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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Too bad it's just an one-off thing. But I'm totally stoked for this. (and the goddamn new games ughh)
  2. Hope you have a nice time off, even with work and everything. See you back soon!
  3. saishuu

    Holding a sea urchin. It was adorable.
  4. saishuu

    this is gonna be gooood. in before Yukino leaving though.
  5. saishuu

    Hmm, the song is actually pretty damn cool. I'm surprised.
  6. Considering Tokyo Sports' credibility is basically unexistent, I wouldn't bet on this being true. If it is, however, I'd guess it's hyde too. lol
  7. saishuu

    For some reason I never cared for cocklobin, but it still sucks to see them disbanding. nigu should reform tosinn btw
  8. I like to study without music, but whenever I need to write a paper or read when there's tons of noise around, I put Spangle call Lilli line on. The forest at the head of a river album is my favorite in these cases. I try to finish most stuff by the last song and, in case I can't, I put another CD of theirs (Piano Lesson, VIEW) or just click repeat. It works beautifully to calm me down and keep me focused.
  9. saishuu

    Active bands: 1. LUNA SEA 2. NoGoD 3. Plastic Tree 4. Creature Creature 5. THE KIDDIE 6. Moran 7. 東京ヒーローズ 8. amber gris 9. DIMMDIVISION. 10. DISH
  10. saishuu

    Counting active bands only: 1. B'z 2. サカナクション 3. tacica 4. cinema staff 5. 凛として時雨 6. FoZZtone 7. andymori 8. Base Ball Bear 9. STRAIGHTENER 10. アルカラ
  11. saishuu

    Damn, that sounds awful. Hayato sounds a little different too.
  12. saishuu

    Her team must build some fantastic hype for this release, because so far it ain't happening.
  13. saishuu

    I don't care about this song at all. Disappointed.
  14. Not 100% confirmed I think, but I've just read that he's in the ICU and has recovered his senses, but can't communicate yet. Apparently his recovery period will last for more than a year. :/
  15. JFC, what? Poor guy. This sounds really freaking serious. I hope everything turns out OK for him soon.
  16. saishuu

    About damn time, but the hell is this title?
  17. He should simply form another new band adopting aim's funky side full time instead of forming a DELUHI 3. That'd be great.
  18. saishuu

    I really like this mini-album. I haven't listened to Dolly since their first single, so it was nice to listen to this CD without any solid background on the member(s). It's nothing mindblowingly good; I'd say it's just really damn pleasant. Everythings flows very well and it doesn't get boring in any moment, even in the SE tracks. Favorite songs are エッグノック and Till.
  19. saishuu

    TWFM is out. Anyone listened to it yet? I could only listen to it for the first time a few days ago and I love it. I need to give it lots of other listens, but so far the first four songs + Pink Rabbits are my favorites. Turning out different from High Violet and not having instantly catchy songs (like Sorrow, Lemonworld and Vanderlyle) ended up not being a big deal for me at all.
  20. saishuu

    Awesome! X JAPAN should take notes.
  21. saishuu

    ^ I think they've improved a lot since their first releases and this album is possibly their best work yet imo. In fact, all of their releases since the 水平線は夜動く single have been pretty impressive.
  22. saishuu

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. At least there's going to be a new album. But goddammit. EDIT: their new video is killing me
  23. saishuu

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