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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9u5cooCMAAza8a.jpg:large rated 11/10 VK butts best VK butt of 2015
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Adore Delano lost a lot of weight

    2. beni


      XD I clicked again, lol. Deserves that place, defo.

  2. I hope this album is about them VIDYA GAYMES
  3. Why would she need to make up a lie like that though? Just take a cue from the VK scene and state "musical differences" then nobody will question you.
  4. Whaaaat. There's a VK mobile card game? http://visual-crusade.com/

    1. hiroki


      hahah interesting :D

    2. JRD


      Check your inbox panda D:

  5. Biopanda

    I WHIP OUT MY BANANA KATANA (this is a dick euphemism)
  6. Whaaaaat?! That has to be a joke, right? XD Oh wait... it's Souiumono so of course it's a joke :v Waiting for some gazettecore parody realness.
  7. Biopanda

    Let's fight.
  8. Biopanda

    On the other hand, Twix probably loves it.
  9. Whelp. Seems like my 4 TB hard drive is taking the piss. Lovely.

  10. Biopanda

    Well I guess if you were on a forum that was mostly dedicated to engineers, then people might use the term "non-engineers". It's a bit silly, yeah, but it's all comes down to context.
  11. Yeah, that video is just about the free oneman live and not the single.
  12. Sounds really good~ Preordered my copy already
  13. The latest update is live on www.rarezhut.net! We've added well over 100 CDs this time around~

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      some of good cd but shipping is too expensive :/

    2. Biopanda


      Can't do anything about the shipping, unfortunately :( Shipping overseas just tends to add up really quickly.

  14. It seems there were some issues with the server, but according to the latest status update they've fixed it. The site is loading fine for me, so I'll assume it's working in general now.
  15. Hello my little lovelies~ So I just put up a new RarezHut update with like a billion CDs! You can check out the list of new items via the newsletter or the Newly Added Items page. Updates should be coming on a more-or-less weekly basis now, since I have a whole lot more free time(benefits of getting dumped, eh?). Anyways, check it out and be a cool dude and buy some stuff onegaishimasu <3
  16. Guess what? A new RarezHut update is (finally) coming within the next hour!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      gdi panda I just spent all my money on kammyju

    2. Biopanda


      Whoops :v Well the update is out now anyways, so maybe you can drool or something in the meantime. Or rob a bank. Or rob Kamijo.

    3. Slsr
  17. Sweeeet <3 Hope they have a new PV to go along with this, since all of their previous PVs have been amazing.
  18. Biopanda

    Shots fired.
  19. Biopanda

    110% this. It's a real surprise to me that they're not a lot bigger than they are, because pretty much every one of their releases has totally slayed.
  20. Holy crap... Suiya updated her blog for the first time in nearly two years @_@ Seems she's doing a live on the 14th. I really REALLY hope this means she'll be coming back with a new band soon :x

  21. omg cryin' so hard over here. I stumbled upon an obscure used VK store and they happened to have a cheap copy of an album I've been trying to find for nearly 9 years now ;w;

    1. Biopanda


      @hiroki, you can check their twitter page https://twitter.com/aduma8 they post a list of the bands with new items whenever they update

    2. hiroki


      oh wow ok, didn't know that. thanks! ^^

    3. stylelover


      i hate when i find only one good thing in a store D:

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  22. Biopanda

    I'm assuming that's why they dropped it. It wouldn't really have fit at all in any of their releases.
  23. Biopanda

    I thought they had another, but I guess I was thinking of Bondage. BTW: if you wanted to know what Grieva would have sounded like if they took their influences from some of the more punk VK bands of the 90s...
  24. Biopanda

    I really wonder if they're ever going to release some of the old songs that never made the cut. I was looking through their setlists and it seems that THE Suicide☆$how Time hasn't been played since 2012. I mean... it was the least grieva-like grieva song, but it would still be cool to hear a studio version at some point
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