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Tokage last won the day on February 5

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About Tokage

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    did you know that even with seatbelts people die all the time in
  • Birthday 11/22/1992

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    car crashes? i thought that was interesting
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  1. this whole turkey v holland fight is fuckin dumb & hilarious, but the best part was when a bunch of dumbass turks decided they wanted to burn the dutch flag in protest & accidentally burned the french one 

    1. WhirlingBlack


      The funniest part is that the authoritarian leader of Turkey who is in the process of increasing his own personal power at the cost of democracy is accusing the Netherlands of fascism for denying his ministers to speak in their country. Why supposedly dutch people of Turkish descent should care about the election and especially vote for Erdogan is unclear.

    2. Tokage


      That accusation of fascism/nazism becomes even more baffling when you take into account  that several protesting (pro-Erdogan) turks in the netherlands started derogatorily shouting 'jew' at police officers & doing the nazi salute 


    3. Lestat


      There is hardly anything amusing about this feud. They care about the election because they do not approve of our laws, language, culture and religion and only think of their own country, and / or warping ours to their own hand. Well, then go back home and leave the most diverse and culturally accepting country in all of the European Union. They do not think of themselves as Dutch, they think of themselves as Turks only. Let's hope tomorrow changes this all, I know who gets my vote.

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