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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. "Twerking is cultural appropriation-- you should be glad that someone perfect, like me, is here to educate you ignorant fucks." - Tumblr

    1. Ikna


      Making fun of dumblr is ableist, because it's a SAFE SPACE, you oppressive shitlord! I bet you haven't checked your privilege today, as you normally should do. You have to check it every second and be aware that you are a horrible rapist, because white guilt and white tears and so on. When you don't do it, then you are the reason why poor POC, trans* people and proud independant womynz are dying everywhere right now! You are literally killing them, you white supremacist...

    2. Ikna



    3. Ikna


      (before someone thinks I am a crazy tumblrina, since irony is somtimes hard to detect in the internet: the above attck was not meant to be seriously. The sad thing though: most SJWs really talk like that and mean it serious…)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. "You tagged Kamijo with visual-kei, rose petals rain from the sky as senpai finally notices you, symphonic and 4 other tags." I need an adult.

    1. Jigsaw9


      accurate tbh. :D

  3. 『Hotcakes Butt MK II』-- excuse me.

    1. Biopanda


      Gotta step up your game and become Hottercakes Butt MK II or maybe Hotcakes Butter MK II

    2. colorful人生


      Hashbrown Posterior MK III or Fannycakes MK LXIX

    3. CAT5


      We found the blueprint for it under Amuro's hentai stash

  4. #conspiracyTheory: what if "demotape-quality" isn't actually bad, but we've just been bad at ripping tapes all along?

    1. Biopanda


      #TheTruth sadly :(

    2. Gaz


      because it's not? some tapes have much better quality than cds tho

    3. Naaaaani


      Tapes suck at all

  5. #petPeeve: when last.fm pictures don't say what release the artist picture goes to

  6. ~*~Hollywood Diet Drops~*~ --Two Little Drops, Two Little Pounds

  7. ☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT

  8. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    1. CAT5


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Jigsaw9



    3. Gaz
  9. 7 years too late but Crystal Castles are p. cool

    2. Senedjem


      do you like their song w/ inventor of vk robert smith

  10. A lot of cool releases come out tomorrow. And Sadie, I guess.

    1. Naaaaani


      Prepare for Gangsta, niggaz

    2. sai


      mode of gangsta incoming [2] cannot wait tbqh

    3. Seimeisen


      Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about the new Sadie album...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. Akane. is .From .The.Different .Planet.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      thanks. I hate JESUS

    2. Zeus


      islam is my detest religion

  12. Am I wrong for thinking Merry's latest single sounds kind of like 9mm Parabellum Bullet?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. nekkichi


      isn't it obvious that 9MPB travelled into future to steal merry sound of 2013 idk

    3. CAT5
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Anyone want to plug today? :3

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      and for a second i was believing it would be back up again :( you're mean piisu

    2. Jigsaw9


      No Peace For The Plugged

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      No, I didn't know it was down.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. Apparently there's a dating site for people who feel they're below average looking. http://us.theuglybugball.com/help/about.cfm

    1. Tokage


      finally even bronies can find love

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Lets go hit up some chicks with low self esteem yeeaaahhh!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      There's actually a site specifically for bronies, as one of my facebook friends sent me after I said I found a site called Equestrian Cupid. http://www.bronypassions.com/

  15. Attention Forum User Zess: can you confirm the validity of this message? http://imgur.com/r/pics/O8WfuJj

    1. Senedjem


      Save yourself from the white homo devils by coming here to worship white man's god

    2. Zeus
    3. nekkichi


      is it "look out black woman" or "attn white gays, I am available and willing"

  16. Bring back the vkei bird call noise 2015

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Art-kei didn't end tho

    2. yakihiko


      Most of the bands are out or almost of scene now.

    3. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Haha, does a thread need to be made about 'best VK bird call noises'? I nominate Unsraw's - Platonic Bitch @~00:15

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. bullet girls is acid punk and fantasy music

  18. Cat5 if you want a weeb avatar pls at least use this one: https://31.media.tumblr.com/d80534da7b06e5324f78764bf5aead3e/tumblr_mnby3c1rTE1rln3k2o1_500.jpg thank

    1. CAT5


      Holy catz, it's Char CATznable! Sieg Zeon!

    2. DeithX252
  19. Comic sans--you're doing this to hurt me.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Do you really try to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?

    2. Tetora


      Lol I thought the same thing.

    3. CAT5


      You sure you weren't just scratched by Helvetica?

  20. Could everyone stop putting black text on a black background? That would be fan-fucking-tastic.

    1. CaRaN


      it's as easy as clicking the "remove format" option

    2. fitear1590


      Or even easier, click the "remove format" eraser thingy.

    3. sai


      some people are just lazy. tbqh i don't feel like correcting every single one of his posts just because he refuses to listen

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Did that second 妖幻鏡-WEST- omni ever turn up somewhere?

    1. Lestat


      There's been a link in the request thread for that one for a while now. It's 192kbps though, for those who care.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ah, unless someone makes an actual thread for it it's hard to know if it ever got shared or not. Thanks for the heads up.

  22. Do not have enough Nen to get through today (笑)

    1. CAT5


      I'll send you some of mine.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Then that weird angel thing will follow me around and remind me of my interest rate D: (I'm up to that part now btw)

    3. CAT5


      that arc is HEAVY

  23. Does all of Kagerou sound like MSI or is that just XII-Dizzy?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Just the high pitched / crazy vocals reminded me of a bit of 3 MSI songs I've been (unfortunately) exposed to.

      , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaTwwmPafE,
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Mostly the 3rd one.

    3. nekkichi


      he does a fair bunch of whiiiiiiiiiining nasals now and than. here're my kagerou favs -

      their first couple albums are consistently good (if you can stand his voice at all), it all went down with their latest one quite a lot.
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