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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I don't know many of their songs, but their last album was one of my favorite releases of the year. Looking forward to this as well!



    They've added some new singles to Spotify, which I assume will end up on this album too:



  2. 1 minute ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    btw the anime series / live-action adaptation of Detroit Metal City could be a pretty accurate portrayal of the average VK musician (even though it's just about some 'standard' metal band). Keeping up the appearance of being br00tal and edgy on stage while secretly wanting to play soft J-pop (looking at you, Tsuzuku, Juri & co)...

    Oop, that reminded me. Some bad anime about bombs (Btooom?) had a scene where a group of ~glamorous~ men with brightly colored hair lure a bunch of high school girls home and assault them, with the ring leader being named "Yayoi."


    Unintentionally became a docu-series

  3. UnsraW was supposed to be in a movie of some sort, but I don't think it actually got filmed.



    There was also supposed to be some sort of glossy, hallmark channel, ~life of a bandman~ movie that I recall reading about, but I don't know what became of it. 



    There's also that X movie, and the movie with P!nk in it that Violet UK wrote the theme for.

  4. Maybe it'll sound like Bullet or Visions, you never know!!!!!!!!!!!!
















































    (it won't)

  5. I feel like there are more albums being released in the past 5 years than there have been in the 5 years prior to that? Could just be a memory bias, but vkei albums aren't super infrequent. 


    I think the scene in general has wisened up a bit and realized that releasing stuff c o n s t a n t l y may not be financially viable, especially with historically smaller crowds buying physical releases.  A Matina-styled "demo tapes every 3 months, plus omnibus exclusive songs, plus video tapes, plus cross-cover singles, plus interviews, plus..." doesn't really work today, as cool as it would be. With the internet, oversaturation and over-promotion is a very real thing and there's less of a need to be constantly bombarding people with new products when your old ones are more widely accessible.  


    Unless of course, you're signed to -AINS-. Then you get a 101 stop tour and are forced to release two albums a year that are 80% new content, plus some live distros to keep the children occupied in the "off months." 

  6. The bass line in "Cage" and "Moon-light-dance" are some of the best melodic bass passages in the whole scene.



    I don't listen to modern Diru, so I cannot attest to how Toshiya sounds now but I imagine he does whatever prog-sludge-kyopera-metal thing they do pretty well.


    Mago and later Kisaki, I feel, isn't really known for being a bass wizard? He's more known for general atmosphere and musical aesthetic that's undeniably his, or inspired (read: ghost-written / "produced") by him (I think someone described it here as a "magical forest" feel in a review). I don't hold any Lin songs in high regard specifically for the bass work, but that doesn't mean he's a bad player.


    I hold Mana in a similar regard: I don't think he's a shredder like Hizaki or Leda, but I like his music more for the whole composition.

  7. Malice Mizer - Illuminati




    Edit: the format of this post is fucked




    Lareine - Metamorphose



    Versailles - Ascendead Master




    毒殺テロリスト  -  娘はバンギャ



    0.1g - アストライアの入滅




    Vidoll - Occult Propose


  8. On 4/24/2019 at 7:47 AM, nekkichi said:


    I'm kind of surprised that bum-ass kiwi label gave them PV money for a live-limited sang though (unless they are already planning a PV DVD and desperately need single-quality tracks for it.)

    Their pattern as of the past few years is to release a bunch of music video teasers on YouTube, then release an omnibus DVD that's an anthology of all of the label's music videos for the past 6~8 months. They did something similar with Scarlet Valse's single "Flames" -- live limited, digitally available only in Japan, a PV teaser, and then later it ended up on a music video collection disc.

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