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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. LOVE!
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from yomii in コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) new single release, "アノニマス" (Anonymous)   
    コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) will release a new single titled  "アノニマス " (Anonymous) on 2019.10.30. 
    Limited Edition Type A - 1,980 yen (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)
    1.アノニマス (PV+メイキング) [Anonymous (PV+Making)]
    Limited Edition Type B - 1,980 (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)

    1.アノニマス (マルチアングルPV) [Anonymous (Multiple Angles PV)]
    Regular Edition Type C - 1,650 yen (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)
    3.楽曲B (Track B/TBA)
    4.アノニマス (inst)
    5.楽曲A (inst) (Track A instrumental/TBA)
    6.楽曲B (inst) (Track B instrumental/TBA)
    They will also hold their tour final at Tsutaya O-East on 2020.01.05.




  2. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Scarlet Obsidian in コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) new single release, "アノニマス" (Anonymous)   
    コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) will release a new single titled  "アノニマス " (Anonymous) on 2019.10.30. 
    Limited Edition Type A - 1,980 yen (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)
    1.アノニマス (PV+メイキング) [Anonymous (PV+Making)]
    Limited Edition Type B - 1,980 (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)

    1.アノニマス (マルチアングルPV) [Anonymous (Multiple Angles PV)]
    Regular Edition Type C - 1,650 yen (tax included)
    1.アノニマス (Anonymous)
    2.楽曲A (Track A/TBA)
    3.楽曲B (Track B/TBA)
    4.アノニマス (inst)
    5.楽曲A (inst) (Track A instrumental/TBA)
    6.楽曲B (inst) (Track B instrumental/TBA)
    They will also hold their tour final at Tsutaya O-East on 2020.01.05.




