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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Tbh this kind of reads like sho is all aboard on where Retsu wants to take the band, hiroshi seems more subdued but hes always came off like that. 

  2. I've become readdicted to league of legends and probably good timing as well, as riot is now updating one of my favorite characters ever Fiddlesticks and his voice is absolutely insane

    Dude straight up sounds like hes better at harsh vocals than most vocalists in metal and vk lmao, cant wait to play him in a few weeks.

  3. 5 minutes ago, ShanethVarosa said:

    Didn’t they do this in 2018 and then come out with an EP like three months later?

    Could be because they were looking for a replacement drummer but who knows what's going on this time 

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