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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. some bands are better than other bands. some bands are worse than other bands. a wise man once said this.

    1. Arkady


      "My bands are better than yours." (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus)

    2. The Moon
  2. Tokage

    The Dead Next Door is very entertaining, I think it was one of the very first b-movie type films I ever saw. Wonderful trash. I also recall seeing the cover in video rental stores wayyy back when I was still a kid and being mildly spooked by it Graduation Day - Extremely by the numbers '80s slasher that pretty much peaks with at its incredibly groovy opening theme (seriously though, that song is a JAM). On the other hand, that track by rock band Felony felt like it legit was on loop for 10 minutes or something, was absolutely horrible and I absolutely understand why they apparently didn't charge the director to have their music featured lmao. There's not much to be said about the film itself, it's a totally by the numbers (albeit somewhat slow) slasher where I never felt like I cared about ANY of the characters even a little bit, and the kills were unfortunately rather underwhelming as well. I'd give this one a hard pass, there are much more engaging slashers out there, and even Linnea Quigley getting half-naked ain't enough to save this one.
  3. Tokyo Shoegazer are officially back baybee! The band has made their new single 「Revive」, originally sold at their revival one-man on 2019/04/01, available for online purchase via Higher Hell Records' official webstore. CD tracklist: 1. Light 2. Missing 3. DEEP RAINBOW '19 + ''Light'' multi-track data (wave files) Drums track / Bass track / Guitars track / Vocal track Track 3 is a re-recorded version of a track featured on one of their earliest demos. The single costs ¥ 2,300 and is available here (as far as I understood it's apparently available for JP users only but I'm not sure) . The single will only be available for purchase until July.
  4. literally 2 steps away from just handing out cd-rs with the title scribbled on 'em in sharpie
  5. Tokage

    i think mazohyst of decadence is probably about abortion too but i'm not sure
  6. Hey, this'll probably be a long shot, but I was wondering if any kind soul would be able to translate the lyrics to this one? Thanks in advance to anyone who'd be willing to try Kanji included under the spoiler tag
  7. wtf i didnt even know der zibet released something last year

    1. Lestat


      Under the radar every single time. Do you need a rip? 

    2. Tokage


      i definitely wouldnt complain! how is it compared to their other stuff?

  8. Tokage

    that album cover has a scary amount of 'generic djent band' energy
  9. Tokage

    Neon Maniacs - Another one of those movies in the running for the title of 'most 80s horror film EVER'. It even culminates in a high school battle of the bands type of deal between a cheesy new wave band and a possibly even cheesier metal band. The plot is a total mess, the quality of the acting is.. dubious, NOTHING about the monsters makes any sense whatsoever (where did they come from? why are they the NEON maniacs? why are they weak against water? what's with the outfits?), but it's definitely worth a watch if you're in the mood for some extreme cheese. Fright Night Part II - I don't get why people seem to not like this one very much! As far as horror sequels go, I thought it was pretty damn solid. True, the plot is a little bit of a retread, and the original Fright Night was better, but it's still pretty damn entertaining! I kinda feel like the film got shafted by unfortunate circumstances surrounding its distribution, perhaps if things had gone differently it might've ended up more popular. I especially liked the big bad's gang of servants, they all had a ton of personality and were extremely fun to watch. That 'the villains go bowling' sequence was probably one of my favorite parts of the entire film. Again, this is a movie that's just simply fun.
  10. I actually thought they'd gone on hiatus / disbanded already, they're still active?
  11. Tokage

    hopefully it's chedoara demos or scrapped b-sides or something cool and not just a bunch of se's
  12. Tokage

    i really really really do not like the band name 'alice in menswear'
  13. there is LITERALLY no difference between the Phenomena theme and Moi Dix Mois

  14. Tokage

    i'm extremely hype for this
  15. cant believe ive been sleeping on grass all this time. . . . . . . 

  16. Tokage

    how active is cali gari in terms of lives and all that? lack of time might also have smth to do with it
  17. Tokage

    resurrecting this thread just to say that i feel like raison d'etre is a real underrated track and it's prob one of my fave 90s vk songs ever
  18. Tokage

    Is that first double album just a compilation of those older 'Less Than' re-rec EPs they've been doing?
  19. so this guitar sound seems to be the spicy new thing in vk now, huh? (along with adding unnecessary electronic effects everywhere)
  20. Tokage

    woop guess i'm gonna have to go and check some of those albums out in that case (that's like the most logical progression from VK EVER btw)
  21. Tokage

    sonic the hedgehog 3 & kneuklid (i've never actually listened to these bois before, did they actually release any full albums or were they one of those 'releases 3 singles and a mini-album before disbanding' groups?)
  22. coaltar of the deepers just went & released another digital single on the sly last month? yooo

  23. i cant believe visual kei was invented 12 years ago today

    1. Takadanobabaalien
    2. IGM_Oficial


      Yes, it's been some time

    3. Tokage


      time flies,

  24. gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy have announced the release of a new single titled ''強いられた無から孔から穴へ、マッチポンプの兎は屍''. It will be available as a live-limited release at their show on the 10th of April for 2000 yen. Tracklist currently unknown. They've also announced their new tour '裸体', also featuring performances by Közi (on 4/10, 4/11, 4/22, 4/24 and 6/03) and 夷狄 (on the other dates). For the full schedule, see below:
  25. Tokage

    the whole horribly out of sync tv performance angle made me think for a hot couple of secs that this whole thing was some spicy late april fools joke
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