  3. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Komorebi in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I love obis, and keep them with every CD I buy. I also tend to buy old/used CDs that include obis. For some reason, I feel it's incomplete without the obi, lol. Also, I like how some obis are aesthetically incorporated into the cover of the album/release (i.e. a part of the album's artwork will be on the obi, etc.). Makes it feels like it's a vital part of the release.
  4. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in General KPOP Thread   
    Not new but 
    /sweats in bisexual
  5. I feel ya..
    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in random thoughts thread   
    it's so refreshing to jump back into kpop and have everything readily available in spotify within 5 seconds, comparing to trudging through three different sites to even get to the VK music and then finding out they don't even have the proper tags.....
  6. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    My mood has been cratering for the last two weeks and it's getting to the point where people around me can tell. I've untangled some of the reasons why I've been unhappy and it has to do with a lot of the well-meaning things people advise me to do that I take the wrong way. They always come off as suggestions for what to do but how are you suggesting solutions to the problem I haven't explained yet? I'm mentally exhausted when I come home and I do not want to do more programming, fix computers on the side, sell weed, take even more classes after I've finished grad school, earn a license, or start my own business. Those aren't answers; those are distractions. I don't have faith in the capitalist system, so I don't want to look for a "new job".  It'll be the same bullshit as the old job in a different sector for as long as programmers are underappreciated and treated as simple code to caffeine converters. I don't like working to line someone else's pockets, and the assertion that one must work for a living is troubling, and also at odds with the depths of laziness some coworkers descend to daily. You can't tell me work harder to find purpose and be happy when business analysts are laughing their asses off on their third Starbucks break of the day. I just gave a 40 minute presentation I didn't feel like giving and certain team members fell asleep, and I got so dejected the secretary at the front sent an e-mail to my manager and her boss because I couldn't find it within me to bother. In fact, I find the assertion that one must better themselves to find happiness at all is full of troubling assumptions about my values. I work hard and I'm not happy, working harder makes me unhappier, and when I come home I'm a zombie and I don't want to do anything. I haven't listened to new music outside of the mix tapes I've been given. Haven't played any new games since I bought em. My Switch is docked up to my TV and remains untouched. Don't even want to watch YouTube videos and that requires me to only pay attention. I'm kinda just walking through life trying to make it to the next day waiting for it to end. Depression is a bitch. If you are wondering why I've been quiet these last few weeks and not writing or doing much of anything, that's why.
  7. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 reacted to chocobuzz in Zeal Link Osaka to Close   
    I've already lost count how many VK stores have closed this year, seems to have been so many... What a sad year.
  8. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kaile in Hey ;)   
    My favorite would be Disgaea series - japanese turn based rpg with great amount of content and crazy storylines. Definitely the most fun games i ever played. Other than that my top would be The Witcher series, Labirynth of Refrain, Nier Automata, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I used to love dnd games like neverwinter nights or baldurs gate but that was a long time ago and i haven’t played them for so long so maybe they just got old and overshadowed by new games, not sure
    I bought Nintendo switch last year so most new games i play are the ones released on that console.
    It is hard to choose my favorite as to be honest, it changes, one week i may say that nothing will top Stacked Rubbish just to claim next week that i love the direction they went with Dogma and that is their best album.
    So instead of deciding of favorite album here are some of my all time best songs i would recommend to other people: Filth in the beauty, Zetsu, Namaatatakai Kaze no Zaratsuita Jonetsu, Dogma, Lucy, Fadeless, Uncertain Sense, Wakaremichi, Juunanasai, Miseinen, Reila, Ganges ni akai bara, Chizuru, Invisible wall, In the middle of chaos, Falling, Cassis, Gabriel on the Gallows, Babylon’s Taboo, Silly god disco, Inside Beast.
    Those were the ones that came to my mind, probably forgot about some anyway. I think that  gazette is in a pretty good spot considering their music quality as even the weaker songs i can’t dislike and i just like them a little less. Or maybe i just became a die hard fan and i will accept whatever they release, haha
    One last mention to my favorite release(physical) - Beautiful Deformity, i believe it is their best looking limited edition, just love to see it on my shelf, so much better looking than those big books, division and dogma or pretty bland Dim and Stacked Rubbish.(can’t really complain about NIL, that fur is pretty cool). The only thing that would make this release even better is if they added a concert like in Ninth. I guess cool box>photo albums(or whatever that was in division xd)
  9. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kaile in Hey ;)   
    Hello, have been lurking for a few days and decided to introduce myself
    I am 24, from Poland and have been listening to japanese music for about 10 years. Mostly sticking with my favorites so i don’t know that many bands but i believe i will discover some new stuff here.
    One of the first bands i got to know and my absolute #1 for years already is The Gazette, discovered them around the time they released DIM and fell in love ever since. Currently i am on a quest to collect all of their singles, EPs and albums. It is a slow process but i am getting there
