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  1. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    85% chance they was fucking while you were in high school
  2. LOVE!
    Zeus reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Please take what I say with a HUGE grain of salt...cuz I ain't no expert or any of that shit, but imma keep it 💯 with you. We tend to over-complicate things. I think the main reason most relationships fail is because ppl are ultimately more committed to themselves than anything else. I mean, outside of glaring incompatibilities and straight-up abuse, there really isn't much that two ppl who are TRULY intent on making things work could not overcome.
    But generally, muhfukkas just don't wanna make sacrifices or put in the effort. We generally take the path of least resistance. You also have a lot of ppl that'll deceive themselves and use the flaws in a relationship as an excuse to opt out of that relationship, when in reality, they have ulterior motives and just wanna do whatever they want to do. These are the kind of ppl you usually find jumping from "relationship" to "relationship". But those ppl are idiots cuz guess what?  EVERY relationship is going to have issues. Every relationship is going to face conflict. Why? Cuz ain't nobody perfect. We all fuck up. We all make mistakes. But what makes a perfect relationship? 2 ppl who never stop giving a perfect attempt at it.
    But see that takes heart. That takes courage. That takes patience. That takes forgiveness (a damn near infinite amount). That takes maturity. But see ppl fuck themselves over thinking relationships are supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows. Ppl think that relationships are for your own "happiness", but you'd have to be a damn fool to think that. Happiness should be a byproduct of your relationship, but it should never be the goal of your relationship. It's a fuckin' emotion - which means it's flimsy as fuck. You're liable to feel a million different emotions in one day, so to make something as unstable as that the very foundation of your relationship is silly. What's gonna happen as soon as you don't feel "happy" anymore? Usually, that's when strange penis and vagina starts looking REALLY appealing to folks   Next thing you know, you dun ruined your relationship over a temporary emotion. I digress.
    Relationships are going to test your fuckin spirit, and you gotta be prepared for it. Anybody who truly loves you is going to keep it real with you, and so in contending with them, they're going to reveal things about you that you didn't even know. You're going to experience sides of yourself (good, bad, and UGLY) that you didn't even know you had. A good relationship is going to bring all of this out. Suppressed trauma will surface. Scars will be picked at. But you have to be willing to face all of this. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You can't just expect the good, and ignore the bad, cuz that shit's going to get ugly inevitably lol. You have to be willing to realize that, yeah, you do have some bad and ugly parts of yourself that you need to work on. You have to be willing to grow. Your partner as well. That's why patience and forgiveness is so paramount. And it's a neverending process...but it's going to make you a better person and continue to refine you.
    So you see why commitment is so important. I mean, REAL commitment. Most ppl don't wanna go through all of that stuff that I just mentioned. You'd be shocked at the lengths ppl will go to to avoid dealing with themselves, and a good relationship is going to force you to confront yourself and your issues. We live in age where all ppl wanna do is be comforted. Don't nobody wanna voluntarily put themselves through something like that. Don't nobody wanna jump in the fire. And honestly, a lot of ppl would rather jump ship than face the depths of their very own heart.
    But anyways lil sis, I know my tone and my language can be harsh, but don't let me frighten you or anything. I'm just trying to keep it real with you and let you  know that relationships take a dead-serious level of commitment and spiritual maturity. It's going to be a challenge. But accepting that challenge is actually way better than not doing it imo. When both you and your partner fully commit and both of you look at the relationship as something you're in together...as "us vs the problems" and not "me vs my partner"...when you're both willing to face that fire together and understand that tough times WILL come...your experience will be much deeper, richer, and fulfilling....a lot more than simply looking for fleeting "happiness" in other ppl.
    You gotta be willing to make an effort tho. That's actually one of the functions of marriage, aka making a covenant with your partner. You make a vow to stick it out, so when issues arise, yall gotta figure that shit out. Cuz like I said, most ppl will take the path of least resistance and leave a relationship/partnership before even trying to work shit out. Especially in these days where ppl feel like they have infinite "options" via social media alone, and treat ppl as if they're expendable. Shit, muhfukkas is unfriending ppl left and right over simple-ass disagreements these days. Petty shit. That's the kinda world we're living in today, so a lot of ppl have no hope of actually being in a successful relationship being that damn petty lol.
