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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. im a dude so take whatever opinions i have of parenthood with a grain of salt but after seeing how much of a fucker i was growing up, how much of a couple fuckers my brothers were growing up, and being exposed to bratty and shitty middle school and high school kids at work the last thing id ever want is a child. what an absolute nightmare to think about 

  2. the absolute mildest of takes ever but i still dont see the appeal of basically any shounen ever, maybe something like hxh is ok but for the most part everything just seems to be just run of the mill action and power of friendship bullshit. id honestly find more entertainment from some tasteless ecchi/borderline hentai borefest where basically every mc is just some guy constantly horny but never gets to fuck 

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