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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Looking forward to the Hurts, Two Door Cinema Club and Röyksopp remixes! Don't know any of the others, but sounds like it'll be an interesting disc. Will definitely be checking it out.
  2. saishuu

  3. saishuu

    The album release has been postponed to March next year as they got a deal to have one of their upcoming songs as the ending theme for the anime "男子高校生の日常". Source: http://natalie.mu/music/news/58364
  4. saishuu

    木村カエラ - KEKKO
  5. saishuu

    Waiting for something along the lines of "we've finally realized our sound has turned into crap after the release of 13's reborn so we're going back to start producing music like that again".
  6. I'm currently majoring in Physical Therapy and plan on specializing in Trauma/Orthopedics and PT in Sports once I graduate from university.
  7. saishuu

    Tetsuya Nakashima's "Kokuhaku" (Confessions) Seriously good.
  8. saishuu

    They haven't been good since VISIONS/azure, but I actually really enjoyed the Polaris single. So for that I'll be checking this out and hoping it's at least decent.
  9. I'd rather have an instrumental album, tyvm. Kind of looking forward to this, even though the potential for a trainwreck is enormous.
  10. saishuu

    That's a good one! Yes! Last I watched was Horrible Bosses. Enjoyed it quite a bit, it was nice as a popcorn flick.
  11. That's indeed pretty good. The song desperately needed a guitar solo right throughout the middle though. :/ I lost track of their stuff a couple of releases prior to Sou's departure, but now I definitely have to check out their newest stuff with Soshi if any of it sounds like this song.
  12. saishuu

    Nice line-up and setlist.
  13. saishuu

  14. Looking forward to these, especially 9GOATS, Moran and amber gris. v[NEU]'s should be interesting too. Also Yuuwaku with Jin on vocals should be an amazing trainwreck.
  15. saishuu

    Bridesmaids Hilarious.
  16. saishuu

    The only negative point for me would be kannivalism stopping activities for a while, and this time not giving any chance for kei to work on his solo stuff. I hope Yuchi at least gets involved with something else while Ryo and kei work on baroque.
  17. saishuu

  18. saishuu

    Imagine Me & You Watched this due to Piper Perabo, Michael Goode and Lena Headey. Definitely not groundbreaking or far from romantic clichés (except for the Lesbian theme), but pretty sweet nonetheless.
  19. saishuu

    First of all, your parents, especially your dad, are being completely unfair to you. I can sort of identify myself with the dad situation; however, I have yet to find a better solution other than ignore him completely and only talk to him when it's absolutely necessary. I think being in this position without any viable resources to change their mind mostly requires you to do anything to keep your mind off a really bad zone as much as possible, and avoiding problems with them would help with this. Just try to be by your own for most of the time. Second, obviously you can't just stop being bisexual. I'm probably not one to give advice on post-coming out troubles with parents and other relatives as I have yet to come out as gay to anyone from my family, but I think there are only two possible scenarios within this: they eventually accept you for who you are and stop psychologically harassing you or, as Kaye said, you move out and live your life the way you want. Now, I think it's also important that you try to seek help from other sources, especially LGBT-themed websites or any institution or people that work by helping the community. And just in case your father tries to threaten your life once again, please don't keep out from calling the police.
  20. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" has been banned by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family due to its inappropriate lyrics and has since then been reworked into "Happy Birthday" at 2011/09/09. a live version of their song "Happy Birthday" could be listened to in YouTube since 2011/09/09 MsXhjsaVSXU
  21. lol @ this, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TROMBE!
  22. saishuu

    I have nothing of value to add to this thread other than "unf Gin".
  23. saishuu

    A cervical hernia is such a bitch. Hope he gets proper treatment for this, otherwise I bet he won't be able to be on stage for much longer.
  24. saishuu

    Though probably not as good, they kind of sound like the equivalent to hare-brained unity in the VK scene. Looking forward to this.
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