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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Since I haven't heard Psyche yet, it's basically nine new songs. Awesome! There's also a sample for Phallus Phaser on YT, which sounds incredible. Those vocals, damn. BX8UXIFkyPg
  2. saishuu

    That's one of the member's fake names, learn to freakin read naming your persona in a joke band (I think?) after a kpop star/actor who got kind of big in Japan is outrageous omg
  3. ^ Actually I'd say it was the best decision in his entire career. He seems to be working with tons of cool people with different styles that can only contribute to his music, not to mention getting the chance to play big concerts/festivals with some well-known bands within the rock scene.
  4. saishuu

    The hell? I still haven't even listened to MA[sTAR]PIECE. lol
  5. saishuu

    TP56DuUpKBE Anyone else digging their new Korean release?
  6. saishuu

    I'm not familiar with MO'SOME TONEBENDER at all, but this sounds interesting. Nice to see the guys from 凛として時雨 getting busy again.
  7. saishuu

    1. intro (from DISORDER) 2. 舐~zetsu~ 3. 幸せな日々 (from 午前0時のとらうまラジオ) 4. 貴女ノ為ノ此ノ命。 (from MADARA) 5. Anti pop (from DISORDER) 6. SHADOW VI II I (from NIL) 7. Carry? (from DISORDER) 8. 未成年 9. 「感触」 (from DIM) 10. 13STAIRS[-]1 (from DIM) 11. 千鶴 (from STACKED RUBBISH) 12. IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS (from DIM) 13. FILTH IN THE BEAUTY (from STACKED RUBBISH) 14. DIM SCENE (from DIM) Tried to make it as cohesive as possible. Crazy, fun and poppier songs come first, following with a more dark/heavy/melancholic ending. Couldn't make a few songs I like fit (No.[666], PEOPLE ERROR, Ray, Wife, Wakaremichi, etc), but it sounds good to me.
  8. saishuu

    That sounds freaking great! I was afraid it would sound like Raise a Flag mainly because of the title, but it actually resembles the poppier stuff from their early days, which is fantastic. Obviously it could be misleading since the sample is only 30 sec, but hopefully this translates to the full thing!
  9. saishuu

  10. saishuu

    Oh, that was cool.
  11. saishuu

    A short teaser of Alchemist (along with scenes from the live DVD) has been released on their YT channel: v99AA5qivZk I'm liking it so far. And the concert looks amazing.
  12. saishuu

    Pura will release a new album, still untitled at the moment, on November 21st. It's their first album under Victor Entertainment and will probably include all latest singles (Jounetsu, Kuchizuke and Shion). A new hall tour (their first it seems) is also taking place starting January next year. Source Called it! I knew there was going to be a new album by the end of the year. I haven't even listened their latest album yet, but a new Pura album is always welcome.
  13. saishuu

    I thought for a few seconds this was a cover of sakanaction's Native Dancer. lol Would make sense considering their current style.
  14. saishuu

    Is this the same XECSNOIN that was active in the early '00s? I thought they had broken up a long time ago.
  15. saishuu

    Renai is easily the best album for me, but dead stock, Sentimental Macchiato and hikari are actually really good too. I still haven't given M&W a proper listen, but I wasn't too excited about what I heard as well. :/ They need to slow down with all the anime songs though, it has now got to a point where their b-sides are better than the main songs, which don't even have that much variety anymore.
  16. saishuu

    From all the hype this band seems to be getting, I thought this single was rather underwhelming overall. The first song is catchy indeed, but as chemicalpictures said, the chorus seems kind out of place and it often sounds like they picked several parts and just glued them together to form the song. It's also a little bit repetitive, but that didn't bother me as much. 蛍火 is slightly superior, with better use of the guitars and eletronic elements. It's solid b-side material and the main problem with it is the thing that someone above said: the chorus is almost identical to the main track. The last song is just bland. I give them props for going almost full electro as a VK band though; the acoustic guitar section is a nice touch too, but the full thing itself didn't work for me. I'm going to try their minialbum later, but these guys do seem to have potential to do well in the pop-rock/electro area. There's enough in this single to make me keep my eyes on some of their future releases.
  17. oh, the second song kind of sounds like Kagrra, for a few seconds. I'm intrigued.
  18. saishuu

    hey, that sounds like something out of 13's reborn. hope the full thing is as good.
  19. 凛として時雨 is releasing a new single on November 14th called abnormalize. It'll include a b-side called make up syndrome (which was apparently played during their latest Ustream live) and the PV for the title-track as bonus within the limited edition. Source ABOUT DAMN TIME
  20. saishuu

    Nice! These guys are great.
  21. saishuu

    Hopefully it's the song played at the end of the Hydrag PV. I know they've just started, but Jui has not let me down with this band yet, so looking forward to this!
  22. saishuu

    La Piel Que Habito/The Skin I Live In Thought it was kind of slow in the beginning, but I guess it was needed in order to help the build up to the craziness. Ended up loving it!
  23. The PV for glory days is out and it's 7:33 long and absolutely FANTASTIC. ecg5jz1BrVI
  24. saishuu

    Looking forward to the Kim Jong Wan collaboration, just because Nell makes everything automatically better.
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