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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. It's kind of missing that "early DEZERT" edge, but at least it's still not ENTIRELY straightforward Deviloofcore or something lke that Way they're going now they'll either be doing anime OPs in the next half a year or crashed and burned
  2. Tokage

    As I mentioned before, maybe even in this thread, Yuuki basically peaked when he was in Core The Child singing abilities-wise, it was all a downhill slope from then on
  3. werent these guys supposed to be like... DEZERT-core or sth?
  4. Tokage

    The fact that so many people still equal notions such as 'brutality' and 'heaviness' with 'quality' is, quite frankly, appalling and fucking dumb tbqh
  5. Tokage

    wtf i thought u were a panda.................
  6. Tokage

    people online: "YEAH DAS RITE MAN i dont need anyone else to have fun! i'm strong! i like being alone" them irl: really startin to get irritated by ppl like this got dam n just admit you're a lonely sack of shit & stop pretending
  7. I love some of the weird "fringe" conspiracies that have popped up around this particular scandal too, even though they are totally off the "utter and total bullshit" scale. The stuff about the "8 goddesses/8 fairies" cabal thing for example, the thing about that one boat full of high schoolers that sank in SK a while back being part of a blood sacrifice, etc. Even without that this whole story is just fucking wild though, like what the hell. 2016 truly never stops being amazing
  8. tfw music will NEVER be as hype to you again as when you first started branching out & getting into it

    1. itsukoii


      you put it into words.......

  9. Tokage

    A MERRY cover album with new oldies covers would honestly be good as hell, I doubt it'd ever happen, but I'd like to see them cover Maki Asakawa, Kan Mikami, Morita Douji, INU or something like that.. Would love for them to some day cover "Virgin Blues" as well, in a way I'm actually genuinely surprised they haven't already done that one yet.. It feels so "them".
  10. Tokage

    Both Demons films are definitely 100% good as hell. I remember seeing them years ago and having a blast with them. Wanted to redl them recently but all the torrents i found were slow as shit : ^ ( Recently also snatched The Wailing and Train To Busan, gonna watch 'em when I actually have time and am not swamped w/ uni work..
  11. Tokage

    I mean, PT's always been one of my most-liked Japanese bands, but to be quite honest, in recent years I've felt that their looks and cover art have consistently been more interesting than their actual musical output, at least in terms of singles, so... IDK. This move back to a more wall of noise-type shoegaze sound just feels refreshing again. It's not something you often run into in the VK scene. Last time I remember something like that being vaguely present in PT's music is in the background of 影絵's chorus part and 木霊, but other than that any recent other material w/ that specific vibe escapes me Asking for a disbandment's just hyperbole based on hype on my part, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than down for Pura to at least go on some sort of hiatus (however brief) to cure this [generic PT single A-side] issue the band appears to have been suffering from since like... The singles leading up to Ink, at least
  12. Tokage

    I'm glad to see even they didn't feel like playing Pink Killer lmfao
  13. Tokage

    @CAT5It's not really a horror, more of a dark comedy with some blood here and there, but since it involves vampires I'm gonna rec What We Do In The Shadows anyway, it's a faux-documentary about a bunch of vampires living together and it's one of the funniest movies i've seen in the last few years Also dank (but not necessarily scary, more high on camp value): Killer Klowns from Outer Space Evil Dead 2 Braindead Hausu Demons 1 & 2
  14. Tokage

    ..... or is it the video that played u? ..... damn..........
  15. this south korean corruption scandal shit is fucking WILD

    1. saishuu


      I'm already waiting for the documentary tbh, this is fascinating

  16. Tokage

    ... I missed that particular interview, but what the hell. I always thought it was more a case of Dynamite Tommy trying to push them into a more Dir en grey-esque direction to get more of that delicious yen. I guess one should never forget the influence of the dreaded senpai... I knew Kyo and Gara have been connected in some way for a longer time (wasn't Gara a roadie for Dir en grey at some point or something, or am I mixing him up with Daisuke or Satsuki here?) but I didn't know Kyo was THAT influential on Gara. Anyway, yeah, that Beautiful Freaks era was definitely.. messy, to say the least. Its honestly quite weird, considering under-world was far from a bad album, and the more raw, straightforward punk sound actually worked quite well imo. I enjoyed under-world a lot more from the get-go than I enjoyed M.E.R.R.Y. (tho that one's grown on me by now too) That whole Beautiful Freaks era saw Gara doing far more harsh vocals than ever before at any point up 'til then.. From what I recall, his voice actually sounded somewhat weaker or more strained than usual in live footage from that era. I honestly wonder if he was pushing himself too hard with those songs. I actually haven't really been keeping up with their live performances since then, but have things improved? Also yeah, those old song covers were cool. I'd honestly like to see Merry do something akin to Shinjuku Gewalt's Kaizou Tape, where they just give their own spin to some retro tunes.
  17. Tokage

    Pure conjecture on my behalf, but that track always felt like a case of ''contractual obligations'' to me...
  18. Tokage

    I agree that bands constantly retreading their old sound gets boring fast (lookin' at you, lynch.), but at the same time they've carved out a sort of niche sound for themselves that not many other bands are really doing in the VK scene, outside of acts like Kyokutou Girlfriend, Happysad, Marco and maybe Monokuro Kinema I guess. Especially cuz the whole retro/nostalgia-influenced angura kei scene kind of has been bleeding to death since around the time when Guruguru Eigakan stopped activities. Basically, as long as they don't either go full-on "generic heavy '' like The Cry Against... I'll be happy, that's kind of my biggest fear in the VK realm these days, cuz the scene's already oversaturated with generic bands playing that type of sound. The world needs more stuff like 千代田線デモクラシー imo
  19. guess the jrocker: sweaty weed man

  20. Tokage

    ayyyyy always good to see someone who's into that good japanese stuff. BT, Togawa, Merry, PT, cali=/=gari, sukekiyo, Urbangarde and Liphlich are all pretty high up there in my personal faves list too
  21. Tokage

    wtf they're doing Midori cosplay now? Ayyyy bring back that eroguro & retro-influenced realness
  22. Tokage

    stop shilling comic book movies wtf
  23. Tokage

    lol so hong kong gets G.D.S. instead of the new song?
  24. Tokage

    holy fuck, if the whole album is gonna sound like this.. pls just disband PT and go solo forever Ryu, bless the world w/ SHOEGAZE GOODNESS
  25. Tokage

    サンドイッチで120分?(Sandwich de 120pun?) is the only one i care about tbh i guess suicide ali aren't too horrible but they're not one of my favs... i never even knew they were on starwave lol
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