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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Might be a stupid question, but is there also a way to skin iTunes like this? I guess it's not as modable as foobar is (because lol Apple) but since i have a Mac there are no other alternatives for music players and the standard iTunes looks a bit boring to me. Kai, do your magic!
  2. Not impressed, it doesn't pack any sort of punch, nor does it have any catchy hooks as these kind of songs usually should have. The chorus is incredibly bland too.
  3. sai

    Whether you can play used games and share them is not up to SONY. SONY has said that the third party game producers will get to decide if they will use DRM and put protection on it or not. It would be fairly possible that producers like Ubisoft and EA (mostly the big ones) will still secure their games and you won't be able to buy it used or share it with your friends. It's basically going to depend on the producer of the game when it comes to the PS4. Pretty bummed about this.
  4. sai

    Tbqh I don't think anyone deserves to laugh at others for what they do. People who go into VK obviously don't do it for the cash, perhaps for the fangirls, we don't know. What's not OK though is laughing at them for having to work separate jobs on the side. People should be able to be free in what they choose and if it turns out to be the wrong choice it's a learning moment for them. And if it's what they like to do, who are we to judge them?
  5. For me to fully enjoy music, the guitarwork needs to be varied and outstanding. Those are the songs that make me go "OH YES THIS IS FANTASTIC". Songs with just standard riffs that I've heard dozens of times before don't really do it for me. I also agree that a vocalist can make or break a song. I've heard so many songs which had great instrumentals but then the vocalist comes in and I just go like "urgh, this would've been so great if he hadn't used that specific high pitch" or "if someone else would've sung this it would've been great". Of course there are also vocalists you need to get used to in order to realize how fantastic they match the music, take TK from Rin Toshite Sigure. When I first heard him he annoyed me very thoroughly with his almost yelling high-pitched vocals, but with chaotic, yet organized music like Rin's, TK fits perfectly with the whole bunch I later realized.
  6. sai

    Wasn't able to see Sony's panel because of time zones, but damn Versus becoming XV AND KH3 in development? Square Enix sure pulled out the good ones. Also, the PS4 is going to be 100 euros LESS than the Xbox One, which I find surprising (considering the PS3 was more expensive than the Xbox 360 back in the day and since Microsoft was failing so horribly with the Xbox One I thought Sony would profit from it and charge a bit more since they'd be better selling anyway). Not complaining though, it also doesn't have any of the used games bullshit that Microsoft has, so for me it's definitely clear that I'm going with a PS4.
  7. sai

    And Microsoft's panel was still lame for not addressing any of the controversies while they had said beforehand they were going to address them. Let's just ignore the problem and hope people will forget about it, I would guess.
  8. sai

    Lmao @ the sound failing. I know someone who is going to get fired. All in all I wasn't TOO impressed with the Xbox One presentation...probably because they didn't show the games I was interested in (AC4 and Lightning Returns), but I assume Ubisoft saved their own games for their own panel. Ryse was a bit too "eh" for me to enjoy, though MGS5 really did impress me.
  9. sai

    I personally would've picked the 凛として時雨 track, love me some TK dramatic vocals. Though I do also like THE KIDDIE's song. 1. Kagrra, - 徒然謌 2. トクマルシューゴ - Circle 3. Versailles - Ayakashi 4. Kagrra, - うたかた 5. RENTRER EN SOI - THORNY RAIN BREAK 6. Delain - Milk and Honey 7. MBLAQ - Cry 8. T.M. Revolution - INVOKE 9. 雅-MIYAVI- - HA NA BI (vs HIROMITSU AGATSUMA vs JIN OKI) 10. f(x) - Beautiful Stranger So many good songs on this one! I think I'm going to have to be biased (other wise I couldn't possibly choose) and go with Kagrra,'s Utakata. Probably one of their greatest ballads (though their other song that popped up is from one of my favourite albums of theirs, Miyako).
  10. sai

    I heard that rumour about the video chip before. Also apparently there are rumours that the graphics will not be an improvement from the Xbox 360 but will be similar? Also, what is the Paywall?
  11. sai

    I'm very sorry but if that's the case: So here you're basically agreeing it IS metal, unless you meant another sort of metal. But yeah, that preview isn't perhaps power metal perse (I suck at genres) but it does sound a lot like his Versailles songs so far. That would mean we'd get the same vocals on the same type of music, basically (I don't see Kamijo wandering off from his Versailles roots anyway, especially if Jupiter is doing the same thing).
  12. sai

    Alright hold on, that's slightly inaccurate. I haven't seen anyone pick sides so far. Simply stating that you're more excited for Jupiter than Kamijo's solo work and the other way around does not equal instantly picking a side and looking down with disgust on the other one. The main problems that were discussed in the thread you are referring to had to do with Kamijo's vocal abilities, not his musical work or compositions. When people now state that they're more excited for Kamijo is probably because the snippet of instrumentals was more to their liking than Jupiter's preview (thus people being more excited for the compositions Kamijo has made in comparison to the ones Hizaki has made for Jupiter). Of course I do agree on the fact that it would be double-sided seeing as the same people who claimed Kamijo was not a power metal vocalist would now suddenly be enthusiastic about the same thing.
  13. sai

