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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by spockitty

  1. I would like to give a shout out to everyone who kept referencing Kisaki drama in unrelated threads. I went and read the entire thing. Thanks, I hate it. 

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      Yup...that’s why I DESPISE Kisaki.


      On the other hand, some of his old bands are fantastic. Phantamasgoria is one you may have heard of. Highly recommend. 


      Just...try not to think of Kisaki as the bassist of the band. Pretend it’s like... I don’t know Heath or someone likeable lol.

    2. spockitty


      I know Phantasmagoria mostly by name and some of the more popular songs, never gotten into them. 


      I don't think I could even if I wanted to listen to them now. I would just think back to the shitstorm, and frankly there are many other good bands that I could listen to in their place, without getting upset so~ ;) 

  2. I'm in a land of open fields and bad internet untill Monday. Wish me luck uh T-T 

    1. yomii


      good luck, enjoy the freedom!

    2. Gesu


      Good luck~! ^_^

  3. I've been brainwashed into liking incoherent japanese screaming in my vk. if someone told me 2 months ago I'd willingly listen to this stuff I'd've laughed them out of the room. 

    1. YuyoDrift


      This a cry for help or what? Lol cuz we all screwed here.

    2. God


      i feel you.  i used to hate growl/scream or whatever vocals.  then i got into sadie maybe 10 years ago or smth idk, it was when ice romancer came out.  and now i have a genuine appreciation for deathcore.  😂 i didn’t expect this life.

  4. I've been singing Vanilla for two days, I'm blaming @Gesu>.>

    1. Gesu


      Oops! Sorry 'bout that lmao

  5. If I could I'd live on instant ramen and beer 🥣🍺

    1. YuyoDrift


      throw in some hot sauce and a lime and definitely haha

    2. spockitty


      where would you throw in the hot sauce and where the lime, because it could work in either configuration? ^.~

    3. YuyoDrift


      exactly lol

  6. is there a second meaning to おちんちん or they really be talking about dicks on their twitcast two days in a row? 

    1. spockitty


      well, after a traumatic deep dive into Japanese google, I think they were talking about ちんちん侍ゲーム 



      which doesn't help me much, cause I've no idea what's happening in that video ^^;; 



    2. BrenGun


      well, that's still about Penis..... lol


      still laughable to talk about it for 2 times in a row on twitcast XD

    3. spockitty


      Well yeah, that's why I finally got curious lol :P it was a viewer that brought it up tho, and I think it was the same person the second time as well~ but the guys picked up the topic pretty enthusiastically! XD

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Is there a way to buy region locked releases from Ototoy? T-T or do I just have to go the VPN route~ 

  8. it really bothers me that the song "5 Minutes of Self Destruction" is not 5 minutes long... 

    1. EvilHippy


      At least new DEG's tour doesn't lead to mass execution.

  9. just ate half a wheel of camembert because it was the only thing in my fridge that didn't require cooking, it's 2am and Idgaf

  10. lol decided to join a polish jrock FB group for shits ang giggles, and the first question on the application was "do you listen to kpop?" like... I'm sorry is that a requirement or disqualification? 

  11. lol Envyl's my first twitter follower. golden~

  12. Nothing like being still kinda drunk at the gym at 6am~ Adulting level 150~

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      What's the point of working out drunk lmao

    2. spockitty


      I work out with my lil sis, if I didn't come she probably wouldn't either, so sacrifices had to be made :P 

  13. ok so Dammitland's maa added me to a list on twitter. what is the purpose of those? 

