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Posts posted by Flame-X

  1. I just came back from Anime Expo and caught premieres of a couple new anime. :)


    The first one I saw was the premiere of Tales of Zestiria the X. They showed eps 0 and 1. Based on the OP scenes, it seems Zestiria and Berseria are connected. I find it strange not a single character mentioned anything about malevolence. My biggest gripe is the amount of exposition the characters need to vomit. So much talk talk talk talk talk and no show. The visuals are quite nice considering the animation is done by ufotable.


    The best premiere that made my weekend was seeing Makoto Shinkai's new movie, your name. It's absolutely beautiful is every sense of the word. Without a doubt, Shinkai's best film yet. The man himself was present at the event explaining some of the behind the scenes, and his english is surprisingly good! He literally completed this movie last week of June. During the screening, I didn't notice it (nor did anyone else) but he was walking around the room watching the audience reactions. Everyone was absorbed into this movie. Unlike his previous films, this one isn't super depressing or melancholic throughout. It conveys a wide spectrum of emotions ranging from sad to comedic to audience pleasing. I can not talk about the plot due to risk of spoilers but I assure you that this won't disappoint. 9/10



    Previous Season Finished Shows


    Joker Game

    Interesting show but there's no clear sense of the plot direction. So all these spies do their thing collecting information, but for what? We never get to see anything beyond that. Not only that, but the show ends without any sort of resolution. 6/10


    Kabaneri of the Retarded Fortress

    Nuff said. 3/10

  2. Wow, what a packed finale.


    Aside from what's already been said, I'm really mixed about Arya now. At this point she's truly a psychopath. I have no issues with her killing Frey but it's the circumstances and her expression leading up to that. There's no doubt in my mind that she skinned an innocent maid to disguise herself by wearing that face. And after slitting the guy's throat, it's like she had an orgasm. I don't hate Arya but this scene definitely left me no longer rooting for her. I'm certain she'll die before the show's end.

  3. Watching Sony's conference was like a breath of fresh air after that atrocious Ubishit's press. It seems that Ubishit marketing team and execs are totally outta touch with their key demographics, gamers. So much filler talk from that annoying host. They really need to trim the fat and get straight to the point.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    A remaster of the original deus ex would be wonderful, now a remake? no thank you... I don't want them touching that masterpiece.


    I dare you to replay the original right now and see how well it holds up.

    I'll be waiting on your report. ^_^

  5. I was pretty disappointed with their pre-E3 announcement for Deus Ex. Gah dammit Square shoving mini games up on our asses. Why not just give us a full game with a decent story instead of this filler crap? I think it's time we get a remake of the first Deus Ex game. That retro polygon graphics and dated gameplay makes it real difficult to play.


    But other than that, I'm very excited for Mankind Divided. Probably the only game worth the pre-order on my list.

  6. Currently watching...


    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

    It's Jojo, fun disturbing action black comedy as usual. Nuff said.


    Joker Game

    It's got a interesting premise with professionally trained Japanese spies spread out in the world but since it's takes place around WW2's era, it kinda difficult to cheer for the main cast, especially when patriotism is strong in this one.


    Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

    I like this show. It's entertaining, but so stupidly written at times it makes me wanna throw my arms up half the times. Can the adult bystanders be smart for once rather than be a plot device for our main characters to look smart?


    Macross Delta

    My favorite of the bunch. I'm really digging this show. The music is pretty good, except for the OP song. Mech action is great. I miss that valkyrie action and transformations. The romance seems to be taking its sweet ass time. But other than that, very enjoyable show. Highly recommend! Oh and Freyja is so much better than Ranka Lee as a character.

  7. Wow, so they introduced time travel/manipulation into the show. I guess they kinda foreshadowed it in the previous eps in the Ned Stark sword fighting scene where Bran shouts out "dad!" and Ned turns around. I did feel bad for Hordar but after thinking about it, I found it kinda dumb from a writing standpoint because with time travel elements now in the game, that device can hack the plot however it wants and that detracts the emotional value of that scene. Now I have no idea where this show is going now. Every plausible fan theory is flushing down the drain.



    English translation lyrics:



    I want to get even closer to you physically

    I want to get even closer to you mentally

    I want to save you
    I want to destroy you...
    I love you so much
    But you're too far away
    Our very skin always gets in the way
    Making Love in this world where the 'Negative' does its dance
    In the Passion I continue to drown,
    Save me with your hot Kiss
    I want to hold you even more
    I want to kiss you even more
    I can never love you enough,
    I feel that I'm going to break in your passion
    My heart is tearing in your passion
    Making Love... Being the way nature made us when we were born,
    In the Passion... I want to melt into you forever
    Making Love... I want to melt into your hot, wet body
    In the Passion... The dance of your beautiful fingers suits so well...
    Making Love... As long as I can love you, I would let everything else go to hell
    In the Passion... If I could hold you,
    Making Love... I'd hold all of you, kiss all of you...for all time
    In the Passion... I want you right now...(!!!)
    Making Love... Our hot breaths will guide everything
    In the Passion... Our scents will intertwine
    Making Love... I will kiss every part of you, forever
    In the Passion... I will never ever let you go
    Making Love... As long as I can love you, we can shine on forever
    In the Passion... No, we will never ever stop...



