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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. I have the same Issue with Grimgar when it comes to the substance side of the show. Aside from the pacing, the biggest problem I have is the obvious character archetypes. We got a very bland shonen-esque character. What, oh we have a big nice gentle guy so he has to be the brute swordsman of the party. Quiet shy girl? Have her be a magician. Whiny pervert? Ya you get the point. I'm also annoyed with the pandering sexist remarks objectifying women. It's things like this that makes it hard for me to take LN adaptations seriously. To comment more on the pacing aspect, we're on episode 6 and these guys are STILL fighting goblins? Get a move on already! D:

  2. Deadpool


    Good overall. The movie is a satire of superhero films. Some parts were funny but others felt like they were trying too hard to be comedic. The villain was really generic and doesn't outdo the role. The romance was quite unexpected and developed enough for you to care. It is a solid film for couples in need for a Valentines movie. :)


    Here's a review from Doubletoasted I agree with for the most part.



    On a side note, I'd like to give a big Fuck You to parents for bringing their babies and kids to see a R rated movie. It's nearly annoying enough to hear all that popcorn grabbing and crunching around you, but crying babies and kids yapping too? Fuck off! Have some common courtesy for goodness sake. It ruins the movie viewing experience.

  3. Of all the anime discussion forums I visit, I've never seen anyone worded it that way. You're getting the words sequel and seasons mixed up. SEED Destiny not a 2nd season, it's a sequel series to SEED. I get what you mean now but you're wording makes things confusing for others. :|

    00 series IS a split season. While S1 of 00 did had a sense of closure, it certainly wasn't the end. Unlike SEED Destiny, 00 S2 was planned from the start of S1. SEED Destiny was a complete afterthought.

  4. Gundam Iron Blood Brothers - Another new gundam series that pays way too much homage to its numerous series beforehand. It's not bad, but it's not great. The first half was a slow start, but it got better. I'm surprised this a 24 episode  anime when it isn't even that strong. I'd rather have another season of Terraformars, One Punch Man, or Prison School. Something that merits another 12 episodes.


    Not sure what you mean by pays way too much homage, but all Gundam series will stick with its traditions like masked villain character. Also, this is a 25 ep show.



    It's been hinted that this Gundam will be a two season one (like 00 and Seed/Seed Destiny) but who knows what it'll end up to be in the end anyway.


    SEED and SEED Destiny never had split seasons. Both shows had one continuous run. The split season trend started with Code Geass, then Gundam 00 followed afterwards.

  5. I probably play on average at least 40 hours a week and at most 60 hours and that's not just one game either since I rarely play the same game the entire week. I have somewhat of a system where I have a "pool" of games that I'm currently playing and I try to switch the game I'm playing every few days or so, sometimes I even play more than one game in the same day depending on mood. When I get to a point where I feel like I've completed a game or want to "shelve" the game for a while I replace it with a new game.


    I hope I explained that well...? I don't know I've been a gamer so long and I'm so involved with the industry and what's happening that I jkust have a way that I do things and it just works I guess xD

    Bro! Start that twitch channel man! 40-60hrs a week? That's practically work hours on a weekly basis. :D

  6. The Revenant

    I honestly didn't really expect much but wow it sure blew me away. The cinematography was top notch. Plenty of long, single take scenes. It's incredible the film was shot in all natural daylight and it looked beautiful with all that scenery porn, of course that would explain the 9 month shooting. I think Leo's got this in the academy.

  7. Nice thread! :D


    Here are some of my song choices.


    Tragic love

    Aucifer - Regret


    abingdon boys school  - and I love...



    Erotic (the song that makes you wanna fuck/get fucked which ever way you look at it)




    This song has a bittersweet love feel.

    Trust Company - Stumbling



    Survivor's Is This Love has a really nice tune that sounds very romantic and leaves me with something fuzzy inside.

  8. I used to like a lot of those choices on that list but the one that still sticks with me is Darker Than Black's OP.


    Here are a few of my top picks:

    SIAM SHADE - 1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou (Rurouni Kenshin ED6)

    Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Let Me Hear (Parasyte OP)

    Nothing's Carved In Stone - Spirit Inspiration (Blast of Tempest OP)

  9. KISS(feat.DJ KRUSH) will always remain as my favorite song, not only as LUNA SEA, but music in general. It's so groovy~ and probably the most erotic song I've heard. :D


    By the way, they're currently filming the sequel. :) (shooting began in October)


    I prefer to see a prequel to John Wick where he was at his prime. :o


    The whole premise felt like a video game where he's trying to gain back all the skills.

  11. So 12 hours in Xenoblade Chronicles X and I'm starting to get bored of it. Maybe it's not the game I expected to be but I realized that open world type of games aren't my thing. After hours of exploring this huge ass world, it's starting make me doze off. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautifully designed world but the gameplay gets old real fast, and I haven't even got to the mechs yet!


    I played a little bit of Ghost in the Shell - First Assault Online. It's your typical online FPS with GitS skin applied but because it's early access, it's lacking some gameplay mechanics like climbing over the ledge.

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