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Only people on those lists can see the full version of certain posts. Usually used for spoilers, more personal or nsfw drawing  / text posts, at least on the art side of things

    2. spockitty


      thank youuuu! I thought it might be something like friend groups on FB but no one could give me a definite answer lol I feel like they're not very widely used~

  14. Ok, so is eating all that Gara does these days

    1. spockitty


      I KNOW RIGHT 😒

    2. suji


      he says he eats more than the rest of the members....... BITCH WHERE

    3. spockitty


      I've just noticed that he's posting calorie count on each thing and if it's all that he eats each day..... I'm surprised he has strenght enough to walk =.= 

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  15. omfg my CDJapan account from 10 years ago still works! my last order was in 2011 :'D

  16. one good thing coming out of having to wear a face mask everywhere is that cashiers stopped asking me for ID when I buy alcohol~

  17. so do the guys from Initial'L have a legit reason to thank Jack Daniel's on every CD or are they just a bunch of alcoholics? X'D 

    1. suji


      that explains their latest musical direction then...

    2. IGM_Oficial


      They're endorsers

    3. spockitty


      good gig, where can I get me an endorsement like that


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  18. so, is it a good time to finally post those last three SARIGIA singles? 😅

  19. Some fcking bird's been screeching outside my office window for the past 15 minutes, CANT IT SEE IM DOING IMPORTANT THINGS HERE

    1. YuyoDrift


      You ever hear a squirrel screech? Especially a pregnant one?


      It's bad.

    2. spockitty


      squirrels....make noises? lol ^^;;; 


  20. taking my 15yo niece to her first anime convention tomorrow~ \^^/ gotta prime the next generation~ 8D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spockitty


      @monkeybanana4 haha nothing that exciting, I was Road Kamelot from D.Gray-Man with Lero as a prop (I still have that umbrella somewhere!) ^^ I don't even remember why I chose that one, I wasn't that big of a fan but I did get a few surprise jump-hugs out of it XD

    3. monkeybanana4


      @spockitty Oh, I loved that umbrella character XD But that's pretty cool~ I'm sure your outfit must have looked really good :) I loved Road Kamelot's outfit with her thigh high stockings. It's been a while since I last watched the anime, though😅 The last character I remember cosplaying as was Magician's Valkyria (from Yugioh). So many years ago, lol 😂

    4. spockitty


      @monkeybanana4 Haha I still wear the skirt I sew with my mom for that cosplay to this day X'D I've never gotten into Yugioh but that outfit looks complicated O-O kudos dude!

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  21. taking revenge on the (very loudly and obnoxiously) arguing neighbours by blasting a mix of VK and kpop. take it assholes. 

    1. patientZERO


      I would just moan and make sex noises really loud when my neighbors were arguing. Their arguments tended to end real fast after.

    2. spockitty


      LOL I shall note this for future reference, however I know they have elementary-aged children, I want the revenge to be on the parents, not the children :P 

    3. patientZERO


      Scream "KIDS, EARMUFFS" beforehand. At least you warned them.

  22. Thank you & sorry! ❤️

    1. suji


      you're welcome, it happens! ❤️

  23. the one thing that jpop has over kpop is that musicians' career doesn't usually end at 25? 

    1. Himeaimichu


      @Euronymous Kyuho of Madman's Esprit himself explained why there isn't much of a Vkei scene in Korea. In general, it's really hard to get your music out there in Korea, because you have to get your music approved by the government and shit.

    2. Euronymous


      oh,that's correct.totally forgot about that.indeed south korean's government have a huge control of their entertainment in general.i remember when they censored  PSY's MV at the part where he kicks a road cone lol. not to mention T.O.P who apologized in public for smoking weed and other examples over there.it's really bad when a government tries to '' educate" their population with iron fist like a big father.

    3. anadentone


      sk starting to sound like nk if you're in the kpop business O.o

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  24. There should be a safety feature on credit cards to prevent people from making drunk purchases when they definitely can't afford it =.=/ 

  25. today I took it a step further and accidentally closed the whole browser in the middle of writing a post =.=/ what will it be next? unplugging the PC I s2g

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I cackled at the class because of "took it a step further". At least tell me that you've been blessed by this little "image.png" guy ;-;

    2. spockitty


      yeah, it continues to be a blessing for the misclick happy people like me ^^;; 

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