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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. 14 hours ago, Zeus said:

    You're not wrong. I would peg the growing interest in anime and Japanese culture to the late 90's and early 2000's. I was too young to notice at the time, but thinking back on it, it was my dad who introduced me to Dragonball Z. He heard about it from his coworkers, all about 30 or 40, so clearly its influence had infiltrated my country by the time I was 5 or 6.

    I still remember watching DBZ (as well as Pokemon, Sailormoon, and Digimon) on television when I was quite young (I forget what channel it is now), and that was what got me into the whole "I've got to listen to J-music" craze. Even now, I recall trying to scour the internet on very shady sites/places to grab a bite of J-music regardless of its subpar quality. It was quite a different time then. 

    14 hours ago, Zeus said:

    I won't even try to analyze the reasons why interest died off since I'm not certified in it, but what I can say is that at some point interest in Japanese music fell off completely. I have friends who will admit to watching anime, playing JRPGs, going to anime conventions and cosplaying, but not one of them talks about listening to the music.  If I were pressed to give a reason for this, I would point to K-Pop. I know many a fan who jumped ship to K-Pop once the craze died down, and to be honest it feels more socially acceptable to like K-Pop than visual kei these days because one is more commercialized than the other. To J- and K-music outsiders, I can see how the distinction between "J-Rock" and "K-Pop" is irrelevant when they don't understand the words anyway, so I'd say that for many people K-Pop fills that musical niche for their interest in ~exotic Asian musics~ where J-Music should be.

    I think this is an interesting point, which I agree with. Some people who I used to interact with on other social media sites like LJ have now seemingly migrated over to K-pop and lost total interest in VK/J-rock despite being huge fans themselves at one point in time.


    I agree. I think K-pop is more accepted than VK because it is more heavily advertised. Heck, I see the band, BTS, on American and British channels being interviewed these days. I'm not an expert by any means, but I feel an important tool of advertisement that probably helped catapult the popularity of K-pop is the usage of the Internet and social media. Interestingly, the "Korean Wave" (the popularity of Korean pop culture, including K-music) started in the 1990s - right around the same time when VK was gaining traction overseas. However, unlike VK/J-rock, it seems K-pop/K-music were not afraid to tap into the power of the Internet and social media and utilized it to spread the word. To this day, I remember being able to find Korean music much more easily and listening to that for a time before I could even find VK. (VK music was notoriously hard to find back in those days.) Even during the 2006-2009 period, VK (in general, including the bosses who run the whole business, lol) seemed resistant to use the power of the Internet and social media, making it difficult for the genre to grow and become more acceptable.


    Anyway, I have completely digressed from the topic, but it is an interesting subject to mull over ^^;

    14 hours ago, Zeus said:

    A lot of my fondness for this era is because this was the music I listened to in my formative years and I will always have a soft spot for it, but I'd be lying if I said 2008 wasn't the best time ever to be a visual kei fan. It was.

    Completely concur with you on this statement. I discovered so much in this time period that I got completely lost in the deluge of amazing music. Perhaps it's nostalgia, I return to listen to it even now, and I love it just as much since I first discovered it. Even though the post only covered albums, there were also many noteworthy singles released in 2008 as well. (Making a post on that would be quite the undertaking!)

  2. Cool! I'll give it a try this year ^^ Everything is ordered by date under each respective category. Ratings are subjective (personal tastes/opinions), meaning it doesn't reflect the quality of the release~ Subject to change.


    Ratings List


    Color Code

    Regular (grey/white?) color - Visual Kei

    Bright pink - J-Rock, Metal, Power Metal, Shoegaze, etc.

    Orange - J-Pop, J-Rap, Easy Listening, etc.

    Bright Red - Jazz, Soundtracks, etc. (miscellaneous categories)




    [2019.04.10][Album] Aimer - Sun Dance and Penny Rain (2 simultaneous album release)

    [2019.01.09][Album] FIXER - FIXER II

    [2019.08.14][Single] nurié - モノローグ (monologue)

    [2019.09.14][Live-Limited Mini-Album] NICOLAS - Category-E




    [2019.03.06][Album] SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] - R∃/MEMBER

    [2019.03.13][Single] RAZOR - Undo

    [2019.03.19][Single] キズ (Kizu) - 平成 (Heisei)

    [2019.05.24][Live-Limited Single?] Gotcharocka - Naked Songs

    [2019.06.19][Album] The Winking Owl - Thanksラブレター (Thanks Love Letter)

    [2019.06.26][Album] RAZOR - 千年ノ調べ (Chitose no shirabe)

