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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    i would love to have a monster truck death match against Mana
  2. Tokage

    two punch man
  3. Tokage

    Another chance for me to shill these fellas... These guys unfortunately never managed to release more than a couple of singles, to my knowledge, which is a pity because they're GOOD. As far as I can tell this is literally the only song of theirs on Youtube
  4. why does it feel like everything by malice mizer is so soulful while moi dix mois feels so soulless by comparison?

    1. Cantavanda


      Because Moi dix Mois is mainly all the same style and instrumentation, while MALICE MIZER songs and albums are super varied and with a lot of different instruments and sounds.

    2. Cantavanda


      MALICE MIZER also has more dynamic and fresh composition, while a lot of Moi dix Mois is more repetitive. It's because in MALICE MIZER, there were professional arrangers and helpers with the compositions, especially for the merveilles album, while in MdM, Mana does most alone.

  5. Tokage

    i'm pretty sure they even had an official YT with some live digest or smth last time i checked tho??? maybe it was some other side-project or something
  6. I. Friendship with [REDACTED] is over, now [REDACTED] is our best friend II. what the fuck is 'conceptual consistency'? III. Sashimi Slipknot: Origins IV. Sashimi Slipknot II V. Sashimi Slipknot III: The A.D.I.D.A.S. Chronicles VI. he scream at own ass VII. ur bros VIII. Cows IX. 'i can't believe we recorded this whole thing inside a cave' X. he screams at own ass II: the squeakquel
  7. Tokage

    As I already wrote back in my status update, i'd challenge Kyo to run a gauntlet where I throw barrels down at 'em Donkey Kong-style
  8. not sure if they even have that many albums yet, but.. lynch????
  9. DAS RITE i went with harmony of dissonance on the first one bc i still feel like tetsu's voice doesnt fit malice mizer's sound at all lmao
  10. Thought this could be amusing. Feel free to only limit it to albums-only or singles-only if a band's discography would be too large otherwise, or even just limit it to trying to describe the band itself as poorly as possible. I'll start: 1. castlevania: harmony of dissonance 2. castlevania 3. castlevania bloodlines 4. castlevania symphony of the night
  11. Tokage

    Some of the demographics that annoy me the most (on a personal level): - ''Goths'' who literally only listen to that sadboi soundcloud rap shit and are all about that 'tfw no big tity goth gf' bullshit - Furries ('ha ha what do you think sonic's toes smell like ha ha just wondering') - K-Pop - Boomers who are invested in that Minions/Garfield/Ggetto Tweety stuff to an unhealthy degree - Visual Kei - MCU / Star Wars / Game of Thrones / literally anything that attracts 'alt-normies' (i hate the term, but unfortunately it's accurate) - Videogame speedrunners - Drag race fans - Metalheads - Anime in general, but ESPECIALLY both the 'UwU this anime girl is LITERALLY me & i have a 5 o' clock shadow that won't quit' and 'I want to FUCK this anime girl & my civilization still hasn't invented taking showers' demographics - The absolute fucking retards who for some reason believe in raising their pets 'vegan' just because they themselves are (not a 'fandom', but still a community) Bronies would've been up on that list once but it feels like that demographic has just spontaneously Jonestowned overnight in terms of their web presence compared to half a decade ago. Sherlock/Dr. Who/Supernatural and all that stuff could've been in the list along w/ MCU and stuff but for those Tumblr-tier fandoms it also kinda feels like the fanbase's web presence just evaporated overnight. I guess with Sherlock and Dr. Who it was more a case of the last couple of seasons just being THAT irredeemably bad In all honesty though, if we're just talking about singling out the 'most toxic communities' or whatever, you can literally just narrow it down to 'whichever ones attract the highest numbers of furries, nu-commies, incels, SJWs, alt-righters & nerds LARPing as actual nazis, transwomen or 15 year olds tryna act like they're hot shit' within communities mainly frequented by people up to like.. age 35 or so, IMO. In all honesty, whenever I see some shit-flinging or drama going down in some particular community there's pretty much always a 95% chance the person causing it will fall into one or more of those categories. Boomer environments, on the other hand, are much more unpredictable, and the most venomous shit can legit come from the most unexpected of places. I rembmer for example how a couple of years back there was some pretty serious shit going down on Facebook in some of the Dutch ''moms sharing pictures of Tweety wishing you a nice weekend''-communities when some middle-aged guy started reposting some of those house mom's edited Garfield pics on his own page w/o crediting them, and it culminated in a situation where the guy stealing and reposting other people's pics was sending out death threats, doxxing people and creating fake accounts of his accusers to try & slander the housewives accusing him of stealing their ''Don't talk to me before i've had my coffee!'' pics.
  12. Tokage

