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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. @Velle Oh, cool. Alice Nine was another one I first discovered alongside Nightmare. 


    As for KHRYST, I'd recommend the 螺旋階段 (Rasen Taidan) and REDRUM songs. A friend of mine really likes the Don't be Silly one, so that's another one to give a shot. I'd love to know your thoughts on it when you listen to it ^^


    I feel you there. There are so many bands to listen to, and sometimes I forget to listen to a particular band on accident, lol. I've heard of Vani;lla, but I've never had a chance to listen to their music.


    If you can, you should listen to some of Vidoll's music. I'm completely biased, but I think their songs are pretty good ^^; I'd recommend their Deathmate (mini-album) and their Very Important Doll (album). It has some of their best songs on there.

  2. Just now, Velle said:

    Thank you!


    Nightmare, Screw, and X Japan. I need to refind all my old favourites.

    what are yours?

    Oh, nice! Screw is also one of my big favorites~ I'm still so sad that they disbanded ;w; At least Jin and Byou have come back in a new band, so it's somewhat of a nice relief ^^ Do you remember what your favorite songs are from Screw? Nightmare is also a cool band. They were one of the first groups I discovered when I first got into VK.


    My other favorites includes D'espairRays, Diaura, Vidoll, and Kagrra. I also like some of the newer bands, but I still have to listen to more of their songs, lol.

  3. @platy When Sora fights him again in Twilight Town? Ugh, yeah, I disliked that fight a lot. In general, I find Vexen annoying as a boss fight especially with that shield he carries. Regularly attacking him just doesn't work, so you constantly have to break his cards somehow. That really irked me when I first fought him. In the end, I cheesed his boss fights by stacking my entire deck with that cheap sleight, Lethal Frame. Massive cheating, but I had enough of fighting him after so many deaths. But yes, the Vexen fights were stupid - *completely flips all tables and chairs* Larxene was tough, but she felt less bothersome than Vexen's fights. She didn't feel as cheap.

  4. Covers and tracklist has been released. 



    Limited Edition【初回限定盤】(1,800 yen + taxes)
    [DISC 1:CD]
    1: YOU
    2: YOU [Instrumental Ver.]

    [DISC 2 : DVD]
    何千何万何億の君への想い 2018 –MUSIC CLIP–



    Regular Edition 【通常盤】(1,200 yen + taxes)
    1: YOU
    2: 何千何万何億の君への想い 2018
    3: YOU [Instrumental Ver.]



    Live/Mail Order Limited Edition 【会場・通販限定盤】 <数量限定> (5,000 yen) [It will come in special packaging and will come with a postcard as a bonus for buying it at the live or through mail order. It will be sold in limited quantities.]

    [DISC 1:CD]
    1: YOU
    2: 何千何万何億の君への想い 2018
    3: YOU [Acoustic Ver.]
    4: YOU [Instrumental Ver.]
    5: 何千何万何億の君への想い 2018 [Instrumental Ver.]
    *Live Take at 仙台darwin on September 14, 2018
    8: PLAY [LIVE]
    9: G I R L [LIVE]
    11: キズナ [LIVE Acoustic Ver.]
    *Live Take at ディファ有明on December 25, 2017

    [DISC 2 : DVD]
    1: 何千何万何億の君への想い 2018 -MUSIC CLIP-


    [DISC 1:CD]
    ├ Acoustic Ver.
    └ ライブ音源全6曲
    [DISC 2:DVD]


    Source: http://pigmy.jp/release/


    The covers for the first single, which will be released on 2018.12.23, has been posted on Twitter. It will cost 1,500 yen.



    01. メンヘラ方程式

    02. Red Rain


    They will also have a few lives scheduled in Nagoya.

    2018.12.23 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA

    2019.01.12 NAGOYA MUSIC FARM

    2019.02.04 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA

    2019.02.02 NAGOYA MUSIC FARM

    2019.02.15 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA


    The band also posted a new logo on Twitter.



  6. 6 hours ago, CAT5 said:


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    FIRST OF ALL, "Oblivion" is one of my favorite songs by lynch.!!! We might just have to re-negotiate your position on staff now :lol::lol::lol:


    lol, nah, but seriously. I feel you on this 100%. One of the things I've been learning is that we really can't be too hasty to credit people as being "friends", because unfortunately, some people aren't friends for friendship sake - rather, they're simply around for their own occasion. Whether it's for the sake of attention, distraction, fun - whatever the case, they're not around for you, but they're around for what they can get from you. Many people operate like this without even realizing it, though. It's one of the many wretched facets of human nature.


    So in light of that, you just have to be sober about it and actually prove people before elevating them to friend status. How do you do that? Simply examine the fruits of their behavior/actions. Is this someone who I can depend on when I need them? Is this someone who's willing to share my burdens when I'm troubled? Is this someone I can seek sound counsel from? Is this someone who doesn't invalidate my feelings? Is this someone who gives without expectation of return? Is this someone who I can be honest with, without them getting angry at me? Is this someone I can disagree with / butt heads with and there still be no love lost? Is this someone with the capacity to forgive? Is this someone who's genuinely invested in my growth and not only wants to see me do better, but is willing to put in the work to help me do better as well?


    These are just some of the questions we can ask ourselves when examining those in our lives worthy of being considered a friend. Always look at the fruits! Now if their only fruit is the fact they're always around during fun/good/happy times, yet they're ghost in times of affliction or they flee at any sign of discomfort - well, you pretty much know what to expect then :lol:


    But anyways, I can certainly relate to you, because I've always been the type to give people more credit than is due, and I've often made the mistake of expecting people to be as forgiving and merciful as I aim to be. And unfortunately, it's resulted in a lot of unnecessary heartache, but you live, you learn, you adapt and do better! :hum:


    And regardless of if people reciprocate your behavior or not - I definitely think you're operating in the right spirit! Truly, cultivating good character is its own reward! And that's exactly what you're doing, so keep shining your light regardless of dem shadows!!!  ;) 




    Preach this :rock:


    9 hours ago, platy said:


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    I always give my friends 100% of my support when they're upset or have problems. Not to brag, but my advice always saves them from some serious trouble and personal/emotional issues. They, in turn, didn't ask me once if my surgery went well and now that I need some advice regarding a life changing opportunity they're almost useless. I do it because I genuinely enjoy it, not because I expect something in return, but after a while it gets disheartening. The lesson here is don't put all your effort into people since they're likely not going to do the same for you 👍🏼Moving on. Also Oblivion by lynch. is crap.


    Not sure what else to add after CAT's amazing, inspirational words of wisdom xD But I just wanted to say that I hope you're recovering well and feeling better from your surgery ^^ Despite people's uncalled for behavior, keep up that positive spirit/character because it'll only make you the better person in the end :) 

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