it is. no progression, no (or very little and poorly executed) transitions and very little to be exited for then. this results unfortunately in an album where very little sticks to the mind and which is, despite all its originality, pretty boring. there are only 3 or four tracks that manage to make a slight dent in my memory, but even those are only kinda meh-ish, all the rest is a shapeless blob of random noodling. ------------------- and now for the obligatory (current!) DEG refernce, deg members have most of the time a very similar, boxy and eclectic, un-catchy type of playing, even their "melodic" tracks aren't really that melodic at all. but they have managed to put all their weirdness together. to know when to take a step back and just do chugchug, when to abruptly end phrases to get into a completely different gear for a bridge/chorus/whatevs. despite everyone sucking pretty bad at their instruments of choice, through knowing and considering each others abilities and giving each other space they managed to incorporate their ungroovy ideas to create breathing and obscure lively behemoths of songs that keep you on the edge of the seat. this is the very quality, that sukekiyo still lacks greatly, a good songwriter/arranger to put all that creative brilliance into good use in a dramatical and organic song. not doing a track by track, but in general this album would probably get sth like a 6/10 (4 of that for effort), who knows, mabe it'll grow on me, but i doubt it.
  11. bonsaijodelfisch

    this is relevant
  12. bonsaijodelfisch

    i never got the full hang of doujin music unfortunately, i guess most of the time the horrid sound of the production made me back of a bit it is definitely a field that i should explore more, because it essentially is like the nerdiest thing that humankind has come up with so far. selfpublished powermetal covers with computergenerated voices to songs of hardcore indie vertical-scroller bullet-hell videogame soundtracks.... that sentence oozes nerdism out of every particle that beeing said, there is one artist(/circle?) that grabbed my attention, which is DEMETORI he is (like most of them) a damn rad guitar-shred machine, but also has the skills for a very fine production of his also pretty sweet arrangements shameless self-promotion ahead i even did a Cover/Reproduction of one of his tracks (a re-recorded cover of a rearranged cover so to say...) also i need to mention one particular circle/album, which is just too damn addictive (and the production is sort of just listenable enough ^^) and that is the one album by Undead Corporation, where they mixed their powermetal/metalcore with taiko drums and flutes and ditched the shouting/scrreming vocals to create some of the most epic and melodic tracks i have discovered in the wide field of anything "metal" so far...
  13. sending positive vibes. good old despa can use some love (they were probably the band that pulled me into VK/JRock in the first place...)
  14. bonsaijodelfisch

    so going to cologne
  15. bonsaijodelfisch

    not a bookreader aswell, and i also find it not really out of character for jamie tbqh. it was just a harsh reminder after a period of -not that ill-mannered behavior- that he is the one that basically started all this by happily trying to murder a 10 year old boy, just to protect a "secret" that everybody knows anyway. shocking yes, out of character, not really (if anything his tameness before was more surprising, but this ambivalence in the characters is what i like so much about the show ) also @zess at a show with more than 1 sources like this you might want to specify if it's book or tv-show spoilers EDIT: also, yes nudity etc doesn't ruin anything, but the rather systematic and simple "tits/dicks of the week" concept is rather annoying. i might even find it pretty offensive compered to the otherwise thought through and well executed series/episodes. that's just like putting mayonnaise on each and every meal, including the dessert (and i love me some mayonnaise...)
  16. bonsaijodelfisch

    i as told he was pretty dope in the books, so i assumed this horrible actor messed up his shit too bad, guess i was wrong then...
  17. bonsaijodelfisch

    love the new season so far, that new southern prince character is super cool!
  18. toasts with nutella and frozen wildberries into the sandwichmaker. where is your god now? :P

    1. fitear1590


      you are an evil genius.

  19. bonsaijodelfisch

    ^that pretty much, nothing wrong with sticking to be a performer if that's your strong point and leaving the writing to whoever is more suited, but credit to whom credit belongs
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