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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Oh, crap. They were starting to show potential. Their album had some really good songs.
  2. saishuu

    lol I don't see any antis here. I couldn't possibly be farther from that. But I still don't agree with lame marketing moves.
  3. saishuu

    you clearly don't miss Isshi you have no heart I suppose omg I really don't
  4. saishuu

    These fucking support members need to stop.
  5. saishuu

    Another news piece has been published stating that DEG's activities are officially stopped due to Kyo's health, as he might need to undergo surgery on his throat and has to rest his voice. Source
  6. I know this has been widely spread and mentioned in the Events section already, but it seems worthy/important enough to be mentioned on the news forum as well. DIR EN GREY has cancelled all dates of their upcoming American tour (both supporting Asking Alexandria and playing solo dates) due to Kyo's health. Apparently he has been diagnosed with laryngitis, including a case of polyps in his vocal chords. It's yet uncertain when they're going to resume activities. Source 1 Source 2
  7. saishuu

    Nice learning.
  8. saishuu

    Well, didn't they (or was it just Ryo?) say that they have two bands from now on, so perhaps you will get your promised Boogieman releases in a time, just like we Kannivalism fans with hopes of hearing ~something~ about a new album. Baroque wasn't ever worse than Boogieman nor Kannivalism anyway - much better tbqh. This! And I say this as a kannivalism/solo kei fan.
  9. saishuu

    Ugh, the tracklist is amazing. Can't wait!
  10. saishuu

    Oh cool, excited for the Japanese versions of Man Man Ha Ni and Bingeul Bingeul! Not sure why, but I think the language will fit both songs fairly well. If the new songs are up to Tick Tack's level, it should be a good album.
  11. saishuu

    Yeah, definitely! It was refreshing and there was so much potential for more. Too bad it seems to have gone to waste in GALEYD.
  12. saishuu

    ^ That solo STILL pumps me up after all this time. Great song.
  13. saishuu

    @Champ: Assuming your message was directed to me, as I was the one that brought the subject up, I wasn't complaining to be honest, just curious. I didn't check the complete list (nor did I know it was made available, I missed it on the main post), but since the results always seem to feature mostly VK-bands, I just assumed some of the non-active members got up and voted for their favorite group or something, automatically outnumbering non-VK listeners, which wouldn't be surprising. I apologize if my message came out the wrong way (as a party-bummer who doesn't vote and still complain about the results), that wasn't my intention at all.
  14. saishuu

    Honest question: why not change the name of these awards to MH Visual Kei Awards? This has probably been discussed before, but I really want to know as it'd make much more sense.
  15. saishuu

    I really, really like Revenger. Party Rock is great too. DIRTY isn't doing much for me and I'm actually kind of disappointed it's the title-song, although it makes perfect sense. Still like GaIn and Narsha's albums better, but this one is nice too.
  16. This fucking sucks.
  17. Eh, not as good or exciting as -HIKARI-. Still looking forward to their album though.
  18. What, I thought he had left for good. At least that was what I got from a news thread posted here some time ago. Funny how he's listed as "NOW TRAVELING" in their OHP though. lol
  19. saishuu

    I personally think the mini-album 灰色 (Haiiro) is a great place to start.
  20. saishuu

    By the way, the kid in the video is a girl! She's Ashida Mana.
  21. saishuu

    Ruvie - 微睡みは水面深く。 Ugh, they were so, so good.
  22. saishuu

    La'cryma Christi - Lhasa. Can't go wrong with that one. cali≠gari - 7 (or maybe the Saikyouiki albums, I don't know, I'm not too familiar with most of their stuff to be honest.) Inugami Circus-dan - It's been like a decade since I've truly listened to them, but I remember loving Hebigame Hime. 9mm Parabellum Bullet - Termination.
  23. saishuu

    I know it's made for fans of the anime, but that limited edition is such a waste with Charon. Looking forward to the regular edition!
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