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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. 7 minutes ago, Miku70 said:

    The first video is deleted,  but the second video is funny 😁.


    Ah! I swore it was there when I lasted watched it ;w; It was a funny video program of them being on NicoNico, but yes! They are such a quiet, funny band! I love watching them interact and play silly jokes on each other, haha. Their concert lives are also a lot of fun to watch :) 

  2. 13 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    I like the original more, but they remake was cool as well! And yes to having aurora on repeat 😂

    Same here ^^ Liked the original one more. Haha, a friend of mine, one time asked me, if I was ever going to listen to anything else XD

    13 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    I did, yes. Their sound was definitely darker, and I think it was Miku’s way to move away from ancafe’s image to pursue something completely different. I liked their music, but for me, there was no spark there. What do you think?

    It makes sense - perhaps he was trying to make a statement to people that he wasn't simply a 'happy' oshare singer. I've just been re-listening to their music, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's solid. But it does feel a bit lackluster - like there's something missing despite it being "darker" than An Cafe. I can't put my finger on what it is, though.

    13 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Yes, I saw them live twice! Once in 2009, and the last time in 2014. In 2012 I decided against going to their concert because I would have had to skip at least one day at uni. A friend of mine, who lives in Berlin, went to the show, and said it was amazing. In hindsight, I think I should’ve taken the chance.

    I once even accidentally caught takuya’s guitar plectrum! I just saw something flying my way and caught it out of instinct. 

    I never got to see a lot of Japanese bands live, but I’m glad I had the chance to see ancafe. 

    Wow! That's cool! How were they live? I'm super curious ^^ Omg, that's sooo awesome that you were able to catch it! Those are so hard to catch :D 

  3. Items physically signed in person:

    Awoi (CD), Diaura (x3 CDs - They were super nice about it! Although, the ink on Shouya's marker kept dying, so I think he had to switch it out for another one while signing one of my CDs, lol.), D=Out (poster), Sadie (photoset), and vistlip (post card)


    Items bought or received already signed

    Diaura, Hizaki (by himself), Kiryu, Lin, Royz, SCREW, and Shoujo Lolita23Q

  4. I'm necroing this thread because it looked really fun and pretty hilarious XD Also, I couldn't find the random button on the flickr page, so I used deviantart. 


    Label Name

    Adequacy of Verbal Instruction Records

    Band Members

    Singer (1st)

    翡翠 (Hisui) 

    → De≠prive → DE=LUGE → Vierge → Madeth gray'll → Jelly Berry → Schwardix Marvally, 妃&関西貴族

    Singer (2nd)




    → Dieur Mind → D'espairRays → Angelo


    妃綺 (Kiki)
    → MerCurius → xジハードx → キス&ネイト → Hi:BRiD(support) → Hi:BRiD → POPCORE → (retired)


    ラメ (Rame) 

    → Radifia → Eze:quL → ヴィドール (Vidoll), 妃&関西貴族 (Vocals, session band) → Black Gene For The Next Scene


    → amnion → THEPOD → Sugar Trip → alively sanctuary → Versailles → Jupiter,  Spark7 (support), 葵-168- (support) → Versailles, 葵-168- (support), KAMIJO (support), 運命交差点

    Band Name


    Debut Album Name

    Whenever two really is

    Debut Album Art


    Debut PV

    Spirit Truth


    I have no idea how this band would sound like, but I'm pretty sure it either be epicly weird or amazing XD


  5. Hello and welcome! Great band choices, although there are just too many VK bands, aren't there? Lol.

    Many people here share the same interests in lots of bands, so you'll find plenty here :) If you ever have any questions, just ask around. Enjoy! :glitter:

  6. 5 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    The other two songs were smile ichinan II onna and escapism ;) another mixtape followed soon, introducing me to all of these amazing b-sides (ese uranai, super rabbit, Aurora, hisokyo, ame no hankagai, etc). I think that most of the songs that had not been released on one of their studio albums were among their best.

    Oh, nice! Smile Ichiban Ii Onna and Escapism were the other songs I discovered on YT. Aurora is another personal favorite of mine~ I had that song play on repeat in my younger years, lol. Did you like the original Smile Ii Ichiban Onna or the remake they released in 2015?

    5 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Their music definitely changed, but I had the feeling it had more to do with them trying to appease a wider audience? I think that their songs were less heavy (which is probably why they hired a keyboard player in the first place.) I’mnot saying that their old songs were less sparkly, but their third album (and first without Bou) felt more...glittery? 😂 

    Haha, that's a pretty apt description of their music after Bou left 😂 I always described their works as becoming "lighter", but I think glittery sounds better XD Did you ever get a chance to listen to Miku's other band, Lc5? I felt the look of that band was far from the happier/lighter sounds of AnCafe.

    5 hours ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Me too...but I don’t have the money nor the time to travel to Japan atm. I’v been waiting for another Europe tour since 2014, and I still have got to come to terms with the fact that this is seriously it, and they will not continue to bring this joy into my life. This may sound dramatic, but their music was always with me in my teenage and young adult years, and they will be missed!

    You were able to go to the tour they had in Europe? That's so cool! I've never had the chance to see them live. It must have been amazing! I feel the same way. They were one of my first visual kei bands, so I will definitely miss the band!

  7. 5 minutes ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Yes, it was my first ancafe song, too! Got a mixtape from a friend of mine, and three an cafe songs were on there. I instantly Fell in love with Snow scene.

    As far as I know, You wrote the song, yes. 

    And I feel you. My teenage self was so sad because he used to be my favourite. I had just discovered them a year before that, and suddenly he left. It's not like I'm that interested in his private life, but sometimes I wonder what he's up to or if he's alright. I wonder if he maybe got an education after leaving the VK scene? Anyways, I Wish him all the best.

    Whoa, that's cool. (Out of curiosity, what were the other songs on there?) A friend of mine introduced me to them with their song, Wagamama Koushinkyouku. It was later on that I stumbled across Snow Scene, and I was hooked to the band thanks to it.


    Same here! I had only discovered them right before Bou left. I was quite shocked to find that he would leave all of a sudden. I also wonder what he was doing afterwards since he seemed to have disappeared from the music scene. Nonetheless, I'm sure he's doing well in whatever he's decided to do ^.^v  I still liked the band after he left, but their music wasn't quite the same.


    It makes me wish I could have seen them live before the group basically disbanded. I'm sure it would have been a lot of fun.

  8. Snow Scene is also one of my favorite songs by them! In fact, it was one of the first songs that I discovered by them. The lyrics are somewhat sad, but it’s still a great song. (The ending of the video is heartwarming when the rest of the band members find Miku in the bathtub.)


    I like most of the songs on their album Magyna Carta album. Is Stumble Across a Miracle written by Bou? (I was so sad to learn when Bou left the band ;_;)

  9. I pretty much love the clothing fashion stemming from Japan. Some include: Putomayo, Super Lovers, Civarize, Silver Bullet, Jury Black, Sex Pot Revenge, h.Naoto (including its other brands like Mint Neko and Sixh), and %6DokiDoki. Some other ones I like include Algonquin, Miho Matsuda, Hell Cat Punks, and Deorart.


    Unfortunately, the clothes are expensive and I'm too poor to afford them nowadays. But it's still nice to look at these clothes and put them on my wish list, lol. I'm also sad to learn that the Kera Shop in Osaka is gone. Thankfully, their shop in Tokyo still exists.


    For Western fashion, I like Converse, Vans, and American Eagle. Betsey Johnson is also really nice. I just buy whatever is on sale, though.

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