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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. Sister went to the hospital this morning to deliver babby. Shall henceforth be known as unclepanda.

    1. paradoxal


      awwww, congrats bro! :D

    2. colorful人生


      congrats on new babby

  2. Six orders through my store and it's only been one day @_@ You guys are awesome.

    1. Biopanda


      Awesome :3 There will hopefully be plenty of new stuff added on Friday as well~

    2. Thedane


      Sweet, I'll look through everything on friday.

    3. Biopanda
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  3. So entertaining to see people get so irrationally angry after Felicia Day was confirmed for the new MST3K. So many butthurt gaymergater tears :')

  4. So I just listened to SuG latest single and... is all their stuff this good? @_@ They remind me of a modern take on some of the late 90s/early 00s oshare bands and that's awesome. Gettin' some strong Suzzy&Caroline vibes ex.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Supposedly their departure from PSC was the best thing they ever did musically and Presty has a music man boner for them

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      headquarters, we lost biopanda...

    3. nekkichi


      we lost biopanda [2]

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  5. So I may have just bought nearly 600 things for RarezHut... whoops :v

    1. Biopanda


      :3 I'll give deets when the shipment is on its way and then you guys can fight like rabid dogs/fangirls/fandogs/doggirls
    2. Valicious


      I'll be manning the chat and taking orders. Please be gentle ;3

    3. Shmilly


      Oh God time zones -prays I am awake and not busy-

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  6. So I was browsing through an old Cure mag and well... http://i.imgur.com/sjTq8gH.jpg I ship it.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that the gold digger bald drummer or am I thinking of a different person

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      isnt it the drummer from noiz?

    3. Biopanda


      it's the drummers from noiz and codomo A

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  7. So I was flipping through some old VK mags my girlfriend gave me and this poster was tucked away in one of them. http://i.imgur.com/rqxZIyQ.jpg I want to put it on my wall so I can be like "No MOM I'm not gay it's called art GOSH!"

  8. So I'm like $80 short for my FromJapan charge 2 payment because I'm an idiot :v If anyone wants to buy some stuff with a nice discount, just hit me up!

  9. So links to MH pages via google searches send me to porn sites instead. Thanks for letting me know I can FUCK FREE ALBUQUERQUE SINGLES TONIGHT, guys.

    1. diamondAss


      wow :D a constant reminder of what you can do XDD

    2. Biopanda


      feels good man

    3. Slsr


      Also noticed it to extend but actually my virus program didn't let me open the site so didn't know what it was : ..

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  10. some time i wonder if i

  11. Sony conference: fucking dead.

  12. Sorry everyone for the delays in sending out shipping quotes for the RarezHut livestream orders. Some really huge things came up, so I'm having to split my time, but rest assured that they ARE being worked on. Packing up 300+ CDs takes a lot of time ;w;

  13. strange request, but does anyone have an invite for cinemageddon?

    1. Bear


      If someone has two, give me one as well. Been looking for an invite since forever now.

    2. Tokage


      same here, used to have an account but i guess it got purged a while ago due to inactivity... :///

  14. Thanks a ton to all who showed up at today's RarezHut livestream! I've said it a million times before, but I'll say it again: You're all the bestest <3 We couldn't do what we do without you all, so it means the world to us :3 Anyways, we hope to see everyone next weekend for the conclusion of this month's stream.

  15. Thanks adblock for letting me block the silly li'l bat images, now I can browse in peace :'3

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Doesn't work for me :/

    2. Biopanda


      Had to click on adblock and "block an ad on this page" and then catch one of the li'l bats which was surprisingly hard

    3. yakihiko


      If you had a pokeball would be easier.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  16. Thanks again everyone for coming to today's RarezHut livestream! You're all beautiful and I love all of your cute li'l faces <3 Hope to see most of you back tomorrow for the "mini" stream~

    1. rekzer


      i can't make it tomorrow cuz of work :< but im happy with my purchases today :3 <3

  17. Thanks again everyone who showed up for our first RarezHut stream! You guys are beautiful and amazing and I love you guys. Now I'm gonna go eat some pizza and die until tomorrow's stream <3

    1. Biopanda


      It'll be happening again in about an hour and a half, shinobu. We've still got over 300 items to unbox.

    2. shinobu.


      What's the link to it? :D

    3. Show next comments  24 more
  18. Thanks again for another successful RarezHut stream! I love every one of you with your beautiful eyes and hair and hope to see you all tomorrow <3

  19. Thanks again to all my li'l cuties for showing up to this weekend's RarezHut stream! We couldn't possibly do the stuff we love without y'all <333

  20. Thanks again to all of my lovely li'l babus for showing up to the last day of this month's RarezHut livestream! Hang tight and we'll be posting the results of the raffle soon!

  21. Thanks again to all you beautiful, beautiful people for showing up to today's RarezHut livestream <333

  22. Thanks again to all you lovely people who showed up for this weekend's RarezHut stream <3

  23. that face when an idol group steals your roommate's music

  24. That feel when you spend a good chunk of money on a live distributed CD/DVD only to find out it was a comment :|

    1. Biopanda


      Yea ;/ took a leap of faith and spent like $20 on a DecoLa Hopping CD and DVD just to find out the DVD was a comment and the CD was a weird drama thing

    2. hiroki


      i did the same for a BFN distro and found that it's just samples of songs they've released after -_-

    3. xriko


      did same with gossip CD x)

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  25. That moment when you realize DADAROMA ripped off another band. #embarrassed

    1. togz


      hahahahaha. KLACK IS MY JAM OK.

    2. saishuu


      lmao this iconic PV

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