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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    that fucking €800 collectors edition tho l m a o
  2. Tokage

    A2MR, Axiom Verge and Environmental Station Alpha have been out for a while though.. ; ^ ) I'm very interested in MP4, since MP1 was one of the best games I've ever played.. Still not gotten around to parts 2 and 3 tho, and I think it'll be harder to find the original GC version of 2 for a fair price these days :///
  3. at least u guys get..... the gazette..... ; ^ )
  4. jfc, are these people the most inept tour organizers out there at the moment? no fucking wonder the overseas concerts died out
  5. Tokage

    TWO new metroids, holy shit. i hope at least 1 of them is good lmao. Mario Odyssey looks AMAZING as well, i'm in love. also enjoying the look of that new Yoshi game, but i don't have much faith in terms of gameplay, all yoshi games i've played other than SMW2 haven't really impressed me much...
  6. Tokage

    *watches The Conjuring 2 ONCE* (esp the guy on the far right)
  7. Tokage

    Saw Rammstein today. What can I say? If you know anything about their live shows, you know how it was; spectacular, cool, lots of pyrotechnics, etc.. It might be because I haven't gone to very many concerts in the last couple of years, but this so far was probably the best gig of the year.
  8. Tokage

    imagine cali gari just covering mucc's cover of cali gari's sentimental As far as more serious predictions go, I feel like Roach will probably do one of their newer, more metalcore-oriented tracks (Ms. Liar or something?), it seems it would fit their sound. Same with lynch., most likely. Lot of people here saying Polysics should do Fuzz, but I'd personally rather see them take on Anjelier from the same album tbh.. IDK why, but I feel like something from Gokusai would fit Rottengraffty quite well. For some reason i have a feeling like Daikirai's gonna go to Dezert. If it doesn't, I'd personally LOVE to see cali gari do some sort of noise rock take on it.. MERRY would do well w/ something like Uso de yugamu shinzo, tho it's not really a 'fan favorite' or staple song. Then again, correct me if I'm wrong, but that one song they covered on the Michiro Endo tribute also wasn't really, was it? Also, in the 'for sure never going to happen'-category, I'd like to see sukekiyo tackle one of the more vaguely 'oriental' sounding songs from Shion, ie the title track or Fukurou no yurikago. Also Plastic Tree should totally do like a shoegazey cover of Aka just for laughs, but they'll probably do one of their anime OP-core songs instead
  9. Tokage

    has there been ANYTHING good shown at E3 so far?
  10. Tokage

    My interest for that tribute album suddenly rose from 0 to 100, that is a fucking amazing lineup, I can't wait.
  11. they should team up with kiyoharu
  12. Tokage

    the whole thing's pretty much just 1 step removed from ''hahaha oh no that was my friend, (s)he's sitting next to me" in the embarrassingly failed damage control power rankings
  13. s/o to that 1 middle-aged american journalist who accidentally left a tentacle hentai tab open in a screenshot he posted

  14. Just do a full revival, please.............................................
  15. Tokage

    Picked up Hannibal s1 recently, am about halfway through at this point. Will most likely continue with the subsequent seasons as well, as I'm enjoying the stylish murder scenes. I've also been following the first season of American Gods, and so far I'm still enjoying it. Sure, it deviates from the book in places, but i'm more than ok with some of the deviations from the original plot we've seen so far (such as giving Mad Sweeney more screentime)
  16. My memory might be wrong, but I recall there has been some band (perhaps even multiple?? idk) in the last two years or so that disbanded after only like one month or something like that... dont even think they managed to release anything other than mb some live dist or something
  17. Tokage

    Ayyy, another Meto/Sharaku fan, n i c e!
  18. Tokage

    News from the last couple of days makes it seem as if some sort of serial kidnapper/killer may be active in the Netherlands or something. Two 14 year old girls disappear and turn up dead within a span of just a few days and in close proximity to one another & there's a bunch of reports of girls in a similar age range being harassed by someone in a car (though this last bit could of course very well simply be a product of mass hysteria and sensationalism).. There's no 'concrete' links between the two cases yet, but the fact that these things happened in such close proximity to one another and in such a short time span feels pretty shady. Even in the wake of more serious, large scale terrorist attacks abroad it's still pretty creepy to think about the fact that this sort of thing is still possible as well. For some reason it feels weird how this particular type of crime can still happen in this day and age, serial killing in this day and age feels like something you only read about or see in crime or horror stories, though I guess people should never underestimate people in terms of being able to do messed up shit Edit: Turns out the 'dudes in a car harassing girls' part may have indeed just been a product of mass hysteria, as a 14 year old boy was taken in as a suspect for 1 case, and a 16 year old for the other one. Still, lots of very weird coincidences all over. Bizarre story, no matter how it ends.
  19. Lack.co, Clack.inc... Slack.biz?

    1. returnal


      vkei's dot-com bubble is going to be lit!!

    2. nekkichi



    3. platy


      sounds like the onomatopoeia that wooden clogs make

  20. How do people unironically like this vocalist? The music itself and the look are fine, but the vocalist is seriously Pinokiwo or Elektel Shiki-tier
  21. shoegazer.............. yes...................... Please please please be good
  22. Tokage

    please post more Middle-Aged Mom Facebook Post X-Japan images.... PLEASE......
  23. Tokage

    Lack.co, Clack.inc... 2017 is the year for VK companies apparently
  24. v sneaky of kyo to secretly insert a sample for the new Deg release @1:00
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