    Anyways, hopefully I said something that made sense to you. I talk too damn much
  3. LOVE!
    Zeus reacted to nekkichi in Unpopular Opinion   
  4. LOLOL
    Zeus reacted to Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    Using drugs and alcohol is escapism for mentally weak people who can't cope with life
    Watching anime / playing videogames / watching porn / watching tv shows / reading or writing fanfiction / following kawaii jrockers / stuffing your ass with junk food to escape from your shitty and friendless life on the other hand? E N L I G H T E N E D
    In all seriousness though, If you're gonna rag on the first group you gotta be able to step it up and call out the second group for doing the exact goddamn same thing as well. If you boil it down to the most basic principle of 'uh oh life fucking sucks, i wish i could get away from it for a moment and get me that temporary dopamine fix to help me feel better' then that shit's LITERALLY all on the same level. The only noteworthy difference is that unlike drugs & booze the latter category might not 'directly' affect your health, but sitting on your ass watching anime all day for instance isn't gonna be doing either your mental or physical health any good in the long run either. Coming at people like this just reeks of hypocrisy and is literally on the same tier as some militant vegan with a superiority complex trying to guilt trip others for not being exactly like them tbh
  5. Interesting
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    Guess I'm emotionally and mentally weak then lmfaoo

    but I'll take my crutches anyway. life's gonna life whether i smoke or not. i'd rather be high for the bullshit then be sober and angry to appeal to ideals. marijuana makes me feel good. quotes are just feel good words that don't mean much to me most of the time. as long as people are responsible and courteous with their drug use i don't really care if you wanna blaze up or snort rocks. it's their life and they can fuck it up as badly as they want, as long as they know they're responsible for the consequences.
  6. Like
    Zeus reacted to colorful人生 in Unpopular Opinion   
    This might be more appropriate in the "Anime Shit Talk" thread, but I think that anime and manga have objectively gotten worse over the past few years (when it comes to new franchises.)
    Sharp increase in 15 minute and sub-15 minute-per-episode series. It would be acceptable if the quality increased w/ the shorter length, but most are still budget-tier. There's been a colossal increase in isekai manga, and they're starting to be adapted into anime at an alarming pace. I find a majority of isekai "low-effort". Instead of creating interesting backstories w/ character growth you pretty much lean all in w/ the escapism fodder. Really indicative of the current moment + shitty working conditions/long hours of the Japanese populace. A lot of this has to do with trying to push more and more series per season. Meanwhile a bunch of the work gets outsourced and everyone is being overworked. Of course all of this stems from $$$. On a similar note, mobage + gacha games are cancer w/ the micro-transaction model. They've flooded the market and have partly contributed to the decline in story-based vns (and a lot of long-form content) which have been overtaken by shit-tier nukige. Again, it's about turning profits, so I get it.
  7. Like
    Zeus reacted to nekkichi in Rich people in vk?   
    we probably don't/won't have credible teas on this.
    out of current gen of artistés, I'm pretty sure there are at least several who got their foot in the music industry through VK but actually earn the $$$ composing for other talent agencies, or writing idk advertisement jingles and dorama openings under their real names, or work with mainstream high-end performers;
    my guess would be on Hakuei (because he does those collabs more or less frequently and is open about it); maybe nightmare, or duel jewel members that you never see occupied with session bands that lesser known artists have to hustle with more or less all the time. miyavi did rakuten commercials, and at least used to be a good composer, so maybe he actually gets some extra money writing insipid acoustic jpop stems.
    golden bomber are probably loaded compared to pretty much anyone else atm too.
    tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he's from a wealthy family, or married into one. he's always used to be a few notches classier than everyone else in the gzt.
  8. Thanks
    Zeus got a reaction from ahnchc in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  9. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  10. LOVE!
