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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    And - Trigger (Type A and B...)
    And - bluff (Type B...)
    the Gazette - Distress Coma
    Razor - the CORE
    Clover - Promise To...
    Megaromania - Artistical Glint
    Mejibray - Slivers.exe
    Dimlim - Rijin
    Lill - Unknown World
    Kagrra, - Shu (Regular Edition)
    Kagrra, - Uzu (Limited Edition)
    Vivid - Across the Border
    Vivid - Precious (both types)
    12012 - Play Dolls
    Alucard - Final Answer
    36481? - Fiction(?)
    Joker - 餌付け
    Lolita23Q - Syuen Wars
    Lolita23Q - Marble Shaking Ward
    Fixer - ERs
    Nicolas - 真夏の蜃気楼
    Neophilia - un chain
    Jakura - 呪縛ト不フ緋色ノ悪夢 (Jubaku to Iu Hiiro no Akumu) + message tape
    DIV - Zero One
    Diaura - Genesis (Second Press)
    vistlip - revelation space (Live DVD)
    Nicolas pamphlet + signed CD
    the Raid, Shellmy, and Blu-Billion uchiwa fans
    h'evn magazines vol #37 and #43
  2. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to ghost in Ghost's music   
    So, in my free time I like to dabble in composition. I don't really have a style yet, as it's just for fun, and I don't know much about music production.
    I'm gonna start this thread with a song I started like 2 years ago and finally sat down and finished tonight. It's inspired from Castlevania music (specifically the soundtracks that Michiru Yamane worked on - Symphony of the Night, Lament of Innocence, etc.)
    It starts off like a requiem but climaxes like an overture. If you like organs, harpsichord, and choral music, you might dig it.
  3. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to colorful人生 in THE J-POP THREAD a.k.a JAYYYYPAAAWP   
    I mainly listen to indie stuff now, but I used to be a diehard AAA stan from 2010~2012. Everything from 2008 to then was super dope, and #AAABEST is def. up there w/ my most-listened-to albums
  4. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from spockitty in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    A super tough question! I guess if I had to choose one from each...
    Band: Screw
    Album: Kagrra, - Shu
    Song: vistlip - Edy
  5. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    A super tough question! I guess if I had to choose one from each...
    Band: Screw
    Album: Kagrra, - Shu
    Song: vistlip - Edy
  6. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in Your last music-related buy!   
    Ayyy after a brief frustration with customs, it's here! (≧▽≦) 
    Initial'L - MOON LIGHT DOWN
    Initial'L - VISION
    Initial'L - Tokyo Horizon
    Initial'L - Can you feel it?
    Lycaon - Gypsy
    Lycaon - Last Dance
    DIMLIN - Rijin
    NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - Unleash (lol if it's gonna be both the first and the last new release of theirs that i'll buy if they disband)
  7. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    Thank you! 😊 He just said Arigatou, but still I was happy I could tell him this 😄I also kinda made Reita apologize to me, even tho I didn't want him to apologize haha
  8. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    So sorry for the late response >< And thank you so much for the follow~ I followed you back  
    Ahhh, you did?  What did Ruki say? I was so nervous meeting them that I couldn’t say much except that the live was fun xD 
  9. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Waru Chibi in Waru's art stuff   
    Jey's outfit is in!!! It made it's way from Russia to my home and of course I had to take little JeyJey to the botanical Garden's today to take some good photos of this awesome outfit. My friend sewed it for me cause I had no time, so it's not my work in total. I made the wig and his Face up (the painting so he has a face XD), shi
    Netsuki made the complete outfit: Socks, Pants, Bondage, Shirt, Coat and Gloves.
    so all credits on her that he looks this awesome!
    Edit: I need to redo his lips. I darn hate that red lipstick - It's a different make up not the one which belongs to his outfit



  10. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to violetchain in CHIC BOY new look + new member   
    If they did a challenge where they bought a bunch of stuff from the dollar store, had all the members decorate the shirts with it and then wore them onstage for a special show or something, I'd back it 100%, tbh.
  11. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to ShTon in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Choosing only one band? That's cruel. xD
    I'd go with DIV I guess, since then I wouldn't have to live the rest of my life without my favorite song and still have some other songs to listen to.
  12. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    Thank you, I actually told him I love his voice during the meet and greet 😆 but you definitely should listen to Codomo Dragon more, since they're finally on Spotify, though I'm still buying their CDs, but it's easier to listen to them there haha
  13. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to itsukoii in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    thank you :// and lmfao right? they were all "but he doesn't understand lesbians(??? LOL) and he'll be so confused so yall should just stop!!!"... honey i think an almost 40 y/o man knows what lesbians are and wouldn't give two shits if a bunch of them loved him. sure he might be puzzled if someone went up to him during the m&g and told him about it (which nobody did, but for some reason a bunch of people were convinced we would harass him about it during the m&g??) but like you said, he wouldn't be losing any sleep. let lesbians have their fun ok
  14. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to CAT5 in Unpopular Opinion   
    I actually agree with you to an extent. Truth and truth seeking will never make you popular, and it has never been popular since the beginning of time. Ultimately, we're all invested in deception and our own self-deceptions, and the truth can shatter all of that in an instant. And that's not a comfortable feeling. Similar to that Peterson quote, the truth is like fire - it fucking burns. And who wants to get burnt? The beautiful thing tho is that fire also purifies. But I digress.
