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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. congrats, ur still 12

    1. emmny


      12 and a half* THANK U

  2. Congratulations to everyone with MS. Love, Ted

  3. Did anyone try the new Insanity Injection yet? It's up on spotify

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I like End Trip and Kaleidoscope the most. In a weird way, they sound kinda close to something Aliene would have released today.

    2. Mamo


      My favorite song was Re:incarnation.

    3. tetsu_sama69


      it's all pretty good. It's on amazon music as well.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. dimlim

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      OMG guys, let me join the drama! I read of the album being postponed, but there's something else, right?

  5. do ppl furitsuke to adele 

    1. tetsu_sama69


      You ask all the right questions!

  6. Do you guys use anything to backup files / hard drives? I use Backblaze and it came in really handy when my old hard drive crashed when it got unplugged :( 

    1. YuyoDrift


      Another drive? lol You should look into doing a MIRROR RAID setup.


      Physical is always best, but in the event you lose everything in a natural disaster, using a file service can bring peace of mind.

    2. inartistic


      Backblaze \m/

    3. inartistic


      I also have copies of certain things on MediaFire, lol

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  7. Do you know anything about Zirety? They were on the Emergency Express '93 omnibus and I think they hung out with Cali=/=gari around of the time of their 1st and 2nd vocalists.

    1. robkun


      Unfortunately I don't, sorry :/.

  8. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good scanner? I'd love to start updating ZombiexJuice again with more content, but the scanner I was using was my ex's /embarrassed rebecca black .png/

    1. suji


      I use an Epson scanner, bought it for about $70.

  9. Ending your cable / gas / electric service while moving is probably one of the most stressful experiences you can go through, even though it really shouldn't be???

    1. anakuro


      oh man i know the feeling and i have to do it in japanese too 

  10. every time you like one of my ancient posts I am forced to confront my past and it is giving me a several psychoses 

  11. Everyone's praising X for playing to an empty stadium during a storm, but Satsuki has been playing at empty venues for years 

  12. For my mystery mix, I'm just going to send the recipient a box of white Airheads 

    1. leafwork


      yo the white airheads are the best though

  13. Glory has like 2 good tracks tbh

    1. saishuu


      that's already a lot for Britney lbr

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      First two albums + Blackout + Femme Fatale had great tracks. Circus was a guilty pleasure, and Britney Jeanne only had work bitch + "Till It's Gone," which I now think is unironically about her producer's song writing talent. 


      Smurf song and whatever the fuck she did with Igloo were embarrassing 

  14. Had an interview that I literally forgot to agree to, but it seemed to go well anyway :staru: 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      #update: they asked me to come in and meet them in person, so I guess I'm really good at thinking on my feet / faking it

  15. HaPpY BiRtHDaY

    1. CAT5


      tHaNk YoU, PiIsU-kUn!! :D 

    2. The Moon
  16. Happy birthday :spin: 

  17. Happy birthday 🌠 🎊🎂

  18. happy birthday ☆ミ

    1. YuyoDrift


      Oh I like the shooting star! lol


  19. Happy birthday sis

  20. Happy birthday sis

  21. Happy birthday sweetheart xoxox

  22. happy birthday xoxo

  23. Happy birthday, Mr. 26

    1. Mr.0


      Thanks! ✨ (Loved that pun)

  24. Happy birthday, twin

  25. happy birthday!

    1. emmny


      thank u piiiisu <3!

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