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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. @platy Yes, the graphics look superb and the gameplay looks a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it! Aside from the convoluted story, I can't wait to play it.


    Ooh, that's cool! What were you thoughts on the HD remix for KH1? What did you think about the Mysterious Figure boss?


    Yeah, they transported CoM into a 3D game. I feel it gets a little crazy, trying to manage your cards in 3D during battle especially against the Organization bosses. I've never played the original version, but I saw some video footages of it, and the card battle system felt more manageable in the 2D version (at least that was my impression?). The game does sort of feels stale if it's not focusing on the main Organization plot. At the least the graphics look nice, and thankfully, it's not too long of a game. KH2 final mix is a lot more fun, so I think that'll make up for the CoM remix.

  2. (Tour dates and list of countries)


    (Updated Twitter post with venue locations for each stop)



    May    9 - Weinheim (Germany) (Venue: Cafe Central)
    May 10 - Rotterdam (Netherlands) (Venue: Baroeg)
    May 11 - Essen (Germany) (Venue: Turock)
    May 12 - London (UK) (Venue: the Underworld)
    May 13 - Paris (France) (Venue: Petit Bain)
    May 15 - München (Germany) (Venue: Backstage)
    May 16 - Pratteln (Switzerland) (Venue: Z7)
    May 17 - Montpellier (France) (Venue: SECRET PLACE)
    May 18 - Barcelona (Spain) (Venue: Boveda)
    May 19 - Madrid (Spain) (Venue: Copernico)


    Purchase Tickets Links/Info


    May    9 - Weinheim (Germany) (Venue: Cafe Central) 

    Link: https://cafecentral.reservix.de/tickets-jupiter-in-weinheim-cafe-central-am-9-5-2019/e1324639

    Price: €36.20


    May 10 - Rotterdamn (Netherlands) (Venue: Baroeg)

    Link: https://baroeg.stager.nl/web/tickets (Scroll down for Jupiter)

    Price: €18.00 (+ €1.00 fee) [Pre-sale price]


    May 11 - Essen (Germany) (Venue: Turock)

    Link: https://www.adticket.de/Turock-Shop.html?format=raw 

    Price: (Tickets not available yet.)


    May 12 - London (UK) (Venue: the Underworld)

    Link: https://www.theunderworldcamden.co.uk/events/2019-05-12-jupiter-the-underworld?fbclid=IwAR2X3xXMoIX0bm2QiMBD7ClEXp4bZi39G_dfyLqvLkHdwYxSZ7WYVmnj3xI

    Price: £30.00 (+ £3 fee)


    May 13 - Paris (France) (Venue: Petit Bain) 

    Link: https://www.access-live.net/jupiter?fbclid=IwAR1Ma3w16nzCWwRzatINKnoYntCDMRLS0UNWH9X0hLBeTe3yKrLgQLwLn4g

    Price: €35,00


    May 15 - München (Germany) (Venue: Backstage) 

    Link: https://www.backstagetickets.eu/?___store=english&___from_store=default 

    Price: (Tickets not available yet.)


    May 16 - Pratteln (Switzerland) (Venue: Z7)

    Link: http://www.z-7.ch/event.php?eventid=1662

    Price(s): CHF 39.50/EUR 34.37


    May 17 - Montpellier (France) (Venue: SECRET PLACE)

    Link: https://www.access-live.net/jupiter?fbclid=IwAR1Ma3w16nzCWwRzatINKnoYntCDMRLS0UNWH9X0hLBeTe3yKrLgQLwLn4g 

    Price: (Tickets for Montepellier not available yet.)


    May 18 - Barcelona (Spain) (Venue: Boveda)

    Link: https://ticketmadness.es/inicio/274-jupiter-barcelona.html?fbclid=IwAR26xLiRLveX8EKhdCBCR9unZEWHiChBbytbMHaxJHHvjIpwONOAER_RKQE

    Price: 30,00€ (+2,50€ fee)


    May 19 - Madrid (Spain) (Venue: Copernico)

    Link: https://ticketmadness.es/inicio/275-jupiter-madrid.html?fbclid=IwAR1AJCIdQ9sAcykn9pyTdGIdvj3Gd4Yjpz-PR0HxXe7V8JdpEGLfi_gg9fc

    Price: 30,00€ (+2,50€ fee)




