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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Every vasalla member can be found in area 51




    Them not having good image assets (note the blurry resolution for the whole right-half of the member lineup) is the icing on top of the cake that is SHUN's career

  2. Here's my really bad stab at translating this:


    Break your rules

    I've killed you**

    I started doing meaningless actions to you

    I offer you the demonic living room*










    DIE Explosion





    *I feel like this is probably supposed to be more poetic and less awkward sounding than it does in English. I assume this is a metaphor / euphemism for a sex room or some sort of demonic alter, based on the context of the rest of the lyrics.

    **not really sure if this is correct

  3. Their travel fees may have been covered by their label or promoter, or their booking fees made it worth having an extended stay.


    From what you described, it sounded like they probably didn't do better than netting even for this trip, but are using it for justification to sight-see, play some short setlists, and then get the exposure in a foreign market at bigger festivals. I don't know the numbers, but if doing this gets 50+ more people to stream their next release and become long-time fans, the pay off comes later.

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