    [2019.07.01][Live-Limited Single] NICOLAS - 真夏の蜃気楼

    [2019.07.03][EP] 羊文学 (Hitsuji Bungaku) - きらめき

    [2019.07.17][Mini-album] Frantic EMIRY〜second crisis〜 - EDEN

    [2019.10.16][Mini-Album] Ashmaze. - 錯覚 (Sakkaku)

    [2019.11.20][Single] ヴァージュ (Virge) - 私ノ悪イ癖 / 白昼夢




    [2019.01.09][Single] Maron Hamada - 右の頬がゆがむとき (Migi no Hoho ga Yugamu Toki)

    [2019.01.09][Mini-Album] 蘭図 (Rands) - Inferiority Complex & Narcissism

    [2019.01.14][Live-Limited Mini-Album] グラビティ (Gravity) - 今売れたい!!

    [2019.01.27][Live-Limited Single] SARIGIA - EVERGREEN

    [2019.02.06][Album] FIXER - ERs

    [2019.02.06][Album] the peggies - Heaven Like Hell

    [2019.02.27][Single] 鈴木 雅之 (Masayuki Suzuki) - ラブ・ドラマティック feat. 伊原六花 (Love Dramatic feat. Rikka Ihara)

    [2019.02.27][Mini-Album] 外道反逆者 ヤミテラ (Gedou hangyakusha yamitera) - 暴動PEOPLE (Boudou People)

    [2016.03.06][Digital Single] 凛-Lin-「INNOCENCE」

    [2019.03.13][Album] コドモドラゴン (Codomo Dragon) - テグラマグラ (Tegura Magura)

    [2019.03.13][Single] Cö shu Nie - Lamp

    [2019.03.16][Single] Misanthropist - Euthanasia

    [2019.04.03][Single] LAST MAY JAGUAR - Pray

    [2019.04.17][Mini-album] Merry - for Japanese sheeple

    [2019.04.24][Single] SCAPEGOAT - ラブカ  (Rabuka)

    [2019.04.25][Single] SIN ISOMER - Ambivalent

    [2019.04.27][Mini-Album] SLOTHREAT - Allium

    [2019.04.27][Single] SARIGIA - DESTINATION

    [2019.05.01][Mini-Album] 0801弐209XX6 - X

    [2019.05.08][Mini-Album] David - 創生録II〜Fearless Scenario〜 (Souseiroku II〜Fearless Scenario〜)

    [2019.05.08][Single] ギャロ (THE GALLO) - DEATHTOPIA

    [2019.05.22][Album] 首振りDolls (Kubihuri Dolls) - アリス

    [2019.05.22][Album] ヴァージュ(Virge) - Gracia-ガラシャ-

    [2019.05.22][Maxi-Single/EP] KHRYST+ - 贖罪 (Shokuzai)

    [2019.05.22][Album] Mardelas - Ground Zero

    [2019.05.28][Single] gulu gulu - 変なメリーゴーランド (Henna Merry-Go-Land)

    [2019.05.29][Single] Frantic EMIRY〜second crisis〜 -『Angels Cry / World End』

    [2019.05.29][EP/Mini-Album] JILUKA - POLYHEDRON

    [2019.05.29][Single] Laplus - 「梟」-witch hunt of modern-

    [2019.05.29][Album] noodles - I'm not chic

    [2019.06.03][Single] heidi. - HALATION

    [2019.06.05][Single] DIMLIM - 離人

    [2019.06.05][Mini-Album] SHIVA - 窒息に遊ぶ (Chissoku ni asobu)

    [2019.06.12][Single] LEZARD - ジャムのみぞ知る (Jam no Mizo Shiru)

    [2019.06.16][Album] 真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ (ZigZag) – 慈愚挫愚 壱 ~大殺界~

    [2019.06.19][Album] Aiolin - Fate

    [2019.06.21][Single] sleepy.ab - Cactus Alpha

    [2019.06.26][Single] Doremifa - 雨玉曲第6番

    [2019.06.26][Single] LANTANA - Paradigm Out

    [2019.06.26][EP] Boris - tears

    [2019.07.02][Single] キズ (Kizu) - ヒューマンエラー (Human Error)

    [2019.07.10][Single] D - 道化師のカタルシス (Doukeshi no Catharsis)

    [2019.07.17][Single] SCAPEGOAT - 縁 (En)