    「Zeus Tour -JAPAN-」
    2019.3.30 [土] 横浜BAYSIS (Yokohama)
    2019.3.31 [日] 西川口Hearts (Tokyo)
    2019.4. 6 [土] 京都MUSE (Kyoto)
    2019.4. 7 [日] 静岡Sunash (Shizuoka)
    2019.4.13 [土] 福岡graf (Fukuoka)
    2019.4.14 [日] 岡山IMAGE (Okayama)
    2019.4.19 [金] 水戸LIGHT HOUSE (Mito)
    2019.4.20 [土] 仙台HOOK (Sendai)
    2019.4.27 [土] 大阪RUIDO (Osaka)
    2019.4.28 [日] 名古屋ell.FITS ALL (Nagoya)

    「Zeus Tour -JAPAN-」FINALE 2days
    2019.5. 4 [土] 代官山SPACE ODD (Tokyo)
    2019.5. 5 [日] 代官山SPACE ODD (Tokyo)


    Source: http://jupiter.jp.net/news/2018/11/22/1612/ and http://jupiter.jp.net/news/2018/11/22/1616/

  3. On 11/18/2018 at 6:18 PM, Mihenno said:

    Been listening to BASALT for a couple days now and I have to say that I do like it. I really like 螺旋階段 and REDRUM. FREAKING OUT, DONT BE SILLY, and ボクトアソボウヨ... are still growing on me, but I do enjoy them when I listen to the album as a whole. 


    I love Byo's voice and can't wait for their next release.


    I'm glad to hear that Byo is back singing. Hopefully, he can growl/scream a little more in their heavier/darker songs in future releases. Definitely agree about REDRUM. It's one of my favorite songs on the mini-album.

  4. I saw a thread wasn't made yet for this band, so here it is. Let me know of any errors/mistakes.




    OHP: KHRYST+ Homepage

    Twitter: KHRYST+ Official Twitter

    YouTube: KHRYST+ Official YouTube Channel



    Link: KHRYST+ Profile Page



    Vocal: BYO

    - History: [Alice]∽Madiel → Kagerou (蜉蝣) [roadie] → JOKER → SCREW (鋲) → KHRYST+ (BYO)

    - Birthday: February 9th

    - Blood Type: B



    Guitar: QUINA

    - History: VizeL → Twins☆ [support] → Nihilizm (makina) → KHRYST+ (QUINA)

    - Birthday: October 25th

    - Blood Type: ?



    Bass: IЯU

    - History: ReivieЯ → THOMAS (トーマス) [support] → Nihilizm (hayato) → KHRYST+ (IЯU)

    - Birthday: March 27th

    - Blood Type: A



    Drums: JIN

    - History: CERBEROS (ケルベロス) [support] → LiViNG DEAD → SCREW (ジン) → Project.Revive (Project.Revive-リヴァイヴ-) → KHRYST+ (JIN)

    - Birthday: July 22nd

    - Blood Type: A+


    Social Media Links

    BYO's Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/byo_official

    QUINA's Twitter: https://twitter.com/khryst_quina

    QUINA's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denki_otoko

    IЯU's Twitter: https://twitter.com/khryst_iru

    IЯU's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inumamire_p1pit

    JIN's Twitter: https://twitter.com/khryst_jin

    JIN's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jin_0722_ofc




    [2018.11.01][Live-Distributed] 0th Mini-Album - BASALT 



    02. 螺旋階段
    04. DON'T BE SILLY
    05. ボクトアソボウヨ...
    06. REDRUM


    Thoughts? Comments on this new band formed by Byou? 

  5. 19 hours ago, platy said:

    Yeah, I'm playing them on ps4. I'll be make a post when I'm done, hopefully before the 29th January. I actually really don't know much about Chi at all, so I was just guessing it didn't go into the keyblade war. So much to catch up on lol

    Cool! It’s a lot of games to get through, but at least they’re mostly entertaining (besides the convoluted story). Ooh, okay yeah, the plot is a huge... mess, to nicely phrase it lol 


    I think you mentioned it earlier, but what are your thoughts on KH3? I saw the other day that the 100 Acre Woods is making a comeback in the newest game. I thought that world would be done after KH2 xD

  6. @platy Yeah, I did the same thing since there were some games I never had the chance to play during its the original release. Luckily, games like 358/2 and Re:Coded are in movie format, so thank god, lol. Will you be playing it on the PS4? Out of all the HD remixes/final mix, I think my favorite one is KH2 final mix because of the additional bonus content and the way they changed some of the mechanisms in the game. I'd love to hear your opinions/thoughts when you get through it all.