    My main excitement for Ubisoft lies higher than Squeenix this year, mostly because of AC4 Black Flag in comparison to Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns. General expectations are not too high after Connor "why did we replace Haytham" Kenway, but it at least seems more exciting than the new Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy XIII should've stayed one game, XIII-3 will probably not be much better than XIII-2. I didn't see the reports on E3 yet, but what did Squeenix present? I assume XIII-3, "we're still working on Versus", and perhaps a spoof for KH3?
  14. sai

    I'm going to guess with "independent game producers" they meant the companies like Ubisoft and Square Enix who make games for the consoles, not the indie ones that make stuff for Xbox Live and PS Network (considering the fact that independent game designers will probably lose all of their market when the Xbox One releases, as it won't allow them to publish their stuff there anymore). The article wasn't very specific about it, but then again, someone could use the wrong term for it and it would change the entire point of the story. Also lol @ that gif.
  15. sai

    There were also rumours that Microsoft has been approaching independent game designers who would also be presenting games at E3 to NOT promote or show any PS4 games, but in trade for money only promote the Xbox One versions of the games. If that's true I don't know. It's fairly possible that this has been going on for years and that there's only attention for it now due too the huge amount of negative feedback on the Xbox One (and they're trying to make it all look even worse than it already is).
  16. sai

    That was me. I moved your thread because it did not fit the General section, plus the OP containing "I'd like to ask about the lucky bag and what you receive inside" looks a pretty damn lot like an inquiry to me. If this really isn't a help thread like you claim, at least make it seem that way in your opening post. I only see what I read, I can't see what's in your head. Also please refrain from using the red colour in your posts, it's Candy Warhol's moderator colour so we'd like to prevent confusion about that.
  17. sai

    LOL it is. They're on two different labels though, right? KAMIJO on Warner and Jupiter on Universal. For once, nekkichi might be right about the battle for the fanbase, heh.
  18. sai

    Yeah, I guess the GazettE always was Ruki's baby, therefore them being pretty much submissive to Ruki's phases and musical directions. For TOXIC and DIVISION those were heavy electronics, DIM was darker, but from what I can recall it was pretty much all Ruki too. I agree on DIVISION though, he claimed the second disc would be similar to DIM before it was released and I'm sure that everyone with ears that has heard the album can agree that disc 2 of DIVISION didn't even sound slightly similar to DIM (apart from Yoin being a Chizuru x DIM SCENE rip-off). Besides, NIL and SR both were rather different albums as a whole imo, so saying it will sound like NIL and SR doesn't give us much to work with either. Question remains if Ruki's grown out of his electronics-phase. Judging from him saying it won't be like TOXIC and DIVISION I'd like to believe so, but I'm not believing anything he says until I've heard it myself.
  19. sai

    Well eh, from what I've heard from the preview Kamijo is going to be doing the same sort of thing? Actually I'm more excited for this than for Jupiter's releases, considering who the composers are (yeah guys suck it I always thought the Kamijo songs were the best).
  20. sai

    If they're going back in time, I'd prefer if it'd be more like NIL than SR, since I absolutely hated SR (apart from Chizuru). The good thing is that Ruki isn't the only one composing. That way hopefully Uruha, Reita and Kai can compose some stuff too and it won't be filled with Ruki's wubwub loving phase. I'd rather not have Aoi compose though, lol. Then again, NIL was so-so for me, I guess I should give up on the thought that they'll ever make something like DIM again.
  21. sai

    I definitely agree with this. Even though I'm not an active Gackt listener, I like his albums like Diabolos, Mars and Moon. It's sort of a shame he's become someone who pretty much only releases ballad singles and collection albums now.
  22. sai

    I think you got the wrong link there :'D (I see something about milkshakes?)
  23. From what I've heard from Kameleo (and they're not my cup of tea), they'll probably go major and become the new ViViD. Anyway, agreeing with everyone who mentioned Versailles. I didn't really enjoy anything that much anymore after Jubilee. 12012 was pretty okay-ish with SEVEN until they released their self-titled and went all hurrdurr-core. Now the GazettE was never anything special in my opinion, but seeing them go from DIM to stuff like TOXIC and DIVISION is a real bummer, considering how well DIM was put together. D also makes this list. Apart from the last mini, most of their recent A-sides have been the same songs recycled over and over again. I don't expect much better now that they're major again.
  24. sai

    I'm seconding Zess on the statement that there's no need to implement rules for problems we don't have. I'm not sure if you copied this from the rules of Scandal Heaven (seeing as your post starts with "have you heard of" but the rest of the post sounds like it's a clear rulebook for rules that are already implemented), but this is another forum and we have our own rules. If people want to post thank you on a post, they should be free to do so. Also, to be quite honest, we already made it so that posts in the Games/Spam section do not count for your post count, so we already took care of that.
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