    [2019.07.17][Single] JE:NOVA - Acid Blue

    [2019.07.17][Single] ぞんび (Zonbi) - すべてが終わる夜に...肉食バクテリアン

    [2019.07.24][Album] Rides In ReVellion - Re:Vellion

    [2019.08.07][Single] April Blue - Innocence

    [2019.08.14][Single] Aimer - Torches

    [2019.08.21][Mini-Album] 外道反逆者 ヤミテラ (Gedou hangyakusha yamitera) - メンヘラ撲滅 (Menhera Bokumetsu)

    [2019.09.01][Album] ウワノソラ - 夜霧

    [2019.09.01][Mini-Album] Ayasa - Chronicle VII

    [2019.09.04][Single] Libravel - 星にネがいを。

    [2019.09.18][Single] vistlip -「CRACK&MARBLE CITY」

    [2019.10.01][Single] BANKITAI - Kagome

    [2019.10.02][Single] Hueye - 蝋燭とブラックアウト

    [2019.10.02][Single] Diaura - FINALE-last rebellion-

    [2019.10.23][Album] Neverland - 『PSYCHEDELIC』

    [2019.10.29][Single] キズ (Kizu) - 黒い雨 (Kuroi Ame)

    [2019.10.29][Single] CULA - Dracula

    [2019.10.30][Single] Codomo Dragon - アノニマス (Anonymous)

    [2019.10.30][Mini-Album] ザアザア (Xaa-xaa) - みんながうた

    [2019.11.06][Album] 戦国時代-The age of civil wars - 疾風迅雷

    [2019.11.13][Album] DADAROMA - dadaism#5

    [2019.11.13][Mini-Album] ユメリープ (Yumeleep) - ばーすまたー (Birth Matter)

    [2019.11.16][Mini-Album] 真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ (ZigZag) – ペサ・シェルヴェゼル

    [2019.11.20][Single] D - Uncrowned King

    [2019.11.20][Album] モンストロ (Monstllow) - 吐露

    [2019.11.27][Album] DEZERT - black hole

    [2019.11.27][Single] SHIVA - Tokyo Guernica

    [2019.12.04][Album] vivid undress - Konzai New Wave




    [2019.01.09][Mini-Album] GOTCHAROCKA - グエリラ

    [2019.01.09][Single] アクメ (ACME) - Last One Show

    [2019.01.09][Single] Mrs. GREEN APPLE  - 僕のこと

    [2019.01.10][Single] HAKLO - Another

    [2019.01.12][Album] NAZARE - 荊海 (Jingai)

    [2019.01.27][Live-Limited Single] SARIGIA - 月蝕 (Gesshoku)

    [2019.01.30][Single] アルルカン(Arlequin) - ラズルダズル (Razzle-Dazzle)

    [2019.02.06][Single] BULL FIELD - BATTLE FIELD

    [2019.02.06][Single] Neverland - Reincarnation

    [2019.02.13][Mini-Album] DIAURA - DEFINITION

    [2019.02.13][Album] MUCC - 壊れたピアノとリビングデッド (Kowareta Piano to Living Dead)

    [2019.02.14][Single] CLACK inc. - 夜、屋上。(Yoru, Okujo.)

    [2019.02.17][Single] Ruiza - Refrain

    [2019.02.20][Single] Golden Bomber - ガガガガガガガ

    [2019.02.21][Live-Distributed Mini-Album] MIMIC - KING MIMIC

    [2019.02.27][Album] Matenrou Opera - Human Dignity

    [2019.03.05][Single] 悪者 (Warumono) - はじまりはじまり。 (Hajimari Hajimari.)

    [2019.03.05][Single] BugLug - しこたま/泡沫に咲く柔な花 (Shikotama Utakata ni saku yawa na hana)

    [2019.03.06][Single] TK from 凛として時雨 - P.S. RED I

    [2019.03.06][Album] NoisyCell -  Focus

    [2019.03.13][EP] sleepyhead - meltbeat

    [2019.03.19][Single] GARNiDELiA - Rebel Flag

    [2019.03.19][Single] HAKLO - シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド (Serial Killer Girlfriend)

    [2019.03.27][Mini-album] まみれた (mamireta) - weekly 絶倫マンション

    [2019.04.01][Single] Avilis - Beginner

    [2019.04.02][Live-Distributed Single] Chain×maiL - 置手紙

    [2019.04.03][Single] Aboo - サクラホロウ (Sakura Hollow)

