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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. lot's of people itt who just dont understand kyo like i do...... in all seriousness, wtf, this dude is slipping more and more into literal marilyn manson-tier lack of vocal abilities every year
  2. Tokage

    The profile photo being just him sitting next to an acoustic guitar makes it feel like this might not even end up being very VK at all, so i'm gonna look forward to depressed AvelCain stans doing some historical revisionism and acting like everything was so much better before this project
  3. I'm beginning to get the impression that it was planned from the start they have some NIN or Anti-Feminism thing going on where it's just Die being the one consistent member and the rest just comes and goes. Anyway, since aie is involved now I'm suddenly interested again, but so far Decays have only disappointed me (inb4 someone goes on a tangent again about how people should stop comparing members' side projects to Dir en grey all the time, that's not even the point)
  4. Tokage

    i cant believe september was apparently so dire that y'all had to put a kiyoharu cover song in the "recommended tracks" list also, based on their horrible name i always kind of thought bless this mess was supposed to be one of those one ok rock-esque bands but they're actually... good??? damn................ Behind the Shadow Drops also seems nice (based on the provided track at least.. does the rest hold up?)
  5. Tokage

    It was the Japanese one from 2004, yeah. I thought it was interesting, I think you'd enjoy it as well based on your tastes.
  6. Tokage

    I tried to do a 'Halloween horror month' thing too, but I already ended up being swamped by uni-related work and other stressful shit after like day 2 so I kind of gave up on it lol Anyway, recent viewings have been Audition, The Twilight Zone Movie, and Infection. Of the three, I REALLY enjoyed the former and the latter, but I found the middle one to be lackluster for the most part. The Twilight Zone's opening bit and the final two segments were amusing enough, but the first two 'proper' segments did nothing for me, with the one directed by Spielberg probably counting as the lowest point of the movie for me. Heavy-handed sentimentality has never done anything for me and most likely never will. Audition was pretty much as good as its 'legend' predicted. I really liked some of the visuals near the end. Kind of makes me want to try to hunt down a copy of the Ryu Murakami novel the film's based on, I generally like his work. Infection also ended up really surprising me in a positive sense. The atmosphere throughout gave me Silent Hill vibes somehow, and I really liked the overall aesthetic. The story itself also caught me off guard here and there.
  7. Tokage

    HATE to say this but this is actually... a good look this is the biggest "ha! we were only pretending to be retarded!" i've ever seen in vk
  8. Tokage

    oh fuck now that literally who foreign band is gonna accuse them of plagiarism again lmao
  9. That analogy still implies that the original somehow disappears, which in this case it literally doesn't. The ONLY downside I can think of when it comes to these remakes is that it's most likely to be the version they'll be performing live from now on (although recent tours have shown they sometimes also play the older versions). Nobody's forcing you to listen to the new recordings' studio versions even once - you could just skip them and never check them out. It's not like Dynamite Tommy will barge into your living room and hold you at gunpoint 'til you do listen to them lol
  10. Tokage

    Loving my country's legal system!!!!!! A dude got acquitted by a judge after rubbing dog shit on a 70 yo lady's face because the judge ruled he was acting out of self-defense after she had first supposedly chucked his chihuahua thru the air We on some Dr. Phil-tier shit now
  11. Tokage

    this means they're in their teen phase right now next release will be salaryman-kei, then grandpa-kei
  12. mfw people still don't seem to realize they can still listen to the old version of a song even after it gets re-recorded
  13. Kind of curious which 3 songs got re-recorded. Somehow kind of feel like we might at least be ending up w/ a studio version of the ''new'' Mazohyst they've been performing like forever now
  14. at this point they're really just randomly picking cool sounding words from a dictionary
  15. Tokage

    In all fairness, pretty much none of the superhero movies released in the last decade or so really deserve their critical acclaim
  16. Tokage

    this is ILLEGAL
  17. Tokage

    ALMOST bringing back that old mucc aesthetic. I REALLY hope they won't be yet another br00tal band because that sound is totally played out at this point.
  18. the amount of plebs str8 up thinkin diru's version of warsaw no gensou is superior to the original is concerning tbh

    1. Elazmus


      I did used to play it a LOT though lol

    2. Tokage


      i mean it IS quite a good cover, prob. the greatest instance of Diru doing the whole ''sludgier'' sound imo, but i still feel like most ppl sayin that kind of stuff fell for the whole 'heavier automatically means better' thing

  19. ha ha who the fuck is even this dude in my avatar!!!!! i have no fucking idea!!!!

    1. platy


      Reita's only legit pic with his nose out. 

    2. nekkichi



    3. Tokage


      wow this guy was sure in a lot of bands he must be cool as hell!!!!! maybe i will listen to him!!!!

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  20. Tokage

    could be nice, i remember the last album was pretty cool
  21. Tokage

    gf and i have been stuck on bepis the clown & the candy land army , cuphead still owns tho
  22. lmao ur just mad mamireta are better ; )
  23. Tokage

    he sees everything you're doing, even when you're not watching him he keeps count of your sins
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