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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fyrnia4Maya said:

    Does anybody know if the album will be on iTunes Tuesday 00:00 exactly? In Japanese time at least. 


    Also how much will it cost in all countries? Are all going to be equivalent to 2000/3000 yen? 

    To the first part, the answer is most likely yes


    To the second part I'm not sure but I chedoara is like 15 bucks on most western digital platforms so I imagine that's how much itll cost for us. My guess is that theyll charge 3000 yen for it just on japanese platforms

  2. Vocalist Muku (idk if he even goes by muku anymore, his twitter is Seyakate) is in a sessions band atm named ラルクはV系じゃないよセッション 

    Rest of the line up is:

    Guitar: Daisuke

    Bass: yasu

    Drums: rai


    I could be wrong about some of these names but atm I cant find any band history for the other guys. I mostly wanna hear muku's voice again 

  3. 3 minutes ago, nomemorial said:

    Big agree with this. Katsuya really seems to know his stuff and it doesn't hurt that he's a killer musician in his own right. 

    Went to double check because he never stated on social media if he worked on kidoairaku, but then I checked out my own copy and hes credited on that as well. And since dimlim has basically transitioned from vk to jmetal like Katsuya I reckon he should still be around the band helping them out

  4. Welp here we go


    1-100 scale because i just feel like it lmao


    魅裟  -  極彩  - 50

    i cant stop listening to these guys but im almost never impressed either so idk why i keep going at it. either way a pretty unique song as far as these guys go but you're probably just better off checking out their new mini.



    dimlim might've left deathcore but you guys can stop pretending these guys are gonna do anything as good as chedoara


    蘭図 (Rands) - 九相図 - 50



    ALEVAS - HUMAN NODE 2020 - 57

    just a remake of one of their songs prior to signing onto starwave/becoming vk (nothing during this time was that great). the bass is twangy as fuck which 99% of people will hate but im the 1%.


    DIMLIM - MISC. - 65

    im the most biased dimlim fan so feel free to dismiss this take but misc. imo had highlights and lowlights. the highlights being funny world, whats up, tick tac, before its too late, and out of the darkness. the lows being everything else. tbh overall i dont dislike this new sound theyre going with but they have to be more consistent with it for me to rate this sort of stuff higher.


    The THIRTEEN - ENIGMA - 77

    basically a collection of all their good music video tracks + like 7 new tracks that very from boring to pretty good. this album wouldve been rated way higher if it was like 2-3 songs shorter because it felt like it went on for way too long and yeah there was probably about 2-3 subpar songs on this. 


    ラヴェーゼ  - 暗黒二咲イタ脈絡 - 82

    the best thing theyve released so far. 


    魅裟  - dp - 60

    shitkei guilty pleasure. 


    DOBE - 新宿アスホール - 63

    nothing these guys do sounds bad but nothing has stood out so far either. 


    sukekiyo - 接触 - 0

    what was that


    SCAPEGOAT - 心と身体の秘密-上-  - 70

    getting closer back to their sound they had prior to their hiatus which is definitely a good thing. main track on this is solid, the bside is forgettable.


    ヴィルシーナ  - サヨナラ - 86

    verxina has for the most part completely dropped the synths on this new single and despite actually being a fan of their chaotic sound with those synths im in love with this single. both tracks are fantastic and i really hope we get more songs in the future in this style


    2019 releases people/me missed out on cause it was released towards end of the year or something

    DOBE - 大日本プロパガンダ - 70

    UNDER FALL JUSTICE - 僕以外に何がいる? - 82

    GELNICA - nostalgia- 71

    R指定 (R-Shitei) - 遺書 (Isho) - 50

    THE DESPERADO - Gerbera - 63

    マチルダ (Mathilda) - 少女A - 74

    DOBE - Repent - 75

    glamscure - Gloria - 83

    ARTiCLEAR - 黎明期の夢 - 80


  5. 19 minutes ago, GreatNorthernVK said:

    3000 yen for a digital album? Fuck me.


    Where is this vinyl they teased?

    I wonder what platform theyll be distributing it from since I've never seen that price for a digital release. Also I assume the vinyl thing is either not happening or later down the road considering the physical version doesnt have a release date yet 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Well the problem is that Retsu was whining about people pirating Kidoairaku. You know, the live limited release that was only available at ONE live in Japan. 

    Ya that part of it is really dumb unless he had planned to release it for everyone eventually or put some of the tracks on the upcoming album but neither one happened so lol

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