    remember when this dude threw a total diva hissy fit because critics didn't like his stupid baywatch remake? i remember
  13. Tokage

    Absolutely & without a doubt the best character in the Crash series along w/ Ripper Roo. I still really wanna play both the Trilogy remakes and the Kart remake, but the former already didn't run on my gf's laptop, so i'm kinda feeling like Kart prolly won't work either.. I've been playing the GBA puzzle game Guru Logic Champ w/ my gf lately, it's incredibly fun and the art style's p cute too if you like ducks, for the past couple of sessions we've been stuck on this ONE fucking puzzle that's needed to progress to the final chapter and I have absolutely NO idea how to solve it, also helps that there's like no guides available anywhere for this particular chapter's puzzles lol
  14. Tokage

    that's one of my fav eastern youth songs, this is prob gonna be rad
  15. Tokage

    mods please ban every user talking about w**d on this page
  16. Tokage

    is this the same Hotaru w/ the vocalist that moved on to Jully afterwards? If so, nice! Too bad it probably will never surface
  17. Videogame ''journalism'' is almost as much of a joke as music ''journalism'' is these days. In fact, I'd argue videogame journalism is probably the worst off of the two, although the majority of the big players in both fields have at this point fallen to the level of Vice or Buzzfeed-tier corporate-sponsored woke garbage, to the point where it's probably more productive in the end to just check out commentary free gameplay videos and trailers when they eventually drop on YT and staying the fuck away from literally everything else connected to that industry
  18. Tokage

    i was under the impression that it was basically aie's webshop, or did i misunderstand stuff completely?
  19. what's that ''M4. 冷たい雨~続、冷たい雨 (Tsumetai ame ~ Zoku, tsumetai ame)'' track about? is it some kind of medley of the other 2 ''... ame'' songs glued together? Was it ever released before? Are they going to re-record their entire discography at this rate?
  20. thread idea: ''bandmen you could probably take on in a fight and how you would fight them''

    1. Gesu


      I could probably take on Yomi from Nightmare. He's only 4cm taller and 2kg heavier than me, making him just about the smallest J-rocker I can think of. Height and weight is the most important factor for me because I'm very short and thin. For example, Masashi from Versailles would knock me the fuck out. Idk how heavy he is but he looks pretty strong and he's over a foot taller than me 😮


      P.S. I love this thread idea. Please do it.

    2. Jigsaw9


      pro-wrestling match against Kiwamu with a plethora of foldable plastic chairs

    3. Tokage


      throwing barrels at Kyo classic Donkey Kong style

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  21. This thread is dedicated to band beefs. Discuss anything, from the more well-known stories about messy disbandments or extreme rivalries to the more obscure ones. Both 'band x vs band y' and 'band x imploding on itself' are acceptable. Not just limited to VK, any and all examples from the Japanese music industry are welcome to be discussed. I'll start off with one of the more well-known cases of a VK musician fucking over his own bandmates, which is how the drummer Dai from Himitsu Kessha Codomo A screwed over his band by pulling all sorts of shady shit (including theft and leaking members' personal info if I'm remembering correctly).
  22. boi i've been sleepin on Kneuklid Romance hard!!!!

  23. Tokage

    wasn't it one of those spambot moments or something?
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