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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. Considering something like this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/47vYCJ

    A little over my budget but w/e

    Okay, I had to modify the list because some parts are unnecessary for entry level gaming build. An entry level PC gamer won't need to overclock, so no need for "K" intel cpus or aftermarket coolers. Stock cooler gets the job done. With 4k displays becoming more mainstream, I replaced the GTX 960 2 gig video card to a 4 gig version. For the psu, 550w is more than enough to power up that baby, also that 80 gold plus efficiency. I shaved off Windows off the list cuz I'm sure you or someone else you know have the installation disc, if not then there are methods out there to obtain it without cost. The total comes out to less than $800.



  2. As far as my thoughts on the FF7 remake goes, I have passive interest for it. Honestly, it's one of those games that I'll probably buy when it's in the bargain bin. What I'm really curious about is the fact that they're going to remake the story as well. If that's the case, then I wonder if Advent Children & Dirge of Cerberus will be still canon to the franchise.

  3. Jurassic World


    I wasn't really expecting anything outta this movie but it was overall very average to me. The CG was just plain awful at times considering the budget of this film. It's very noticeable right from the beginning with the egg hatching scene. While the actors did a decent job, the script was bogged down with annoying Hollywood cliches. The characters were nothing more than just simply archetypes. There were some nice little cameos from the first film such as the DNA cartoon character. The climax made the film a lot more interesting and it's cool the movie ends on almost the same note as the first film.



  4. Well, on defense of the dragon's sudden appearance, if they sense a mother in danger, they (or rather in this case, one) comes to the rescue. Same thing happened in past seasons. My only gripe with the dome part is the ending... she just upped and left her most trusted pals? Not cool.


    Aside from that, the Stannis we knew and respected is all gone. Big props to the daughter actress who played the part so well that I had such a hard time sleeping last night.


    From a musical standpoint, I really enjoy the production side of K-pop. What these guys are doing really resonates with me and I like using some elements in my music. Nice blend of styles and instruments. Hell, I even wanna take a stab at producing myself, thanks to K-pop.  I've been on somewhat of a J-rock and Metal binge over the last few years. I like having music in my daily rotation thats a bit on the soft/ lighter and mellow side and gets me in the mood to party or chill, now. I also really dig the choreography in a lot of videos as well as the visuals. The idols and companies (who i agree can be very cruel to the artists at times) take this seriously and I really respect that. 

     To give credit where it's due, I agree with that statement.

  6. Mad Max Fury Road


    Incredibly creative set pieces. Completely focused on the objectives. This is post apocalyptic world done right. I love how the creative staff went all out on the ridiculousness. It feels like a combination of Fist of the North Star and Borderlands.


    Go see it!

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