  9. Yes I'm mostly a PC gamer. Berseria looks promising but I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic.


    One thing I noticed  with the Tales franchise is that they have a terrible track record for memorable OSTs. There hasn't been a single Tales soundtrack that was worth the listen. Do any you guys feel the same? I'm curious to know. :|

  10. I'm currently still playing Zestiria. I can't comment much on the story as of yet but the problems I've encountered are mainly technical issues. While there are some graphical glitches that can easily be look past, two big things are unforgivable; locked 30fps and atrocious camera angles in the battle system. Both are very noticeable. When you see things move from a distance, the game sometimes skips frames on moving NPCs. The camera though, my gosh, this has got to be the worst camera angles I've seen in a Tales franchise. When you fight in tight spaces, the camera attempts to zoom in beyond first person making it impossible to see what you're doing. There were a few times where the camera was zoomed on to Sorey's feet. Aside from that, I'm still somewhat enjoying the game. At this point, I'm probably more than half way done since I've gone through all the spiritual element trials. :)

  11. 514eI1H2IEL._SX522_.jpg


    Returned my nifty fifty and bought a Canon 40mm f2.8 pancake lens instead from ebay. White version was cheaper than the black one so that's what I went with.




    And here's what it looks like attached to my GH3. This makes things a lot easier to travel.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Original Saku said:


    Damn sucks to hear that your experience was lessened because of rude people, honestly if it was me I would have snapped on dude... really though snoring? that's not cool.


    Ya man. I would've snapped as well or exited the screening wanting my money back but that would result wasting my time since I've already taken the morning off from the work just to see the flick. What's weird was I couldn't tell if the guy was actually sleeping or not based on a few glances and reactions. Might be the way he breathes. But even so, it's inconsiderate towards others who are just trying to enjoy the entertainment. Next time I go see a movie, I'm choosing a theater that doesn't have assigned seating arrangements so therefor I can freely move to a different seat if some common sense-lacking asshole irritates me. :|

  13. I've watched Capt. America: Civil War this morning. Damn good flick!


    Unfortunately, my viewing experience was ruined by some snoring fatass sitting next to me smelling like cheetos and I couldn't move anywhere since the theater I went to had assigned reclined seats reclined all the way up on both sides. :(


    As for the movie...


    As the year goes, this is the best 2016 movie I've seen by far. As many articles says, marvel redefines superhero genre once again. Yes a villain is present, but the real attention goes to picking the sides of differing moral dilemmas. Honestly, both sides were a very tough pick for me. Of all the criticism I had for Spiderman when I saw his appearance in the trailer, he made the movie so much more enjoyable. His character was right on point; wise cracker, witty, humorous, smart for his age. The fight scene at the airport was incredibly well choreographed. I almost lost it when Ant-man pulled that little trick upon his sleeve. But it felt kinda random for him to be suddenly entering the film and sides with the Capt without much reasoning. The introductory action scenes felt very disorientating due to the Jason Bourne style shaky cam and fast cuts. That was pretty much my biggest gripe overall. Those are my brief thoughts so far. I still say Winter Soldier is my favorite of the Marvel flicks. This definitely comes 2nd, followed by the first Avengers. I would like to discuss more but I'll hold off for now. I'm curious what others think, especially fans from the original comic.


  14. Just started up Overwatch beta for the PC. Reminds me of Team Fortress 2 but so much more polished. The presentation oozes with personality. I don't know if the $60 price tag justifies this online multiplayer only game unless if they plan to add a single player mode or add lots of free updates.

  15. Oh damn, the timing was very unexpected. Their recent stuff didn't wow me either but it was still worth listening to. I just hope Satoshi will continue his music career (especially REDMAN) since he was the main reason why I listened to girugamesh in the first place.


    My all time favorite song from them will always be puzzle. For album, their self-titled one is the album I will always go back to.

  16. Note: Not putting spoiler tags. If you haven't seen the latest eps, then you shouldn't even be visiting this thread.


    It's about time HE woke up. :D

    Now that the two dragons have been freed, are they gonna search for their mother or do whatever they feel like? Tyrion's got some serious balls to go in there like that!

    Ramsay Snow, wow this guy. I hope he gets the death that he deserves soon, in the most satisfying way.

    And finally we get to see Bran (however you spell his name). Learning Hodor's past seems like a filler to me. If Bran's role this season is mainly flashbacking, then I guess we'll get to see Ned at some point.

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