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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. why are tribute bands still a thing? 

    1. Bear


      What type of tribute bands? Tribute bands playing covers, or tribute bands who write original tracks but does everything in their power to make it sounds like the original band?


      If it's the first, which I assume, I can not tell you because for most part it's lame as fuck. If it's the latter it's because it's awesome.

    2. Tokage


      yeah, i mean the first one, like the million beatles / the doors / pink floyd etc. tribute/imitation acts out there


      there's honestly no point to just blandly covering an artist's songs the exact same way they originally played them (but worse)

    3. Bear


      I agree. If you're gonna make a cover song, album or whatever, the least you can do is to make the track your own. Make it sound like you made it.


      Moonsorrow's cover of Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a perfect example of how I want my cover song. If you're familiar with the original you'll easily recognize it, but aside from the lyrics which is sung in English as opposed to their usual Finnish  the entire track sounds like an authentic Moonsorrow track. Sounds like they wrote it.


      You don't have to like it, but that's how you make a cover IMO.

  2. Tokage

    music this bland should be a crime coupled with cover art that good, comparisons to Plastic Tree are warranted (as long as we're referring to the equally boring and soulless nu-Plastic Tree, and not their actual good stuff from before)
  3. Tokage

    Based on the samples so far: Camera Obscura sounds like something that could have been released on Dai 6 or Dai 7, something about the synths maybe? I dunno. Anyway, I like it! Machine Gun Lullaby, Tengoku de matteru and Haikei=BGM I'm a bit less sold on, I don't know what it is about them, but I'm feeling like they're not really doing anything impressive there. Of the three I like Machine Gun the most - Tengoku de matteru is kind of dangerously veering close to 'cliché VK 'swing' song' territory at the start and Haikei=BGM just sounds generic (the bassline is quite neat tho) Hiensoukyoku's audio quality sounds like shit at the start, but i'm pretty sure that's just the compression of the sample.. The song itself sounds interesting. Sample after that sounds good, but it kinda feels like a 'been there, done that' Ao song. Getsuhaku is probably my favorite one of the batch so far, reminds me of the more experimental tracks on 8. Kasou Yuugi sounds like it's probably gonna be the token short, fast-paced track of the album. Overall, I can't say I really DISLIKE anything I'm hearing here, but I have a feeling I'll end up liking this one less than 13
  4. thinkin about that one time a dude faked terminal cancer just to have a bunch of youtubers LP his shitty mario world romhack

    1. Gesu


      Absolutely disgusting. Please tell me that dickhead got banned.

  5. Tokage

    not quite what OP meant probably since i don't actually dislike the music, but i often can't stand listening to early 12012 (and a bunch of other UCP bands) just because their production physically hurts my ears
  6. well, they've managed to stick around for what, nearly 10 years? not too bad of a run for a VK band. still, kind of unfortunate, they were generally pretty fun
  7. cant wait for this to never surface online like those new guniw singles and the ocq re-recording album :^) FWIW, the webshop also lists an album 'RENOOK 2018', which seems to be a 16 track collection of rearranged Nookicky songs
  8. I wasn't specifically talking about this upcoming Bebop adaptation with that bit - please don't try to tell me for instance that the people behind something like Dragonball: Evolution had any semblance of an idea of what they were dealing with or what made the original likeable. Of course with this particular adaptation nobody can really say anything since pretty much nothing has been shown yet, but considering how '''''good'''' today's media climate is... Anyway, regardless of anything, I'm just gonna hope this thing somehow goes the way of the FFVII remake and ends up stuck in remake purgatory for a while
  9. this argument is literally the equivalent to some 14 year old ritalin'd up music stan going ''IF U DON'T LIKE IT DON'T LISTEN TO IT DEHHH'' in the youtube comments of their favorite band, stuff shouldn't suddenly magically be exempt from criticism or whatever. There's a pretty consistent and clear pattern of Westerners trying to adapt or remake asian properties in live-action formats while entirely missing the point of the original, adding a ton of unnecessary changes and clearly just not doing it as a labor of love but because a boardroom full of suits has decided it must be so - that shit already dates back to that one live-action DBZ adaptation that was made years ago, that new Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, that Oldboy adaptation that came out somewhere in the last couple years, etc. People totally are and totally should be allowed to be unhappy when something they like is taken and essentially fucked up by people who have no understanding of it. Of course the originals will always continue to exist, and nobody is barring anyone from watching those, but considering how close-minded many average Westerners still are when it comes to watching anything in a foreign language with subtitles or whatever, it's going to be a given that people are gonna latch on to the westernized remake, and it's gonna be pushed down people's throats until the hype dies down
  10. Tokage

    Picked up Inside No. 9 and it's been incredibly entertaining so far, highly recommended if you're into anthology series more than serialized stuff. Dark comedy stuff occasionally veering into straight-up horror territory.
  11. would be epic, if we went back to that tribe of indigenous people who killed that american missionary and introduced them to KAWAII JROCKERS \m/ \m/ 

    1. nick


      They would shoot arrows through your Kawaii J-Rockers' CD as a warning when you got there.

    2. Tokage


      the arrows will go straight through the holes in the middle and thereby symbolize ETERNAL PEACE AND JROCKER UNITY 

    3. nekkichi


      hide ur kidz


      hide ur womynz

  12. Even most of the live-action adaptations done by the Japanese themselves in recent years have looked like cheap and gaudy shit, so I can't say I have high hopes when Netflix / Hollywood of all fucking things are getting involved with it. I guess the creativity has run so dry that they have to start doubling down on anime adaptations now? Video game fans, beware - you're next. (absolutely can't wait for the inevitable demographics to start up a shitstorm about the original somehow being 'problematic' or whatever in the run up to the new adaptation either)
  13. Tokage

    i actually remember listening to some stuff by Musta Paraati at some point and enjoying it, have never heard of the other one before though, will have to look into 'em too!
  14. Tokage

    just dropping in to say that 2nd band kicks ass
  15. love to see the vk fandom being open-minded as usual to anything that isn't a black suit or a kimono this is basically just a cali gari look tbh
  16. this goatbed song is weird



    1. leafwork


      wait is this the Elektronik Supersonik guy

  17. hey whatever the hell happened to that weird visual kei app thing yohio was supposed to be involved in some time ago?
  18. Tokage

    Tricot's popularity isn't connected to the Babymetal wave at all, I feel like they've always been pretty well-liked and respected by people in the math rock sphere. To me they feel like they're more like one of those Japanese non-VK bands that just inexplicably (and perhaps even rather arbitrarily) gets semi-popular among westerners, something along the line of Melt Banana, Polysics, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, Bo Ningen and such Also, wait, Band Maid aren't a vocaloid band? I always thought it was just another vocaloid doujin project
  19. Is the member on the top right in the group pic an actual girl or just a dude doing the whole 'token girly member' thing? (I mean it wouldnt be the first time a shironuri band's got a female member...)
  20. Tokage

    Imagine the budget
  21. Tokage

    god i wish they'd stop trying to go for the 'epic anthemic chorus' thing so often nowadays.. The intro and that section around 1:50 in sheeple are both great tho
  22. Tokage

    Title track is the best thing on the new album imo, but the whole thing's good. Japanese singing and the kinda 'throat singing'-type parts are dope as well
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