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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. still can't believe how INCREDIBLY underrated Lament. are, still one of the best VK bands of the last decade or so.

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Do you have any other suggestions? Cause I've ended up loving all these bands you've mentioned.

    2. Tokage


      idk if you listened to em yet but MUNIMUNI/ムニムニ are  xtremely good & underrated too

      also these bois if you like vaguely plastic tree-like vibes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJxu6cmNAmE

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Awesome I had not, thanks a lot.
      I do like the actual music of the second one but unfortunately I can't listen to high register voices except in opera, I don't know why. The range in 抗体 is good for me.
      Either way now I actually have some albums I want to buy 🙂

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  2. vk aoty 2019: weezer - teal album

    1. r...


      this album made me angry and then, sad. what weezer has become is an abomination.

  3. Tokage

    the fuck you talkin about, don't you love being #EMPOWERED? (in all seriousness though, Pitchfork's descent from 'yeah it's pretty snobbish and all that but at least they still review underground shit' into pure poptimism hell was a sight to behold)
  4. Tokage

    new metronome album's soundin nice
  5. Tokage

    suddenly interested in this :^)
  6. Tokage

    is that the mask from Noroi: The Curse in the background?
  7. at least tenten will be back with a new band within like half a year
  8. still waiting for dir en grey or some other vk metal band to step it up and incorporate saxophone or some kinda hammond organ in their music for shits & giggles

    1. Jigsaw9


      I want an alternate timeline where after DUM SPIRO SPERO the DEG guys just go even more completely mental and release something like this (note the saxophone feature! :D)



    2. Tokage


      God I wish Kaoru would inexplicably get into Kayo Dot, Yakuza, Leprous or whatever

    3. Jigsaw9


      Thx for this status btw, cuz now I remembered how great Narcosatanicos are, when trying to search for rock stuff with sax. :D 




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  9. Tokage

    NONE Keel, gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, kalavinka if those still count as 'new'
  10. Tokage

    Los Parecidos / The Similars (2015) - This was a pretty nice one. Very strong old school sci-fi vibes. It really does feel like an adaptation of something from a pulp magazine. The setting is classic, a bunch of people end up stuck together in a particular location due to a storm and more and more weird shit starts happening to them. The actual nature of the weirdness is what makes things unique. While the concept is vaguely similar in some aspects to material by Philip K. Dick, it's not something you see done very often in modern horror. It's no 10 outta 10, but it's fun! Recommended for people who dig stuff like The Twilight Zone
  11. Tokage

    Michael Cisco's 'The Great Lover', god I do love this dude's take on weird fiction, it's all really original so far and i love his use of imagery as well. wish his books weren't so hard to come by physically
  12. Tokage

    got my hopes up thinking the accompanying cd would somehow be a mini or a full album lol
  13. Tokage

    two words: HEAT STROKE i think i only listened to that particular mini exactly 1 (one) time and i honestly can't remember that much about it...
  14. some currently in production anime somewhere is saved
  15. Tokage

    I remember seeing some concert footage from around the time they'd recently returned from their hiatus and it felt like half of the music was done with backing tracks, nowadays they occasionally seem to drag in actual saxophone players and that kinda stuff right? Also... RANK THOSE ALBUMS MOTHERFUCKAS! I think my personal top 5 is probably something like Dai 6 -> Dai 7 -> Dai 5 -> =/= -> Saikyouiku Migi/Hidari I'd say 1 (the mini w/ the remakes of the noise rock songs) is probably at the very bottom for me, that one was totally unnecessary and didn't really add anything at all to any of those songs as far as I'm concerned.
  16. this honestly does scream 'band that kaisans within a year' on all fronts
  17. Tokage

    ??? i havent listened to prince enough to know anything about this, what happened?
  18. Tokage

    i haven't had a chance to listen to 14 yet, but i just wanna go ahead and say that regardless of anything, these guys are in my top 5 favorite japanese bands of all time, probably even in my top 5 favorite bands of all time in general. One of the most creative and varied bands in the VK scene for sure. Is anything known about bands/artists that have been very influential for the members? I'd be somewhat curious to know
  19. finally a vk band representing toothpaste & dutch flag realness
  20. It's those two new members they had for like 5 minutes a while back fused together DBZ style
  21. What's the biggest jrock discography you've listened to in its entirety?

    1. plastic_rainbow


      probably plastic tree

    2. Himeaimichu


      Probably Grieva, Dir en Grey, or Kagerou. 

    3. Miku70


      Probably An Cafe, A9, and The GazettE. And maybe Kiryu.

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  22. please give those creature creature members back to the actual talented frontman thx
  23. The last couple of A-sides by these guys have been surprisingly strong, I still can't really get into their first few singles though. Also am I the only one who finds it kind of silly that they feel the need to censor the actual shooting, but they're totally fine with showing off the bloody corpses several times throughout the MV?
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