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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    D'ERLANGER will release a new album on May 22nd called #Sixx. It's their sixth album, first in almost four years, and also their first release under Warner Music Japan. It'll include some songs that have been played live, such as Beast in Me, Crimson Crow and My lips to overlip your lips, plus more for a total of 10 tracks. Limited edition will include live acoustic versions of Beast in Me, Zakuro and LULLABY. Source Excited!
  2. saishuu

    Well, that sounded interesting. I thought I was listening to Animals as Leaders for a second. lol I know they kind of have the looks, but they're not involved in the VK scene, right? At least it doesn't seem to be considering who they're playing with.
  3. saishuu

    That's a great band name. And the two songs sound good! Thanks for the heads up, will check them out.
  4. saishuu

    That's all I care about. But it's still too bad they're losing members. ):
  5. saishuu

    Eh, at least the tracklist is good.
  6. saishuu

    Tokyo Heroes - Zetsubou Kinenbi Currently rediscovering Tokyo Heroes. This song has always been a favorite and it's still incredible.
  7. saishuu

    What the hell, another one?
  8. Might be fun for a while, I think. But I actually like having no control (most of the time at least) of the pictures system too; the rotating aspect of it makes it more refreshing. I think after some time it might get boring having to change the picture you chose for your library because it'd become dull being the same as always.
  9. saishuu

    Didn't like Deeper Deeper and this song is a let down too. Hopefully the other songs in the album are better.
  10. It really would. I'd be a sobbing mess if they re-recorded SEARCH FOR REASON.
  11. saishuu

    El Sexo de los Ángeles (2012) Spanish movie that tells the story of how a three-person relationship comes together. It was actually rather sweet and had good character development and overall atmosphere. Some generic stuff here and there, but they didn't bother me so much. Great performances by the leading actors too, and it didn't hurt that they were all really good looking.
  12. saishuu

    Oh man, I hope they don't disband too.
  13. saishuu

    Ohh, I remember being intrigued by their line-up (mostly the former Celestial Gate members) years ago. Nice to see them back!
  14. saishuu

    lol I opened your thread at the same time Kara's "octocoral" started playing here. I assume your nickname is based on that song? Anyway, welcome! Nice to see other me-al art and Kara fans in the forum.
  15. Sounds like RADWIMPS at times. Not bad.
  16. saishuu

    Kind of indifferent to their disbandment as I never really warmed up to them, but it sucks for the fans. Hopefully Sui and Misery will wind up in new (and better) projects soon. They never topped this song for me:
  17. saishuu

    Coraline Decided to check this one out after watching ParaNorman last year and getting interested in the studio that made both. Really liked it. Didn't think it'd have such a dark and creepy atmosphere.
  18. saishuu

    Nice to see him back!
  19. saishuu

    ^ the album is titled Shinsekai (新世界) too. Ryuichi Sakamoto has also recorded some piano bits for tracks 7 and 8. By the way, I'm totally stoked for this. I'm still addicted to their latest single and Alchemist was amazing as well.
  20. saishuu

    Keep the Lights On Indie (I think) movie that tells the story of a gay couple and their struggle to go through one of them's drug addiction. I was kind of underwhelmed considering all the hype/praises it seemed to be receiving these last few months. It's not a bad movie at all, I just expected more from the story per se and the overall character development.
  21. saishuu

    Kagrra, RENTRER EN SOI D'espairsRay Shulla Vidoll deadman
  22. Wow, that song goes on for waaay too long. It felt like 15 minutes of basically the same thing. I'm underwhelmed.
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