    Zeus got a reaction from Tokage in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  11. Thanks
    Zeus got a reaction from suji in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  12. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  13. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    Is that an unpopular opinion or inevitable outcome? Some friends and I joked between the release of IW and Endgame that all the B-list heroes are out to play because the A-list heroes got Thanos'd...but there's a bit of truth to it surely? Short of adapting all the comic books arcs for every hero into their own separate movies (and even this I would argue works better in an HBO-style format) how many soft and hard reboots can you do? How many hero movies is too many? And how does one even top Endgame, the movie that's gonna be used as the yard stick for measuring all hero movies going forward? I think we are closer to this pop than it appears.
  14. Thanks
    Zeus got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in Female Sexuality and Empowerment in the 21st Century   
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule:

    Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  15. I feel ya..
    Zeus got a reaction from gret in Unpopular Opinion   
    The space race is stupid and motivated by the wrong reasons.

    Humanity isn't looking to space out of wonder and excitement at what lies in the cosmos. We're looking because we've messed up Earth's climate here and we're looking for a second chance on a new planet. We're going about this in the wrong order. Our planet is so rare and we haven't found another one like it. I don't see a point in returning to the moon because we can't make much of the floating asteroid.  Mars is the new hotness but I'm not keen on living in a bubble in a frozen desert. I want to go outside in a T-shirt and feel the sun on my skin the same way I do today. We need to figure out how to terraform a planet and cultivate nature from nothing before we look to another planet, and I honestly believe Venus is a better candidate than Mars. If you can reverse the runaway greenhouse effect on Earth, you can scale it up and test the same thing on Venus. It's easier to get to and more similar to Earth than Mars too. But the whole point is I don't see the point in turning Mars into Earth while we turn Earth into Mars, and we don't have the technology to move humanity to another planet in this lifetime. We need to triple down and take care of the planet we have, and learn how to terraform this planet first before worrying about how to get to another one. If the universe keeps expanding faster than the speed of light, we're going to need FTL travel sooner rather than later if we're serious about exploring the stars, and we're not close to this.

    I fear all this talk of the new age space race is going to distract people from the problems at home.
  16. Interesting
    Zeus got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    I'm going through my Facebook nuking any trace of my thoughts because I'm not in the business of digital archaeologists of the future digging through my records because they have a bone to pick with me, and I'm surprised by how much the ancient contents of my news feed are a graveyard of dead links. Some of the links don't even indicate what the content originally was, and there are some links that look live and lead nowhere. It is interesting how we take for granted that things stay around on the internet, but clearly only certain things stay around. It will be troubling in the future to go back and find news articles about events that are happening today if companies can purge articles from their website once they figure they aren't making enough money off of it. 
  17. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from nick in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  18. Like
    Zeus reacted to YuyoDrift in random thoughts thread   
    It's all a part of "being in the know" with social media, even though you don't know what you know. Also a reflection of the celeb life, so there's nothing new there.
  19. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from nullmoon in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  20. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from sleepy coffee in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  21. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from SubThatSong in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  22. LOLOL
    Zeus got a reaction from YuyoDrift in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  23. Like
    Zeus got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    lmao @ people who wish celebrities who don't give a fuck about em happy birthday but can't even remember their own friend's birthdays. priorities, priorities.
  24. Daria
    Zeus reacted to platy in J-rock "" King""Yoshiki meets U.K.’s Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace   
    Honorable and Esteemed Yoshiki is making his way through the Royal family of U.K. He recently attended an event hosted by them in Buckingham Palace. 
    Below, you'll be able to see more pictures of the event.
    I'm sure they were driven to ecstasy by the fact that the Legendary King of Jayrawk invited himself over to their humble abode. An unforgettable day for all involved, indeed. 
  25. Interesting
    Zeus got a reaction from Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    I'm amazed how you guys can verbalize your dreams. My therapist advised me to keep a dream journal and most of the time all I can draw are images because I can't describe what I see.
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