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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Just a friendly reminder that we've got a 10% sale going on until the 20th over on www.rarezhut.net. Just use the code SOCIALSALE10 at checkout!

  2. I still wonder what the gaijin's MH username is
  3. RarezHut finally has its very own facebook and tumblr pages! To celebrate this, we're holding a 10% off everything sale! Check out the thread for more details :3

    1. tetsu_sama69
    2. Biopanda


      Hopefully people actually take advantage of the sale this time since last time I ran a sale, there were only 2 orders :'D

    3. PsychoΔelica


      I wish you had the albums I want :(

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  4. So we've finally joined the 21st century and started a facebook and tumblr! You can follow us on either(or both if you really love us <3) for product spotlights, updates, corgi pictures and more! To celebrate this, we're running a special 10% off sale from now(3/13) until next week Friday(3/20). To get in on this sale, just enter the code SOCIALSALE10 at checkout and you'll be on your way to (even) cheaper rarez in no time! In addition, I'd like to welcome Rob(robkun) to the RarezHut team! He's been a huge supporter of our store since the very beginning and we're honored to have him as part of the staff! He'll be writing the product spotlights on both our facebook and tumblr pages, so definitely go check them out because they're really awesome We've got some other cool stuff coming up around the end of the month, so more details will be coming on that once plans are hashed out.
  5. Biopanda

    Yeah, that's the unfortunate part. There's been plenty of times where I wanted to support multiple bands, but obviously you can only say one band at the door. I just tried to support the others with buying goods and stuff when I could.
  6. Biopanda

    The way I've always seen it has partially something to do with Japanese work culture. Every person I know who works in Japan(therefor has money to blow on a million cheki and other goods), might be lucky to have the free time to attend 1 live a week due to the brutal work hours there. By offering something that's live-limited, you're giving that person a reason to go to your live instead of the 10 other lives or whatever that are happening on that same day. Also realize that bands get paid according to how many people enter the venue and say they came for band X(at least in event lives). It doesn't matter if 1000 people showed up for a live, if nobody said they came for band X, then they get no money. So offering live-limited things is another way to get people to say they came for your band and not one of the other bands at the event.
  7. Well it really just depends what we have in stock when I'm putting together an update. We're receiving new stuff all the time(just this month alone, we'll have gotten over 250 new items in stock), so what I'll choose changes. I tend to select things in a loose chronological order, cherry-picking things that I think are interesting and have a chance of selling and mixing in some "filler" items. As far as actually selecting what to import from Japan, that really all just comes down to what sorts of deals I can find. I tend to try and find people who are selling off their collections, since those usually get you the best price per item. As far as those two bands go, I'll definitely keep an eye out for ya I do have one xTRiPx item in stock at the moment, but it's something newer.
  8. RIP Terry Pratchett :< 2015 is a bad year to be a nerd, it seems.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Sorry If I didn't know some author...

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      idk who he is either, nor have I read anything he's written wow this guy doesnt even wear makeup or dresses [2]

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      But, sad to see someone pass + for his fans and family.

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  9. I'd like to give a big round of applause to the mod team. Congrats!

  10. Biopanda

    Honestly, I'd just have them hold your package at a FedEx location. You can do that from the tracking page and it gets all of the BS out of the way.
  11. Nice. I'm totally down with any VK band that mixes Japanesque elements into their music.
  12. Biopanda

    Didn't the last person this happened to just end up waking up on someone's couch with a massive hangover?
  13. Whoops! I thought I had, but I guess I just included them on the DVD in your package. I'll do that for you tonight
  14. That feel when you spend a good chunk of money on a live distributed CD/DVD only to find out it was a comment :|

    1. Biopanda


      Yea ;/ took a leap of faith and spent like $20 on a DecoLa Hopping CD and DVD just to find out the DVD was a comment and the CD was a weird drama thing

    2. hiroki


      i did the same for a BFN distro and found that it's just samples of songs they've released after -_-

    3. xriko


      did same with gossip CD x)

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  15. As far as I know, there were 3 other versions of the tapes. The tapes were also released together in a box set that came with matching covers for one of the members, a sticker and a signed photo. I somehow ended up with 3 of these box sets, each for a different member XD
  16. Biopanda

    Most of that stuff probably won't be going on RarezHut quite yet. You can see a little bit of a stack of CDs in the corner of the picture, that's part of a stack of 150 or so CDs that are in the queue to be added next XD
  17. Biopanda

    Blame Para, it's all her doing.
  18. Biopanda

    Any TRUE fan would buy 21 copies of the CD to get all of the bonuses, of course.
  19. Biopanda

    sup. 3/10 not showing off nose piercing
  20. Poor guys I'd at least stand in the 2nd row for them lol
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