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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    If he brings back qiche, I'll be pretty damn happy
  2. Biopanda

    Bummer :<
  3. Ugh :/ The whole storm thing is delaying fedex packages. RIP my life.

    1. Senedjem


      cant argue w/ the storm gods

    2. Biopanda


      Unfortunately the storm is nowhere near here or where the package is :< Fedex is just butts.

    3. Senedjem


      any excuse for a day off tbh

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  4. It's the same one XD Though obviously the rip that comes with the copy from RarezHut is like a million times better ;x
  5. Biopanda

    please please please please please
  6. Bidding wars against other fromjapan users is no fun ;/ Stop trying to keep me from my rarez ;w;

    1. Keiyuu


      But hyuu, you said you'll get this one for me ;o;

    2. hyura


      I'll get you another one ._.

    3. Biopanda


      Mufufu I'll get all the rarez~~

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  7. No idea, honestly. It's not written anywhere on the case and the only titles on the video itself are just the band names.
  8. New RarezHut update is live on the site! We've added a ton of VHS tapes and cassettes to quench your old-school thirst! As usual, you can check out what's new on the newsletter or via the 'Newly added items' page.
  9. :DOGALARM: New RarezHut update is live! We've added 31 VHS tapes and 50 cassettes, so have at 'em! :DOGALARM:

    1. Biopanda


      Nice picks :v I knew that MARY RUE tape wasn't going to last the night XD

    2. Senedjem


      yeah dude I saw that and I was like HWWOAAAHGHOD ADD TO CART MOTHERFUKER

    3. Keiyuu


      Aww MARY RUE, would have bought that one :'< I hope a good pandarip will surface on MH at least.

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  10. Biopanda

    Niiiiice. I remember them being pretty good from what little I've heard.
  11. So does this mean they're back again? I assumed they disbanded since their blogs hadn't been updated in months, so that's good news if so
  12. Biopanda

    Holy crap @_@ I didn't think I'd see anyone from Anetto showing back up on the scene. Also: holy fuck that girl is br00tal. The song kinda reminds me of something by Pentagon as well, which isn't bad at all.
  13. Damn that au revoir cover sounds so on point
  14. I think crowdfunding can definitely be done right. A while ago the VK band Lacroix Despheres started up an indiegogo campaign for their 3rd album. It was going to be released either way, but they were raising money in order to increase the album budget and hopefully work with Video Game Orchestra to get a live orchestra on their new album. I ended up tossing in $35 to get a signed CD and some goodies, which I though was a pretty fair price. Unfortunately overseas VK fans are uber cheap and they only got a total of 33 backers with an average amount of about $35 per person totaling up to $1140(with ~$6131 donated through the Japanese crowdfunding site MotionGallery). Now they didn't end up hitting their goals to record with a live orchestra. I guess you could say that the campaign "failed", but they still get that money to help increase the production values, which is good. The way I look at crowd-funding stuff like this is just a glorified pre-order system where you get to choose your own pre-order bonus. I think it's a great system for smaller bands who can't get the backing of labels, but still want to do the best that they can. Honestly, I would absolutely love it if more indie VK bands would jump on the bandwagon.
  15. Beautiful.
    1. Gaz


      is that also robkun's account?

  16. Yessssss! Also, he's an LPer now as well? lol
  17. Biopanda

    It was the clowns :v
  18. Biopanda

    shh your secret is safe with us, フライパン姫
  19. Biopanda

    Should I really just list CAT5 10 times? <3 u bbcatte
  20. Biopanda

    welcome back, frypan-sama <3
  21. Biopanda

    brb suicide
  22. Biopanda

    Fellow clown porn lover spotted.
  23. Biopanda

    The heart of every MH member <3
  24. Biopanda

  25. So I'm like $80 short for my FromJapan charge 2 payment because I'm an idiot :v If anyone wants to buy some stuff with a nice discount, just hit me up!

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