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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    I had no idea these guys were still active. Wasn't one of them arrested or am I completely off the mark?
  2. saishuu

    Disregard this post. lol (misread the title) mods please delete this
  3. saishuu

    Oh, this sucks! I kinda liked them. Hope they'll put some new songs in this best-of.
  4. saishuu

    Song sounds alright, even if it's more of the same.
  5. saishuu

    MEGA RAYQUAZA LOOKS AMAAAAZING and it's going to be so OP omg. The new move Dragon Ascend looks incredible too! The animation is even prettier than the Draco Meteor one.
  6. saishuu

    This is exactly why changing their name is the right call for them.
  7. saishuu

    :wan-45: :wan-45:
  8. Getting some au revoir/merveilles era MALIZE MIZER vibes from thissssss. This better slay.
  9. saishuu

    Took them long enough. It was terrible and didn't fit their pop sound at all.
  10. Interesting. The song could use some more work and better production, but the vocals are good and there's potential I think. Will keep an eye on these guys for sure. But what the fuck is that name though?
  11. saishuu

    Goddamn, that line-up.
  12. saishuu

    Sample sounds like softer NoGoD mixed with kannivalism and a slight hint of shoegaze, 100% here for it.
  13. I've only bought from CDJapan and Closet Child so far. CDJapan's service is solid and the only time I had any troubles with them was with my last order (the fault goes to my country's post office, though). Bought from Closet Child once and got taxed quite a big amount, but the CDs were cheap and most in near-mint condition.
  14. saishuu

    Crystal Eye's is undoubtedly my favorite obscure VK band. People have been missing out on them forever. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm12018071 (couldn't even find any of their songs on YT. this is also one of the best songs ever and no one can tell me otherwise)
  15. VULGAR for me. Kinda tough choosing between it and Wtd., but in the end, VULGAR has the songs I like the most (and the live DVD following it is fantastic).
  16. Well, at least it's a short hiatus. Hopefully they come back with another drummer after the hiatus. :~
  17. saishuu

    cinema staff's latest album. Thinking about pre-ordering Kinoko Teikoku's new album too.
  18. The end of the first song in the trailer sounds exactly like Evanescence's Bring Me To Life. lol Ling's song sounds good, especially considering it's for an anime.
  19. This is fake as hell though. ("foto verdadeira" means "real photo")
  20. saishuu

    Better yet, LUNA SEA in 2011 says hi.
  21. saishuu

    Previews sound good. I feel they've left the real good ones out, though.
  22. Sounds like some of their other ballads, which isn't bad. ACIDMAN keeps using the same formula for their releases, but at this point I don't even care. lol I still enjoy them nonetheless.
  23. saishuu

    Doesn't sound bad. Will check them out as I've liked YUKI since his エグリゴリ days (no idea why).
  24. saishuu

    Well, at least we'll still get something that sounds like good old MUCC from 2003/2004.
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