    And the story of Chi is still unfinished, too, at least from what I last read. I think KHInsider posted a whole playlist with English subs, showing the most important stuff from the Chi games. Here's the link to the playlist if you're interested: https://youtu.be/mZBcljsfUIM. Most of the videos aren't long, so it's tolerable. (There is also stuff from Union X that I have not yet watched. I can't ever seem to keep up with this big plot.)


    I love the series and all, but I sort of hope it won't be like another 10 games. How the heck is it even going to continue after the Xehanort plot? Right now, the whole lore of Kingdom Hearts seems to be built around him. Oh, was Chi/Union Chi supposed to explain the Keyblade War and all that stuff before it? Or did I misremember that? 


  7. Nice artwork! I really love the second one, and the flowers are a nice touch. I get a homey, calm feeling when looking at it. Were both pieces drawn by hand? (I apologize with my silly question. I love admiring other people's talents, but I have zero skill/knowledge when it comes to art. )

  8. 1 hour ago, platy said:

    Oops, I got confused. Yeah, Neverland & Disney Town in BBS! It's been so long since I played that things are getting blurred. Tron in KH2, it's an eyesore lol I didn't know it was a thing in DDD :(  What are your favorite worlds?

    Oh, no! Are you going to play DDD in the compilation if you can? I totally recommend it. Are you also playing the previous games on the HD compilations? Other than Halloween Town, I like Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden. It was fun and had a nice soundtrack. Also, I really liked one of the worlds in DDD, which is Symphony Sorcery. In BBS, I agree with Neverland. It was quite nice to explore more of the world. Deep Space was another cool world, too. In KH2, I enjoyed the Timeless River one - the black and white aesthetics were a cool touch.

    1 hour ago, platy said:

    I just looked at the latest compilation of all games and it said there's a movie in there? I thought it was cutscenes from chi, but i might be wrong. I hope KH3 will be the last KH game but I doubt it. The story is just so convoluted, I wish they wouldn't drag it out any longer and work on some new IP

    Oh, yeah. The movie on the compilation is actually additional stuff that further adds to the mobile Chi game. I think you had to play the game to understand it, so I was completely lost when I first watched it. Somewhere, I read that Nomura said KH3 will be the end of the "Xehanort" saga, but not the end of the KH game. I agree, though. The plot gets quite haywire, and the plot in DDD further complicates the storyline by adding some very left field elements into the story. At this point, I just wish the game would finish. I love the gameplay, but the story is a whole other beast. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, leighla said:

    Not seeing sites like CDJapan that are selling this. Is it limited to in store purchases? 

    I'm not sure about the in-store, but I did see it being sold on Tower Records. I didn't see it on the other visual kei music stores like Brand-X or Zeal Link.


    (Copied the links from the band's website)













  10. 1 hour ago, platy said:

    Mmm. Agrabah really is a chore. Little Mermaid was a massive improvement in KH2. Pirates of the Caribbean is a drag. I have a love/hate relationship with the Coliseum. Mulan was interesting. The ones I consistently like throughout the games are Halloween Town and Beast's Castle. I need to play through more games to make a final decision but yeah. (edit: Neverland KH2 and Disney Town were great too, also fuck tron) 

    So many fans complained about the musical aspect of the Little Mermaid. I personally didn't find it too horrible. Controls were much better even though there wasn't any combat. Agree with you on Halloween Town. I love the aesthetics of it and the costumes are a nice added touch. Something about that world is quite fun. Do you mean Neverland and Disney Town in Birth by Sleep? Trying to complete those mini-games in Disney Town for the trophy requirements are a nightmare, lol. Are you referring to the Tron world in KH2 or in Dream Drop Distance?

    1 hour ago, platy said:

    I also played chi, but it was repetitive as fuck and I saw nothing in terms of story, despite playing for a couple of months so you can just watch the movie when it comes out lol. 

