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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    kinda sad to say that Clarence Clarity's Think: Peace and mewithoutYou's untitled album have both already bumped TIW off my playlist. . . . they're both just THAT good
  2. Tokage

    i cant believe kyo apparently likes david sylvian
  3. Tokage

    utafumi's cover art would've fit TIW better. discuss
  4. Tokage

    funko pops lookin good
  5. Tokage

    wonder where u got that bandname from..... ;)
  6. Looked it up and apparently Mahiro's suffering from an (incurable) condition called retinitis pigmentosa... Yeah, that does sound like bad stuff. At the same time, it would -technically- not be impossible to continue performing even when blind / nearly blind... but i feel like that definitely wouldn't do his health any favors. I'm honestly kind of surprised D haven't called it quits yet, by the way. How are they doing popularity-wise in Japan? kink shaming in yr position is mod abuse btw @suji :^)
  7. Wait what's all this about Mahiro's medical condition again? I'm feeling like Mamireta will bite the dust within the next year or two most likely. Don't really see them lasting much longer than they have now, feels like they're kinda running dry already.
  8. Tokage

    yo who did that album cover art cuz it's n i c e
  9. just found a free copy of Forbidden Siren 2 on the street after unsuccessfully looking for it in stores back in my home country for years lmao nice

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      it's cursed hun x 

    2. plastic_rainbow


      nice! it's not even available in the US, but i played it on an emulator hehe.

    3. Licio123


      I remember playing it in B&W on my modded PS2 looool. It's a very good game.

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  10. Tokage

    it's like they managed to compress every single generic yami band look into one band photo. guitar dude w/ the hat looks cool tho
  11. So did that huge tour they did end up being a flop or what? I'm wondering if Ains is even gonna sign any new bands at this point or if they're just gonna keep chugging along with just Diaura and close shop once they call it quits. Kinda wish they'd sign some other bands, but are there even any worthwhile homage kei bands to sign left at this point? I feel like most of the ones currently active have already been signed to other labels
  12. Tokage

    yall have no taste when it comes to looks smh, the weird shit is at least interesting and creative when you compare it to the boring-ass "check it out bro we're all wearing SUITS" or "dude we're totally wearing kimonos lmao we're so traditional" looks that way too many vk bands do nowadays i'd much rather take the weird yoda stuff over smth like kiryu, who have basically been recycling the same 3 or 4 general styles their entire career, for example.. for people who claim to be into visual stuff a lot of y'all are still pretty quick to write off anything that deviates from the generic vk pretty boy norm
  13. surprised we havent had another "IS THIS THE END OF VISUAL KEI?!?!?!?!" thread re: this album tbh
  14. chronicles of kyo's 'coping with hair loss' journey
  15. Tokage

    that + it being the kind of obligatory nu-metal throwback tune that pretty much all their albums since MOAB have had
  16. Tokage

    have a feeling Values of Madness is gonna end up becoming this album's Sustain The Untruth
  17. The other two rerecordings are fine, but i'm not feeling that new version of Kigan at all
  18. Tokage

    Those three + Zetsuentai
  19. Tokage

    it's supposed to be listened to on shitty cell phone speakers because life is suffering btw that Wake re-rec is better than the original x (i might be slightly biased tho cuz the rip of Macabre i have is absolute shit)
  20. anyway, CHE DO A RA vs NINTH vs THE INSULATED WORLD - ultimate 2018 hypebeast album free for all, who winnin here?????
  21. if u really think about it, all jrock forums are actually just dir en grey forums w/ occasional off-topic threads

  22. Yeah, if those lyrics aren't just a case of him being edgy for the sake of being edgy, those lyrics are rather concerning. I feel like they haven't been this candid for a while, there don't seem to be many instances where the lyrics just tell some sort of story or paint some particular picture, this just seems like straight-up suicidal misery
  23. Tokage

    Upon first listen, I'm really not feeling Devote My Life and Rubbish Heap at all, but everything else is p good Feels like there's a lot more backup vocals from the rest of the band on this one than usual, not sure though
  24. god fucking damn it every time sb posts in this thread i keep hoping it's out lol
  25. new Gazelle Twin album is so good godDAMN

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