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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Kagrra, was my favorite band and Isshi my favorite vocalist. I'm at a fucking loss of words.
  2. saishuu

    At least someone in the band has taste.
  3. saishuu

    Kamikaze was awesome and both b-sides from the A type weren't so memorable, though they might be growers, who knows. Dennou Shounen, however, was really great and definitely on par with the title-track. If I had to buy the single, it'd definitely be the B type.
  4. yzC4hFK5P3g Meaning "I have no clue what this is".
  5. saishuu

  6. saishuu

    The photoshop is distracting and why the hell is ryou trying to look cute?
  7. saishuu

    SenkemTrZMQ Full music video. The mini-album is also up at bestfiction @ LJ.
  8. saishuu

    FoZZtone - 口笛男
  9. saishuu

    The War Boys Despite a few very interesting scenes, it was pointless as fuck.
  10. saishuu

    suddenly I'm blind, gayer and having seizures Tracklist doesn't look too bad. Kamikaze was great and I don't expect anything else from the album.
  11. saishuu

    ugghhh can't wait.
  12. Holy fuck. I'm legit sad right now. RIP.
  13. saishuu

    Luther S02E03
  14. saishuu

    Gilmore Girls S01E15
  15. saishuu

    lmao whaaaaaaaaat. Can't say I'm not intrigued though. also obligatory "Sadie is going to ruin 'This is Halloween', wtf were they thinking"
  16. saishuu

    This is not a new project. They've only been hired to perform as support musicians or whatever for PSC. The official announcement said nothing regarding a new band or project. And I thought this was already posted about a week ago?
  17. saishuu

    Return of the Living Dead (1985) Still crappily awesome.
  18. saishuu

    Tatsuhi looks fabulous. Although most of their stuff is quite repetitive and not that interesting, Zoro has some pretty great songs within their catalogue, so it's nice to have them back. Not sure who their main composer is/was, but I hope they've improved during this break.
  19. saishuu

    Herpes is somewhere shaking and crying right now.
  20. Sounds fucking great. and Mucho Gracias is looking fiiiine
  21. saishuu

    tacica - 熱帯夜
  22. saishuu

    TBBT's first two seasons were great, but for me it's been on downhill ever since. I can't even find Sheldon funny anymore, the whole chemistry of the show is just ruined.
  23. I hope this means they go back to indies status with GOD CHILD RECORDS instead of signing with another major label.
  24. saishuu

    Awesome, thanks! Never thought anyone would actually bother translating it.
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