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Status Updates posted by Spectralion

  1. I hate when my head hurt after 5 hours-ish anime watching marathon.

    1. beni


      Totally worth it though right? :P But I hope the pain in your head is gone now.

    2. Spectralion


      YAS! Already had a coffee and it's relieving the pain. Marathon watching Kill La Kill was SO satisfying... Gonna continue it tomorrow, I need sleep and my neck is stiff..

    3. beni


      Glad it's been going down! Kill La Kill looks golden, it's always awesome yet difficult being totally obsessed with something and doing, as you say, a marathon of it. xD Take care and have a good rest then. And don't sleep awkwardly if you can help it. Bad neck is ouchy. ><

  2. I hope 少年記 disbandment doesn't become Lycaon. disbandment 2.0 which set MH ablaze again...

    1. suji
    2. chemicalpictures


      Except Shounenki disbandment actually matters =X

  3. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      oh man, you're in for a ride

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      also, if your not already familiar with her band project "tokyo jihen" you should most def check thoses out ("adult" in particular...)

    4. Spectralion


      Noted! Gonna check it out too. Thank you all...

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. I need to eat something :/

    1. Nagisa
    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      free yourselves of the chains of natures temptation! cast away the shackles of your bodies constraints! Join [insertwhackyreligionhere]!!

  5. I really want to listen instrumental version of UNiTE's REV

    1. Tetora


      You gotta buy the M version of the release then lol, I would like to have it as well but only got the Regular Edition for now.

  6. I think I'm gonna spend the night with Shiina Ringo spammed in my playlist...

    1. beni


      We approve. ; )

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      welcome to the cult of shiina. praising utensils are over to the left, tears of joy to the right

    3. Show next comments  3 more
  7. I'm shocked with DIV's new looks.

  8. Just hours away from Parks and Recreation episode finale. I'm not ready :"(((

    1. Spectralion


      The last season is perfect.

    2. CaRaN


      I'm so sad to see it go :'(

    3. Jigsaw9


      every episode this season was like "awww..." *MY FEELS* ;w;

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Just start watching Kill La Kill... I think I've missed the party

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      better late than never XD

    2. Spectralion


      Epic. I love it!

  10. Listening again to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas's All That We Have Now. Definitely my favorites album from them.

  11. MaiDura double PV is out, guys...

  12. My addiction to ????戯ゎ??魔々団×??PaRADEiS】's 夢????る樹 is back :"

  13. My NoGoD's VOYAGE is arrived in my home yesterday and I'm still far away from my home :"

    1. Licio123


      Sure, you need to make a VOYAGE to get the CD (get it? get it? xD)

    2. Spectralion


      Yeah! Spot on!

  14. No review for Merry's album? I'm waiting here...

    1. nekkichi


      arcana's 2014 vk aoty weave is still intact though

    2. Miasma


      typical mediocre merry album. only liked the title track and the guitars on Hide-and-seek

    3. Spectralion


      Ohkay, I'm gonna check this album out on this weekend...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Nostalgia. My Lord

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      did he enter the realms of lordship? congrats!

    2. nick


      P: aww *blushes*

    3. Naaaaani


      No, only mine

  16. So, it's pointless converting .m4a to .mp3, then how about converting flac to alac? Is it a pointless thing to do too?

    1. Spectralion


      The problem surfaced because i use iTunes. iTunes can't play FLAC, so I convert it into apple lossless.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I've converted flac-->mp4 a few times just for the sake of being able to play stuff on iTunes. I always keep the lossless files, however.

    3. Spectralion


      Maybe I'll gonna keep the FLAC for my phone, and use mp3 for iTunes. Because my earphone is quite decent, but my speaker not.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  17. So, still no decent rip of NoGoD's Shikisai. I want to hear Sakura acoustic so badly now :/

  18. Still doesn't have time to download KAMIJO's new album. Any review?

  19. Still waiting for Sai's review of D's KINGDOM...

    1. sai


      sorry lmfao, I've been sick ever since Friday :< I'll make it when I get better

    2. Spectralion


      Whoa... Sad to hear that. Hope you get better soon :"(

  20. Suddenly I crave for Two-Mix's music, but I don't know where to find? :|

    1. Tetora


      I never heard a full album, wonder if it is good.

    2. Spectralion


      Yeah, I wonder too...

  21. That new opening of Gundam Build Fighter TRY :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      that was episode 5 of unicorn I believe

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Also yes new build fighters OP is really awesome, the episode was really good as well

    4. Spectralion


      Episode 4 of UniCorn is totally depressing and that cliffhanger is just depressing too... Yep, the another UniCorn appear at the end of episode 4.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  22. Twitter is down, where should I rant and lament :/

  23. Waiting for DIV's new album announcement...

    1. Tetora


      Zero Two, can't wait.

    2. ShanethVarosa


      I hope it comes soon!! I am so excited for it!

    3. Spectralion



      I'm totally gonna buy their new album.

  24. Waiting for Zeus's review of Charisma.com's AidoroC patiently :3

    1. Zeus


      it might take me a bit but i won't let you down!

  25. Waiting patiently for Zeus's DOGMA review...

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