    Other bands i love are exist trace, girugamesh, undead corporation, sadie, nightmare, mary’s blood, dir en grey, lynch, d’espairsray, aldious, yousei teikoku, wagakki band, babymetal and versailles( Hizaki being my favorite - i usually don’t listen to instrumental only stuff but curse of virgo is a work of art). I guess some of them are not visual kei but visual part of vkei was never my main focus. 
    As for other hobbies i enjoy fantasy books/movies and rpg games. I read some manga from time to time but not as often as i used to.
    Cheers 😎
  10. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to hiroki in Do Japanese men dislike visual kei?   
    following seikun's impeccable logic all the bangyas in vk are actually secretly lesbian because there's absolutely no reason why straight girls would be attracted to 'feminine' bandmen 
    while we're on this topic, i also don't get:
    - why there's still the weird division dictating that guys must be into vk as "ongen-gyao" who only collect cds, and girls only go to lives to swoon over hot bandmen
    - why the former is somehow usually conceived as more superior to the latter.... almost every guy who's an armchair connoisseur of vk i've encountered exudes the insufferable air of making themselves sound like consumers of vk who are more sophisticated than "those bangyas over there" aka the "necessary evil" that keeps the scene afloat
    - why the two are even mutually exclusive in the first place, as if being into the bandmen themselves somehow diminishes or effaces one's ability to appreciate/talk about music intelligently
     ...and i can go on.
    basically i feel that people (mostly guys, but also girls who are concerned with being viewed a certain way) who actually have the money to spare AND want to participate are given pause because of these problematic assumptions. i've been saizen for bands (mostly very small) and have no problems with the girls or the bandmen themselves so i can't help thinking a lot of these strange ideas are self-imposed. people should just enjoy the scene in whatever way they want (yes, even if you're a guy who go to lives to fantasize about bandmen - what's wrong with that??), instead of losing sleep over what the bangyas in the same row are potentially gossiping about you.
  11. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Some random thoughts I had while out walking this morning...
    It's easy to see the negative effects that human beings have had on nature and wildlife...on our environment....but I don't think many people realize that other people are part of our environment too.  Probably because we can't always actually "see" the effects as viscerally as, say, an oil spill. but that doesn't mean our words and actions have no effect. It's essentially a spiritual matter, and altho spiritual matters can't be seen, they can be discerned. Just like you can't see the wind, but you can discern the effects of it ---> the natural world is simply a reflection of the spiritual. So in like manner, the way we interact with our material environment has the same implications of how we interact with the "spiritual environment" of other human beings. Everything we say, do, and don't do - affects others.
    It's all too easy to litter in the minds of others, to trample over the gardens of the heart, and to dump our toxic waste into the deep waters of the spirit. But the opposite is also true...we can help each other pull up those weeds, we can water each other, we can plant seeds of positivity and love. We can take what was made ugly, and make it beautiful again. We can take what was made filthy, and make it clean again. We can take what was made desolate, and make it abundant again. We can take what was made depressed and lifeless, and fill it with joy and meaning again.
    Or we can simply tend to our own yards, and watch the rest go to hell. Either way, how we choose to interact with our environment is up to us. In the beginning, The Most High created light and separated it from darkness. He also made male and female in his own image - so we have that same ability - to separate light from darkness, order from chaos, and good from evil in our own lives. We can choose the manner in which we want to operate in our environments - whether it be for better or worse.
    Being aware of the fact that you DON'T have to be an environmental toxin is one thing. But actually living your life trying NOT to be...well, that's what truly being conscious is.  And it don't really get no "woker" than that. Everything beyond that is just vanity. Be eco-friendly
  12. I feel ya..
    monkeybanana4 reacted to patientZERO in Zeal Link Osaka to Close   
    Same here. It was my "local" go to for VK. What a shame!
  13. LOVE!
  14. Like
  15. Like
  16. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from suji in Zeal Link Osaka to Close   
    Wow, this is crazy and sad to hear 😕 I used to shop a lot at Osaka Zeal Link, too. I remember they (Zeal Link) had some of the best pre-order privileges. I'm going to miss getting stuff from there =\
  17. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 reacted to suji in Zeal Link Osaka to Close   
    Beat me to it. Osaka Zeal Link will close on August 6. Before then, they'll have a closing sale where items are 50-90% off starting on August 1.
    This is insanity...
  18. I feel ya..
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from platy in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    This has always confused me. Why make another season of something as timeless and classic like FLCL (and other anime series)? It doesn't need to be touched and be potentially ruined by another season/spin-off/sequel/etc., lol. I know there are instances where another season/sequels/remakes/etc. could actually work in the franchise's favor. But more often than not, it tends to ruin said series/franchise.
  19. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Zalemu in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    This has always confused me. Why make another season of something as timeless and classic like FLCL (and other anime series)? It doesn't need to be touched and be potentially ruined by another season/spin-off/sequel/etc., lol. I know there are instances where another season/sequels/remakes/etc. could actually work in the franchise's favor. But more often than not, it tends to ruin said series/franchise.
  20. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    Hi, let's be friends.