    [2019.04.03][Single] Sick² - D×M×F×S

    [2019.04.03][Single] Leetspeak Monster - 13th Friday Night

    [2019.04.10][Single] Houts - Reckless

    [2019.04.24][Single] メトロノーム - Catch me if you can

    [2019.04.24][Mini-Album/EP] the Thirteen - ALONE/アローン

    [2019.04.10][Single] ジグソウ(Jigsaw) - 群青、風船が割れる (Gunjou, Fuusen ga Wareru)

    [2019.04.17][Single] BabyKingdom - 首領!BURACO

    [2019.04.17][Single] Nekomanju - ハイにナルマデ

    [2019.04.24][Best-of Albums] A9 -  [風月ノ詩] / [花鳥ノ調] (Kazuki no Uta / Kachou no Shirabe)

    [2019.04.24][Album] 大山まき (Oyama Maki) - MONSTER

    [2019.04.24][Single] breakin' holiday - 葬列

    [2019.05.01][Maxi-Single] Royz - IGNITE

    [2019.05.01][Single]ラミヤ (Lamiya) -『Prologue』

    [2019.05.01][Single] R指定 - フラッシュバック

    [2019.05.07][Maxi-Single] グラビティ (Gravity) - 一生 + TAX

    [2019.05.09][Single] Dieze - Liar

    [2019.05.11][Single] Schwarz Stein - Ever After

    [2019.05.15][Album] Yuji Nakada - Sanctuary

    [2019.05.17][Live-Distributed Mini-Album] Unfinish - Unfinish

    [2019.05.22][Single] ロマン急行 (Roman Kyuko) - 掃き溜めのメロディ

    [2019.05.22][Single] 仮病 (Kebyou) - ブラクラ

    [2019.05.22][Album] D'erlanger - roneve

    [2019.05.24][Album] sukekiyo - INFINITIUM

    [2019.05.29][Single] POIDOL - パライゾ

    [2019.05.29][Single] ZON - 他ならぬ美学

    [2019.05.31][Mini-Album] Unmei Kousaten - 言霊を謳歌する (Kotodama wo ouka suru)

    [2019.06.12][Single] Vickeblanka - Lucky Ending

    [2019.06.19][Mini-Album] アルケミ (ARCHEMI.) - 血塗れ菩薩 (Chimamire Bosatsu)

    [2019.06.19][Single] Shishi - かまちょ。(Kama Cho.)

    [2019.06.19][Album] エンヴィル (Envyl) - 白×黒 (Shiro x Kuro)

    [2019.06.19][Single] MonstlloW - KERBEROS

    [2019.06.19][Album] a crowd of rebellion - Black 24:

    [2019.06.19][Album] sakanaction - 834.194

    [2019.07.03][Single] NAZARE - IDEAL

    [2019.07.03][Single] DARRELL - DEVIL'Z

    [2019.07.03][Mini-Album] MY FIRST STORY - THE PLUGLESS

    [2019.07.03][Single] 凛として時雨 (Ling Tosite Sigure) - Neighbormind

    [2019.07.03][Album] THE TOMBOYS - NOW N RUN

    [2019.07.09][Single] HAKLO - 曖昧アイデンティティ (Aimai Identity)

    [2019.07.10][Single] Neverland - R.I.P.

    [2019.07.10][Single] アクメ (ACME) - モノノケレクイエム (Mononoke Requiem)

    [2019.07.10][Album] GYZE - ASIAN CHAOS

    [2019.07.17][Single] REIGN - Absolute 14

    [2019.07.23][Single] アスティ (Asty) - 微炭酸ピーチ (Bitansan Peach)

    [2019.07.24][Single] Kamijo - Eye of Providence

    [2019.07.24][Single] どく(Doku) - クイ (Kui)

    [2019.07.24][Single] ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) -  破裂 (Haretsu)

    [2019.07.24][Single] 零[Hz] (Zero Hertz) - The DOPERA

    [2019.07.30][Album] BAROQUE - Puer Et Puella

    [2019.07.31][Album] アンフィル (Anfiel) - Tokyo Stargazer

    [2019.07.31][Single] アルファリア (Alphalia) - Eternity

    [2019.08.06][Album] BugLug - 不透明な素顔 (Futoumei na Sugao)

    [2019.08.07][Single] まみれた (mamireta) -「A才教育」(A-sai kyouiku)

    [2019.08.17][Album] 雨や雨 (Ameyasame) - 切り雨 (Kiriame)

    [2019.08.18][Album] 喜多村英梨 (Eri Kitamura) - ILLUSION DREAM

    [2019.08.20][Single] 蟻 (Ari) - 虫眼鏡 (Mushimegane)