    I can relate to you in a sense. Ever since I started speaking and relaying what I perceive to be "truth" - it's costed me both online and offline.  In fact, there are people on this very forum - people I considered good friends, whom I shared good laughs with an even opened up to on a deeply personal level - who have cut me off simply over sharing thoughts that I perceived to be true. Nowadays, these very same ppl that I used to kick it with don't hesitate to talk shit about me behind my back. It is what it is.
    But here's what I've learned in my pursuit of truth. The truth does not need a spokesperson. It simply is. Whether ppl want to recognize it or not - that's up to them.  We all have free will, so trying to debate, convince, or beat people over the head with what we perceive to be the "truth" is an absolute waste of time. The best way to speak your truth is to simply live it. To embody it. Those with eyes to see, will see it. Those with ears to hear, will hear it. It'll reach who it needs to.
    Perfect example: The people I just mentioned that cut me off - did so because of thoughts i've been sharing on social media, and probably because I started posting increasingly biblical things there. It's never my intent to be controversial, adversarial, or contrary for the sake of being contrary, so I was surprised at how some ppl responded. I mean, I've even been accused of being a homophobe (which makes perfect sense with me being the admin of a VK forum, right? 🙄) and lord knows what else.
    But guess what? No matter what these people say about me - NOT ONE of them can say that I've ever done anything wrong to them, or that i've treated them like shit, or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite. And to my knowledge, if I ever did offend anyone - I ALWAYS apologized and tried to make amends/work things out.
    So lemme ask you. What's the weightier matter? What's most important? My thoughts on feminism??? on politics???, or the fact that I treat you with respect and love as a fellow human being???
    You see, I ALWAYS show love, and I ain't NEVER been a hater. Shit, ask around. The only reason I'm admin here is because ppl trust me and know i'm a cool-ass dude, and they know I've put a ton of time and love into this community. They know my character.
    So the fact that those ppl cut me off and continue talk shit about me, lets me know that those ppl are not truly seeing me. Rather, they're seeing some imaginary character that they've constructed in their minds based off my opinions on abstract ideologies. So instead of looking right in front of them, and saying "wait, CAT is a cool dude. He's always been kind and reasonable with me. Let me try to understand where he's coming from before judging him or jumping to conclusions" - they  just jump straight to "CAT disagrees with feminism? WOW. HOW DARE HE. HE'S A FUCKING MONSTER. I'LL NEVER TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN!!!"
    It's pretty juvenile, but it shows you just how willing people are to invest in their own self-deceptions, instead of looking at reality/the truth. People will destroy whole relationships over inconsequential ideological differences instead of looking at the reality of what really matters. We saw a lot of this in the last election with ppl going "Unfriend me if you voted for Trump", and ppl do this all the time in other ways. Hell, people are often wiling to hurt others and even kill over these differences. Which is crazy.
    I would call this a religious inclination...but I think it's merely an ignorant human inclination...because this tendency to want to divide and antagonize ppl based on their beliefs happens in pretty much every sphere of human interaction - not just in religion. In fact, often times, the ppl who behave like this claim to be the most open-minded, liberal, and non-religious. It's completely schizoid.
    So this is why I advocate "embodying" and living your truth - because words are abstract. Actions are concrete. Ppl can take your words and twist them, and interpret your opinions in a million different ways, but the best way to see what someone believes is to look at their actions. People can believe what they want to, but actions don't lie.
    And I always try to act out of love. I don't always get it right, and I fuck up just like anyone else, but I always continue to make that attempt. So to me, how you act and treat other people is more "true" than any abstract ideological or intellectual concepts....or anything you can "say".  Cuz I can go to anyone with all of the proof and empirical evidence of whatever you wanna talk about, but if i'm an asshole about it....if I do it without compassion, understanding, and love - then it's most likely not going to be received - so what good is it?
    Anyways, i'm just rambling at this point.
  15. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Triangle in Fanfiction   
    I love fanfics so much ! Back in the day when quizilla was a thing (bless, fun times) I was exploring the internet, doe-eyed and innocent XD. And then I started writing fanfics. I think I still have some written messily on paper and old notebooks, even in my diaries from when I was little.  It all started with anime characters like the ones from Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto etc and then I moved to Kuroshitsuji (because 13 years old me had a crush on Sebastian XD). In high school I used to write k-pop fanfics on tumblr and for a friend. After that I kinda stopped because I didn't feel like writing anymore. And theeen I picked up writing fanfiction again in uni and have been going on slowly since then XD. 