    Cool. I was thinking I might have to play it. Do you mean the movie version on the HD PS4 compilation? I did watch that one. The story was so-so (and mysterious as usual). At least the graphics were top-notch. I did remember reading somewhere that Nomura said the story of Chi won't be finished by KH3's release, and I'm kind of wondering how that works since Chi is supposed to be the prequel to all the games, lol.


    MIMIZUQ will release their 1st album, 「ナミダQUARTET」(Namida Quartet), on 2019.03.06. It will come in two editions. 


    CD+PHOTOBOOK (Limited Edition)

    3,426 yen +tax [TKCA-74772]


    CD (Regular Edition)

    2,778 yen +tax [TKCA-74773]



    01. SE「ナミダQUARTET」

    02. ずっと好きでした

    03. NEW HOPE

    04. 東京INVADERZ

    05. VIOLET SKY

    06. 鎮む森に降る慈しみの雨 -ナミダQUARTET ver.-

    07. angel song

    08. Piggyback

    09. ジグザグザ


    11. Grand Guignol

  12. 35 minutes ago, platy said:

    Regarding the gummy ship, KH2's is very trippy and the camera goes insane sometimes too lol But it's a lot more fun than KH1's


    I love the art style of CoM! I'm a sucker for pixel art. I don't mind the battle system or the grind, but it can be hard to get used to using the cards.  I just wish we could explore new worlds. It gets annoying seeing the same disney characters over and over and the KH original worlds are some of my favorite places in the series, I mean The World That Never Was? Twilight/Traverse Town? Such atmospheric places, why can't we have more. Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before in this thread, but I've been trying to finish CoM for over 9 years now. I just can't defeat Marluxia. Every year I go back, grind and try a new strategy but I never defeated him. Maybe it's even a glitch? I'm glad I get to try it again a new console.


    What did you think of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days? I thought KH works well on a PSP, but it did not work on a nintendo DS, like, at all and I didn't finish it mainly because the grind was excruciating and the gameplay was too repetitive.


    Oh, you played it on the GBA? I never had the chance. I've only been able to play it on the HD compilation, so I'm not sure about any glitch with Marluxia. But I've managed to beat him on the HD version. There is also a very broken sleight called Lethal Frame, which I think was newly added for the HD version. It either makes the game easier or completely breaks it (depending on one's opinion). Yes, I couldn't agree more! I love the original worlds especially the expanded version of The World That Never Was. And the music in Traverse/Twilight fit quite beautifully. Unfortunately, I think Nomura said he's not going to be creating more original ones, which is quite a shame since those tend to be the more interesting ones (unless I'm remembering incorrectly). How did you think about the Disney worlds in the other installments? Some people I know complained about the unnecessary addition of Agrabah in KH2. 


    I think the story in KH 358/2 Days is fine, but I agree about the gameplay. It was a huge grind and way too repetitive. I've tried to complete it three times, but I lose interest in it just as quick. I think the game handled awkwardly on the Nintendo DS, but probably because I'm too used to playing most KH games on Sony products. The only one I have not played is KH Chi since it's on the phone, but I heard it's important story-wise. Have you played it yet?

  13. 21 minutes ago, platy said:

    Not yet, I'll get to it soon.  From the trailer it looks pretty fun, if I knew there would be a KH compilation with 2.8 included coming out I would've waited a bit more to buy it. 


    I was fighting Ursula last night and I couldn't see anything I was doing, so it was a miracle I did it in one go. After that I went to the Peter Pan world and ugh, that camera does NOT work in cramped spaces. Can't wait to move on to chain of memories. 

    Ah, darn. Yeah, those compilations kind of snuck up. But you should totally play it when you get the chance. It's short, but it's a super fun teaser of KH3's battle system. 


    I remember the swimming controls in Atlantica not helping with that chaotic Urusla fight, so awkward and weird. Totally agree with you there about the Peter Pan world. I feel that's when the camera is at its worst especially when exploring inside the tiny spaces inside the ship. Like how am I supposed to fight an enemy when I have to fight against the camera controls? Also, somewhat random, but the gummy ship sections in KH1 kind of pale in comparison to the ones in KH2 - those were lots of fun there.


    How do you like Chain of Memories? I feel it is unique with its card battle system, but it could get repetitive when you needed to grind/search for a particular 'door' card. I've heard lots of people disliking the battle system.

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