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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. The only show I've been watching these days was Agent Carter. I was actually amazed how good it was. It started off much better than Agents of Shield. Considering how much of a slow burn Agents of Shield was, Carter gets right into the meat of the show with almost no filler. All the 1940s aesthetics is done well where you're actually watching a tv show that takes place during that time. One thing I loved about the show is how well written Carter is herself. In the Captain America movie, you see what she's capable of, and thankfully the writers fully utilizes her character in this show - keeping her strong. First season lasted 8 episodes and it'd be cruel not to have a 2nd season since there's still a few lingering plot unresolved.

  2. Only thing I will comment on about Code Geass:

    In Episode 22, when Lelouch is like "omg, wouldn't be crazy if I told you to kill all those people, you would have to kill all the peoples?" to Euphemia and she's like "ok, cool bro."

    That is literally one of the worst written plot twists I have had the displeasure of experiencing...like I can't even begin to grasp as to who thought that this was a good idea. Even if this was part of a story for an Freshman English creative writing paper I would still think it is terrible.


    Even Lelouch himself was completely dumbstruck by that twist. XD

  3. I liked Code Geass tv series for what it was despite of having some glaring flaws, mainly because the main character Lelouch was charismatic, took unconventional roles like leading the followers instead of being a pilot, and caused the story's events rather than the character's actions being resulted by the events themselves. At the time, it was something that hasn't been done before in a mecha series, at least from what I remember.


    But the one thing from the franchise that I have to shit on is the OVA, Akito the Exiled. The continuity this takes place in makes no gah damn sense with the aesthetics presented here and most of the character are unlikeable. If the writers are supposed to make me root for Akito for the sociopath that he is, then the show has completely failed to do so.

  4. Oh boy.... where do I begin?


    Shigatsu had a great start in the first 3 eps. I love the music placements and the overall visuals. It seemed like a promising show with a generic cast of characters if executed well. Unfortunately, it doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's another case of style over substance.


    The show took a nosedive for me when those bitches (Kaori & Tsubaki) forced Kousei to publicly humiliate himself. It doesn't matter if he's a piano genius, a musician needs to practice the score before performing. It's obvious Kousei isn't motivated to go back playing piano and yet these so called "friends" of his keep forcing him. That is like the worst way to develop your main protagonist. Putting music sheets literally everywhere he goes is downright borderline bullying and the show passes it off as something comedic which is completely unfunny. Speaking of that, the show is so consistent with its inconsistency of its tone. All these gags that comes outta nowhere really kills the serious moments. Kousei getting hit by something and bleeds as a result is NOT funny at all. And to add more WTF-ness to this problem, he accepts it as if it was no big deal to him. That's another problem with this show, Kousei as the main character is like a battered wife just accepting these things with no objections. The writing boggles my mind going from ass backwards scenarios to just downright emotionally manipulative. When the story pulled the slow death card on Kaori, I was facepalmed that they were pulling this cliche that's been used in so many asian dramas as a plot device to motivate the characters. I could on and on with the problems of this show but this is a brief overall thoughts so far. Reading this guy's blog helped me realize most of it. http://www.lostinanime.com/search/label/Shigatsu%20wa%20Kimi%20no%20Uso


    If I were to describe Shigatsu to someone, I would say it's like Beats headphones - A mediocre product wrapped around with beautiful packaging. I understand why people love this show, but it's not working for me. It's trying really hard to get back up on its feet with the current episodes. The struggle is real in this one.

  5. There are in fact at least three anime's airing right now that I would rank as 9/10 or above (at this point in time), that everybody should be watching.

    those are; Akatsuki no Yona, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, and Sanzoku no Musume Ronja.

    I don't even mean this in a biased way, all three of these shows are just objectively good. Although all three of these are from the season before this one so... it still doesn't have anything to do with this season being "crap" as far as new shows go :lol: I thought I would throw this out there though for anyone who might have overlooked these gems.


    I strongly disagree with Shigatsu but to each their own.

  6. Some of my favorites I think could of on top of my head. I'll list some more when I have time.




    Jormungand OP2: Perfect Order (UNDER/SHAFT - Maon Kurosaki)


    Gundam Build Fighters OP2 (BACK-ON - wimp ft. Lil' Fang (from FAKY)


    Parasyte OP (Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Let Me Hear)






    Ano Natsu de Matteru ED (Nagi Yanagi - Vidro Moyou


    Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet ED (ChouCho - Sora to Kimi no Message)


    Yu Yu Hakusho ED2 (Matsuko Mawatari - Sayonara Bye Bye)

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