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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    FoZZtone - The World is Mine
  2. saishuu

  3. Can't wait! Doesn't even matter if it's an album or not.
  4. saishuu

    My thoughts exactly. If the song started with a little intro and jumped right into the chorus and began to build momentum right after it kicked off, it'd have been much better. And I don't generally like songs structured like that. Regarding the b-side and the live recording, I didn't care for any of those at all. But as much as I don't have any expectations or like the direction they're heading to (even though I kind of enjoyed a couple of things from both LOTUS and DIFFERENT SENSE), I'll be checking out the album.
  5. saishuu

    lol at Tokyohive for posting irregular information. Coming off with lots of credibility.
  6. saishuu

    If they plan on performing more often, that's pretty cool. I don't see them switching between bands and releasing stuff with both, though.
  7. saishuu

    JKLASDFJALÇSDJFLKAÇSJD. Also that's a pretty strange album title from them. And too bad they're including a remake and a b-side this time.
  8. saishuu

    Tracklist is out: 01. 狂骨の鳴り 02. THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB 03. DIFFERENT SENSE 04. AMON 05. 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨 06. 獣慾 07. 滴る朦朧 08. LOTUS 09. DIABOLOS 10. 暁 11. DECAYED CROW 12. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 13. VANITAS 14. 流転の塔 Source
  9. saishuu

  10. saishuu

    Nutty Nasty, sadly, I only found to be average (although it is like glue after a couple of listens). グリムキャット has a very nice, effortless cool vibe to it and I was hooked on it by my first listen. BRUTUS also had some cool things going on and is certainly the second best song on the single, right behind グリムキャット. I thought they did a nice job this time; I wasn't expecting much and it turned out to be a pretty pleasant release. Also regarding Kazoku, it's clear that Azusa was the core of their earlier releases and once he left and they decided to go on with Jun and Sora, they wouldn't have that jazzier sound anymore. I always thought THE KIDDIE was just a continuation of the post-Azusa era; never expected much of them, so I was never really let down by them and was able to enjoy most of their releases.
  11. saishuu

    The Antlers - Epilogue
  12. saishuu

  13. saishuu

    Memento. Meh. Tiresome.
  14. saishuu

  15. saishuu

    They've always been pretty fast with their album releases and a one-year gap between them is just fine. Remember when Gokusaishiki came out only ten months after Mugenkyou? Anyway, I enjoyed the hell out of Kakera and a new album at this point, at least for me, sounds like a good idea.
  16. saishuu

    Most reasonable post on this thread. I don't see any problem with this; the guys want to perform and HIZUMI still wants to be involved somehow, plus it sounds like a special occasion where it's all about friends playing together.
  17. saishuu

    The fuckkkkk, Gackt. I was hoping for more original material (and by original I mean self-compositions). I'm disappoint.
  18. saishuu

    Wonder Boys Kinda nice. It has a nice flow and I liked how the writers made it like they didn't have to explain every single detail about the story.
  19. saishuu

    G3 is still one of their best songs for me (loud production and everything), and this remake is actually pretty great. Sounds more mature than the original. Looking forward to the HQ version now.
  20. saishuu

    GRAPEVINE - 夏の逆襲(morning light)
  21. saishuu

    Hope it's better than EVER or whatever it was called, I can't even remember how that song sounds like. I'd be satisfied with something as good as the Lost Angels single (or even Setsugekka/ZAN).
  22. That picture has amazing photoshop skills.
  23. saishuu

    mouse on the keys - seiren
  24. saishuu

    I'm glad they're getting worldwide exposure with this, especially with a song like Polyrhythm. I don't expect it to be their breakthrough in the west, but it should be cool nevertheless. I haven't watched the original Cars yet due to lack of interest, but I might be checking out the new one.
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