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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Yeees! Their remakes on the Tenbatsu singles were amazing and their minis never disappoint. Rashinban is still one of their best works. Very excited for this.
  2. saishuu

    Woah, that sounds really good. I'm actually kind of loving this new Sel'm.
  3. saishuu

    More reviews are always welcome! I always intend to post more here, but I've barely had the time to watch anything these past few months. I'm just catching up now with some LGBT-based flicks I had downloaded a while ago (which serve to fill my need for such stories every once in a while) and I'm planning on take on a marathon of all the horror movies I got soon too. Last movies I watched were C.O.G., which I was afraid would go down the religious route (it did, but thankfully managed to dial it all back by the end) and another indie called I Do, which, although generic for the romantic genre, tries something different by going on about same-sex marriage licenses and foreign couples in the USA. Enjoyed both quite a bit.
  4. saishuu

    This FB page posted radio rips of two other new songs, absorb and Metamorphosis. METAMORPHOSIS IS FANTASTIC I'm shaking absord isn't bad either, but I need to listen to it a little more. But Metamorphosis. Ugh.
  5. saishuu

    I don't know many to be honest, but back in the day I really liked Marilyn☆DustSchool. I'm not sure if they were VK or not (someone from Missalina Rei was involved I think), but their music was awesome. Reclens also had some female members and they were pretty good as well.
  6. ^ ohh, my mistake, I apologize. I realize I've misread the news as I thought it said "new band" somewhere, but it doesn't in fact. Thanks for pointing it out.
  7. cinema staff's bassist 三島想平 and former the cabs's drummer 中村一太, along with guitarist 辻友貴, have formed a new 3-piece band called peelingwards. They'll have their first performance on December 13rd during an event held by THISTIME RECORDS. I don't think anything else is known so far, but I'm excited! Source
  8. saishuu

    Holy shit, Glowing IS SO FUCKING GOOD.
  9. saishuu

    I hope you're right.
  10. saishuu

    I like everything but the chorus.
  11. saishuu

    I like Aura, Venus, Artpop and Donatella. Applause is alright. None of the others have stood out for me yet, but I still have to listen to it a lot more.
  12. saishuu

    I thought so. Hopefully this one finds its way online somehow.
  13. saishuu

    aisudhfajskldhskjdhfsd can't wait
  14. saishuu

    Finally a new release and it includes two re-recordings (not counting モノクロニクル since I've never heard it)? Shaaame. But I want it.
  15. Kagrra,'s Guilty may be the only song I don't reaaaally like in their entire discography (yep, I genuinely like the rest, a lot); RENTRER EN SOI's AMONGST FOOLISH ENEMIES is horrible; LUNA SEA's SHINE album is bland and forgettable; Some of the ballads from B'z (especially the ones from the MAGIC album, such as PRAY and TINY DROPS) are horrible; Kiyokiba Shunsuke has some truly godawful bland songs (and most of his recent stuff hasn't been all that exciting either); Perfume should never have released Kasuka na kaori; Namie Amuro's Uncontrolled album is a mess; NoGoD has Raise a Flag and it sucks so much. I think this covers it all.
  16. lol I'm gonna mention Gazette too. I normally don't care for their releases at all (mostly the current ones), but Filth in the beauty is amazing. There's no shame to admit it's one of the best anthems of this current generation of VK. Songs like Miseinen, zetsu and Anata no tame no kono inochi are standouts too. Hell, quite a few of their early works are good. DIM is a fairly good album too (13 STAIRS [-] -1, DIM SCENE and IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS are great). Alice Nine is another case. I don't think they're anything special, but Zekkeishoku is a hell of an album. From start to finish. Then they decided it was cool to just release a few good songs here and there (like the GEMINI trilogy, THE LAST EMPIRE and 9th Revolver).
  17. That's a fantastic group of people, especially the vocalists (including Sora).
  18. saishuu

    I really like it. Satoshi sounds great.
  19. ^ me too! I really like the song. It's catchy as hell too.
  20. saishuu

    ^ Friend Safari is a post-game installment that basically helps you getting Pokémon with Hidden Abilities. The more friends you have added, the more areas you have to explore. For example, if you have me added, you'll be able to access my FS, which includes three water Pokémon (Azumarill, Quagsire and Bibarel). The game itself determines which type and Pokémon their Safari will have. If you catch a Pokémon there too, it will always come with two random 31 IVs. It's a pretty cool facility. By the way, just got this pretty thing on my game:
  21. saishuu

    Just finished going through the main story. Now getting ready to start getting everything from the Friend Safaris I have added and then breeding forever. @Saku: What do you think about including the Safari types and Pokémon included in each one on the first post too? That'd save some time I think.
  22. saishuu

    We don't celebrate Halloween here, so I'll just stick to watching my favorite horror movies and catching up on the ones I haven't seen yet.
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