    (iron blooded orphans is an alternative series, but i highly recommend it btw. perhaps the best alt. gundam series there is.
  21. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Gesu in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    This has always confused me. Why make another season of something as timeless and classic like FLCL (and other anime series)? It doesn't need to be touched and be potentially ruined by another season/spin-off/sequel/etc., lol. I know there are instances where another season/sequels/remakes/etc. could actually work in the franchise's favor. But more often than not, it tends to ruin said series/franchise.
  22. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to YuyoDrift in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    One punch man was a good binge, but I haven't watched the second season, and I'm afraid to. Same goes for TG and the newest seasons of MHA and SnS.
    Ya see, the thing studios never seem to understand is: Once an anime has made it to timeless status, you DON'T go and make another season. Since Shonen Jump stuff is always doomed from the start, I can't defend them, but a series like FLCL was never supposed to have a sequel, let alone 2 wtf.
    My gf and I just started watching this, and yeah, the animation style is too "ghibli" for me to watch an entire season of. I'm trying though.
    Yeah, I'm surprised you looked up Air Master too. I hope you didn't watch an episode lol.
  23. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to nomemorial in Your last music-related buy!   
    So, this is fun for me.
    Not "new purchases" by any means, but I just recovered my old VK collection from storage at my parents' home. A lot of stuff I forgot I even had! List/photos below!
    アリス九號 ‎– 祇園盛者の鐘が鳴る。(2004, PSTA-0054)
    アリス九號 - 銀の月 黒い星 (w/DVD, 2005, PSTA-0062)
    AURORA - philosophy (2002, DFRG-00510)
    しゃるろっと - 恋辛抱マンセー! (2004, NRJ-002)
    deadman - 雨降りの向日葵 (2003, DSDS-004)
    DIR EN GREY - Gauze (2001, FWR-030)
    DIR EN GREY - Macabre (2000, SFCD-0001)
    DIR EN GREY - 鬼葬 (2002, SFCD-0012)
    DIR EN GREY - Withering to death. (w/DVD, 2006, FREE 01)
    DIR EN GREY ‎– The Marrow Of A Bone (misprint, 2007, WRCN15)
    DIR EN GREY - Uroboros (w/DVD, 2008, TE124-2)
    ドレミ團 - 郷愁悲歌三重殺 (2003, MRD-0002)
    ElDorado - AULA (2001, DSCA-1006)
    餞~ハナむケ。~ ‎– 青春バリバリ特攻集『俺は腐ったトマトじゃねぇ (2003, PSTA-0039)
    ギミック - セカンドオピニオン (2004, MSGM-001)
    ギミック - Minerals (2004, MSGM-002)
    GLAY - One Love (2001, PCCU-00011)
    Gullet - Mad Bless You (2003, CPCS-002)
    Gullet - Hide & Sick (2003, CPCS-004)
    雀羅 ‎– 呪縛ト不フ緋色ノ悪夢 (2000, MSJ-002)
    雀羅 ‎– マリィの赫檎 (2001, MSJ-006)
    人格ラヂオ - 遊歩道 (2003, JRYN-1130)
    マーディレイラ ~Mar'derayla~ - LOVE&PEACE&HORROR (2004, UCCD-024)
    メリー ‎- はいからさんが通りすぎた後... (2003, FFRE-003)
    ナイトメア ‎– Ultimate Circus (2003 - CRCP40049)
    ナイトメア ‎– シアン (w/DVD, 2004, CRCP10086)
    Rentrer en Soi - wither (2004, FWR-034)
    Rentrer en Soi - Sphire Croid (2005, FWR-035)
    SCISSOR - Number Cut #3 (2004, LOOP-4004CD)
    シド ‎– 憐哀-レンアイ- (2004, DCCA-9016)
    ヴィドール ‎– 我輩ハ、殺女成リ… (2004, UCCD-023)
    ヴィドール - 人魚 (2004, UCCD-034)
    ヴィドール ‎– ロマネスクゴシック (2004, UCCD-041)
    アヤビエ - 台形 / ミザリィインザダスク (2004, S.D.R.D-001)
    ナイトメア - Ultimate Circus Finale 03.12.12 渋谷公会堂 (2004, CRBP-10018)
    ヴィドール - 四月ニ十六日、初体験・・・ (2003, UCDV-001)
    ヴィドール - 逆・美人局 (2003, UCDV-007)
    ヴィドール - 人形演説 2004,9.11 LIQUID ROOM ebisu (2004, UCDV-010)
    VA - Under-Code Productions - 「Matina 最終章」 ~Final Prelude~ (2003, UCDV-001)
    VA - Under-Code Productions - 関西制圧 2004~2005 (2005, UCDV-014)
    パニックちゃんねる / Panic☆Ch ‎– PV(PANIC☆VIDEO)~通常版
    RusH - (2DK) (2003, 103080131)
    Cure - Vol. 1
    Cure - Vol. 6
    Cure - Vol. 13
    Cure - Vol. 15
    Cure - Vol. 21
    Cure - Vol. 27




    (a few message CDs from Third Stage pictured here, as well)

    (signed RusH postcard and パニックちゃんねる / Panic☆Ch photos)

    (Rentrer en Soi "wither" message)

  24. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to -Tetsu- in Last Thing You Bought   
    I'm a fucking Killstar addict I guess.
  25. LOLOL
    monkeybanana4 reacted to YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
    You bastards, I'm trying to bring this shit-talk to that other thread but you guys keep replying lol.
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