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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Yes, it's horrible that they decided to leave a hollow, shallow and rapidly dying scene to pursue a style that might actually get them somewhere. An absolute tragedy. Dropping the visuals and yet releasing good music? Outrageous!
  2. saishuu

    Both songs are actually very good. I was expecting Shangri-la to be good already after listening to the sample, but Mr. Liar really caught me by surprise.
  3. saishuu

    UNF. Fantastic setlist.
  4. saishuu

    I love the song, but I do agree with this actually. I definitely agree as well. Although I do like it, the chorus is the weakest part of the song.
  5. saishuu

    Nice! Their latest stuff with Taizo has been surprisingly great, especially ホンネ. Looking forward to it.
  6. saishuu

    Full PV of "The End of the Dream" is out: http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/550616 Wasn't expecting much from the video (and it did turn out to be boring), but the song is amazing.
  7. saishuu

    wow what the hell, that song's actually pretty damn great.
  8. saishuu

    Well, I wasn't expecting that. Both the song and video are really great.
  9. saishuu

    Tracks 8 and 13 sound interesting. 'Marry You' sounds disastrous.
  10. saishuu

    x1000 I haven't listened to Genjitsu yet, but I'd take another Kakera anyday. Their latest singles didn't do much for me, but I'm excited for the album nonetheless. Their pre-album singles always let me down a little anyway, even the ones from Mugenkyou and Gokusaishiki, so I'm not really worried.
  11. saishuu

    I never really got DEATHGAZE's appeal, especially their post-Hazuki releases. While I haven't listened to lynch. in a long time, they were pretty damn great from 2004 to 2007, so I voted for them.
  12. saishuu

    I like the sample. Their music is actually kind of good once you let go of hoping they'll ever come close to Vidoll's old stuff.
  13. saishuu

    Gotye - Hearts a Mess
  14. saishuu

    Can't wait! I really liked Alchemist.
  15. This is shaping up to be a great album. The track with Seiji Kameda was the one I was the most excited about and it sounds fantastic. Really looking forward to the full thing.
  16. saishuu

    I'll write a proper review later, but I checked this CD out after the nice reviews and it has got to be my favorite release to come out from UCP since Vidoll's V.I.D. Best and most memorable moment of the entire album so far is the 01:22 - 01:53 section in DEAD the CREATOR. It's just ughhh, everything works so nicely and it has a huge nostalgic/old-VK vibe. Love it.
  17. This actually sucks. They did have some great photoshoots and I even bought one issue with LUNA SEA on the cover last year. With Zy: and Fool's Mate gone, perhaps SHOXX and Cure are on the way as well?
  18. saishuu

    /thread But really, I fully agree with Champ, especially with the point where you may like two completely different bands just because they are VK. This has happened to me when I was younger and was only starting to get into the scene, and it took me a long time to be really comfortable with my music taste. For me, what happens over time is that you learn to filter what you listen to and truly find out what you like, whether that includes disregarding completely some stuff you thought you liked before or not. Then you just have to stick to it.
  19. saishuu

    Rewatched Wanted for the 100th time and it's still great. Now planning on rewatching Hocus Pocus tomorrow, it's been quite a while since I last saw it.
  20. saishuu

    Pashya revival with Tomo please (I can still hope). Sucks for the fans. I can't say I'm surprised, I always got the feeling the band didn't quite click since the beginning.
  21. The've been doing several things, some influenced by older releases, other fresher for the band. Nothing they have been doing recently it's just like this, but they have released a couple b sides that are kind of close: Trauma (on Vermilion single, composed by Sakito) and アイリス (Iris, on Sleeper single, by ruka). アイリス is the most Luna Sea-sounding of both, anyway. Listened to both songs (plus the a-sides) and I have to admit I actually liked them too. Thanks for the recommendations!
  22. The description got me interested and as much as the song sounds like something straight off LUNA SEA's catalogue, it might be, at least for me, their most intriguing output since anima. I'm far from being a fan though, so it probably doesn't say much whatsoever. Have they been sounding like this since switching labels?
  23. saishuu

    And the cover looks amazing:
  24. saishuu

    Fantastic news.
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