    At first I just wanted to write cute things for my best friend as a way of reminiscing the good ol' times, but then I fell in love with writing cute clumsy stuff again XD. So now I only ever so post when I feel like on AO3 and moved from paper to laptop hehehe.  I find it relaxing and fun and it's especially nice when I bring a smile on my friend's face when I share my work with her :D.
  16. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    Hello, welcome! It's great to have you on here  Have to agree about Ruki's vocals; it's really beautiful and something very special. I actually still need to dig into Codomo Dragon's discography since I liked their latest album a lot ^^
  17. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    Hi, I'm Yume ˄˄
    Honestly I found this forum by accident but thought it might be fun to join, since I don't know a lot of people who listen to j-rock T_T , only the ones I met through The GazettE concert, which is like 4 people haha...
    Anyway to say something about myself, I was always listening to music, around 5 years ago I started watching anime (oh, I'm 18 btw ˄˄) so since then I enjoyed listening to japanese music, but I never really knew what visual kei was... So around 2 years ago, I think, for some reason I looked up visual kei and listened to random song on youtube, none of them were really like "WOW" so I just kept on listening and then... The GazettE - DOGMA, I was blown away by Ruki's voice, such beautiful voice... Two years passed and I was able to meet them, they were all so sweet, gah I want to see them again...
    So this is how my journey started, after The GazettE, it took me a year to find a band I would enjoy listening to, until then I still wasn't as interested in visual kei, but these 3 bands changed my way of thinking a year ago... And who else could it be than B.P.Records's Kiryu, Codomo Dragon and Royz! It was mainly Kiryu at first with the song Muku, can't believe a year already passed since then haha.
    So well that's enough about my little story, honestly I love all the bands from B.P.Records and thanks to Baby Kingdom, I was able to find them, some of you might know who I'm talking about since it's quite obvious thanks to my profile picture, yes it's ZigZag. Seeing Kagemaru's passion being a drummer, of course I would fall in love with him, seriously I'm not joking. And then thanks to Kagemaru I discovered Kizu and that's how I ended here, I was looking up their lyrics and the first thing that showed up was this forum.
    Now this should be enough of my story, I tried keeping it short, but I was so happy I could let someone know about this, I just couldn't hold back my feelings. There are other bands I listen to, but it's mainly just the ones I talked about here,  oh and Lynch. which I also discovered recently ˄˄
    I also play games, read books/manga, watch anime and sometimes I draw, for some of my drawing and my recent fanart of Kagemaru you can go look at my instagram: kami_no_yume
    Thank you for reading this far and it's nice meeting you all, hope we can become friends ˄˄ 
    Oh also I probably didn't make it clear enough since I didn't talk about them almost at all, but my no.1 band is actually Codomo Dragon, there's just something about them, I love all the bands I listen to, but for some reason they are a bit more special to me, Yume out!
  18. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) first mini-album release, 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata)   
    ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) will release their first mini-album titled 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata) on 2019.10.30. It will have six songs and come in one type. More details TBA later.
    They will also have a one man on 2019.12.23 at 東高円寺二万電圧 (Higashi Koenji 20,000 Voltage).
  19. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Karma’s Hat in Unpopular Opinion   
    Yall believe whatever but this liberal colleges makes me laugh so much because it comes without exception either from people who have never done any scholarly work in their lives or from lunatics and hacks no real researcher takes seriously. Fyi universities have never been un-ideological. This is just a fantasy of certain people operating within a certain ideological background and often with the lack of an academic background to match. 
    Humanities are suffering far more from cuts in funding than the gay agenda, or something
  20. wow
    monkeybanana4 reacted to heresytrash in Crazed, creepy, and downright annoying fans?   
    I got into an argument with a middle aged gazette fan once, then she told me she was gonna LINE Ruki that I was an unhappy fan since she knows him “personally”. 
  21. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from zetork in ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) first mini-album release, 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata)   
    ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) will release their first mini-album titled 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata) on 2019.10.30. It will have six songs and come in one type. More details TBA later.
    They will also have a one man on 2019.12.23 at 東高円寺二万電圧 (Higashi Koenji 20,000 Voltage).
  22. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from sleepy coffee in ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) first mini-album release, 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata)   
    ラク×ガキ (Rakuxgaki) will release their first mini-album titled 「カミサマノツクリカタ」(Kamisama no tsukurikata) on 2019.10.30. It will have six songs and come in one type. More details TBA later.
    They will also have a one man on 2019.12.23 at 東高円寺二万電圧 (Higashi Koenji 20,000 Voltage).
  23. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Gesu in What are you listening to 2?   
  24. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from zetork in てんさい。(Tensai) last single release, "絶対的☆魔法少女" (Zetsutaiteki ☆ mahou shoujo)   
    Tensai will release their last single "絶対的☆魔法少女" (Zetsutaiteki ☆ mahou shoujo) on 2019.08.19.
    Type A Cost: 1,500 yen
    Type B  Cost: 1,000 yen 
    3.絶対的☆魔法少女(off vocal)
    4.諭吉ROCK弐(off vocal)
  25. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to platy in random thoughts thread   
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