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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. epic i love naked girls, 5/5 ------ People find this review helpful!
  2. Tokage

    i always had the impression Janne de Arc were generic anisong-type music so I always avoided them
  3. Tokage

    not sure if i'm 100% here for the drunk cat rapping but i'm here for the rest of it
  4. Tokage

    hey, it worked for plastic tree when they ripped off radiohead, nirvana & mew themselves ;^)
  5. Tokage

    Zeiram - Rewatched this after like more than a decade, I honestly couldn't remember much about it other than the plot & the fact I really like Zeiram's overall design. Fans of 80s and 90s sci-fi/action owe it to themselves to peep this one, as it's just incredibly fun. The plot is incredibly simple: alien bounty hunter low on funds lands in Japan to duke it out with an evil, sentient bioweapon (also from outer space) in a sealed-off alternate dimension version of Japan. A duo of comic relief electrician guys end up getting sucked into the alternate dimension as well and so the bounty hunter finds herself having to deal with both the monster and getting those two guys to safety. That's it, that's literally the whole plot. As soon as the characters move to the alternate dimension, the action never really stops. There's lots of cool practical effects here, including some wonderfully creepy stop-motion animation for some of Zeiram's later transformations. I get the impression Keita Amemiya really, REALLY likes his stop-motion monsters cuz there's been one in just about every one of his movies I've seen. Recommended if you're in the mood for something simple and fun
  6. why is there some weird ugly girl in the background? :/ 

  7. Tokage

    Huawei just seems to have shit-tier phone cameras in general, I have some older model and it's total ass as well, especially when you try to zoom in to p. much any degree
  8. They're really kinda overdoing it with the whole 'anthemic' chorus thing these days 😕 Gonna echo @Jigsaw9 here in that i'm not feeling particularly hot on any of these. Tracks 3 and 4 sound like they have potential, although track 3's instrumental kinda sorta vaguely reminds me of that Zombie Paradise song they had on Nonsense Market
  9. Crucifixion's singer prob has the best voice out of all the homage kei bands 

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Yes, but to be fair that's not a very difficult competition to win.

    2. Tokage


      one could argue that that would make it LESS of an accurate homage but i still dig it

    3. IGM_Oficial


      It's getting worse, but ok

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  10. Tokage

    Forbidden Zone by Richard Elfman. I'll be honest, the main reason I was drawn to this one is 'cuz I'm quite fond of Oingo Boingo's music, but I was pretty amused the entire way through. It really feels like a Fleischer cartoon transitioned partway into the real world. As far as campy cult musicals go, this one is high up there among my faves together w/ Phantom of the Paradise. Still don't understand why people overrate Rocky Horror so much when both of those are clearly superior.
  11. Tokage

    The Gallo have a line in one of their songs about 'spitting on the peace the Allies fabricated', and in general they seem to use WWII imagery in quite a lot of their songs, either as metaphors or straight up singing about raping Chinese women etc. I have no clue as to what the members' actual political views are behind the scenes and to be quite honest I don't even really care. I generally don't invest in musicians' personal lives outside of their work at all, they can do whatever they want for all I care, I don't even know what half the people I listen to look like lmao
  12. Tokage

    i think it's just kabuki masks tbh
  13. Tokage

    ganguro ao sakurai
  14. Tokage

    i loved that an cafe song where they sang about sending all the gypsies to concentration camps
  15. Tokage

    Recently finished 'Threats' by Amelia Gray. I found the overall mood and atmosphere to be quite strong and probably the novel's best part. The imagery was interesting and even quite beautiful at times in a kind of surreal nightmare/dream logic type of way (it helps that I'm pretty easily swayed by surreal stuff in general though), but I still feel a bit disappointed that the actual plot ends up not really going anywhere at all and just kind of fizzes out without any kind of resolution. At the same time, since it's about grief, loss and disorientation that may have been somewhat intentional, I dunno.
  16. Tokage

    Adding this thing by Sharaku to this thread cuz I can't find any other info on this, anyone who speaks Japanese who could mb help shed some light on it?
  17. still wondering what's the deal with that video he had on his YT at one point that had acoustic versions of tracks from his past projects..
  18. Tokage

    why do half of them look like they were being held at gunpoint while the pv was being shot
  19. Tokage

    the world is ready for Israel Kamakawiwo'ole-size Mako, it's what the VK scene deserves
  20. Tokage

    Number Girl, now deadman.. holy fuck, i hope that something more will come out of this (and not just a ''haha we're disbanding now 4 real")
  21. Tokage

    cant believe these dudes have been around for over a decade and only toured nine times :/
  22. this kinda has the same energy as Dimlim's vanitas to me
  23. ... does Nigu (cocklobin)'s old band tosinn count as vk or non-vk?
  24. Psycho Le Cemu's vocalist Daishi has his band The ROMEO, basically just your standard rockabilly. Shinjuku Gewalt & FLOPPY's Toda Hiromu is (was? idk if they're still around) also involved in a band called NESS, as far as I know they're not really tied to the VK scene. Sasabuchi Hiroshi (ex Plastic Tree) has gone on to play in the shoegaze bands Tokyo Shoegazer and CQ I believe Shuuji 1 (ex cali gari) went on to be in a bunch of punk bands, never really saw member pics of any of them so idk how visual they were Would The God and Death Stars still count as VK? Otherwise I guess you could add Aie to the list as well, his project The Madcap Laughs was definitely not VK at least
    1. happy
    2. birthday
    3. u
    1. CAT5


      4. thank

      5. s

      6. u


      lol, preciate you, turtelz!!!

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