    [2019.08.21][Single] アルルカン(Arlequin) - ANIMA

    [2019.08.28][Single] ギャロ (THE GALLO) - VITCH

    [2019.09.04][Single] Ootsuka Ai - Chime

    [2019.09.04][Album] POIDOL - JEWELRY BOX

    [2019.09.04][Album] Bräymen - No.9~Ultimate~

    [2019.09.04][Single] DracoVirgo - ハジメノウタ (Hajime No Uta)

    [2019.09.04][Single] 04 Limited Sazabys - SEED

    [2019.09.09][Album] Alice in Menswear - Wonderland for the Lost Children

    [2019.09.11][Single] DEXCORE - DON'T BE AFRAID

    [2019.09.17][Single] ZeroCre - 蜻蛉

    [2019.09.18][Single] R指定 - CLIMAX

    [2019.09.23][Live-Limited Single] グラビティ (Gravity) - リフレイン (Refrain)

    [2019.09.23][Live-Limited Single] グラビティ (Gravity) - ラブサイ (Love Psy)

    [2019.09.23][Live-Limited Single] グラビティ (Gravity) - Y.W.G〜死の呪いサンバ〜 (Y.W.G ~Shi no Noroi Samba~)

    [2019.10.02][Single] Hueye - Anesthesia

    [2019.10.02][Single] DIAURA - sacrifice

    [2019.10.02][Single] IIIRD - Cliff

    [2019.10.02][Mini-Album] 黒ユナイト (Kuro Unite) - 黒ノ彷徨 (Kuro no houkou)

    [2019.10.09][Single] Houts - アノキシア (Anoxia)

    [2019.10.16][Single] Kebyou - 狂ふ。

    [2019.10.22][Album] HAKLO - This is HAKLO#2

    [2019.10.23][Single] Envyl - Death Parade

    [2019.10.30][Single] SCAPEGOAT - 月光 (Gekkou)

    [2019.10.30][Single] ACME - Wonderful World

    [2019.11.06][Single] RAZOR -「完全無欠」 (Kanzen Muketsu)

    [2019.11.06][Single] Anfiel - Lies or not?

    [2019.11.06][Single] Darrell - Hades

    [2019.11.06][Album] ZON - #FFFFF

    [2019.11.13][Album] JILUKA - Xanadu

    [2019.11.18][Single] ラミヤ (Lamiya) - Secret chapter

    [2019.11.20][Album] ARTiCLEAR - 黎明期の夢

    [2019.11.20][EP] 和楽器バンド (Wagakki Band) - React

    [2019.11.20][Single] Royz - I AM WHAT I AM

    [2019.11.24][Single] Cazqui's Brutal Orchestra - OSWALD

    [2019.11.27][Album] HIZAKI - Back to Nature

    [2019.11.27][Single] Kamijo - TEMPLE -Blood sucking for praying-

    [2019.11.27][Single] SUI - Untitled Fallen

    [2019.11.29][Live-Limited Single] 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku) - どくいりきけん、聴いたら死ぬで (Doku Iri Kiken, Kiitara Shinu De)




    [2019.01.09][Single] POIDOL - LIPS

    [2019.01.09][Single] Aiolin - Orpheus

    [2019.01.10][Single] ゼツ (Zetu) - おもちゃ (Omocha)

    [2019.01.15][Album] てんさい。(Tensai) - 前回までのあらすじ (Zenkai made no arasuji)

    [2019.01.16][Album] 仮病 (Kebyou) - 毒針 (Dokushin)

    [2019.01.18][EP] Hikaru Utada - Face My Fears

    [2019.01.22][Maxi-single] アスティ (Asty) - 夢舞う大泥棒

    [2019.01.23][Single] ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - Culture Shock

    [2019.01.30][Mini-Album] MEIDARA - 鬼 来

    [2019.02.03][Album] WING WORKS - ENTITY

    [2019.02.06][Mini-Album] Garak's - Pochi

    [2019.02.06][Single] MonstlloW - カタストロフィ (Catastrophe)

    [2019.02.11][Single] Insanity Injection - victim

    [2019.02.19][Single] ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) - 『VIVAROCK』

    [2019.02.27][Single] Uverworld - Touch Off

    [2019.02.27][Album] 零[Hz] (Zero Hertz) - ZELM

    [2019.02.27][Single] マチルダ (Mathilda) - 人魚ノ肉 (Ningyo no Mori)

    [2019.03.06][Album] MIMIZUQ - ナミダQUARTET (Namida QUARTET)

    [2019.03.06][EP] mitsu - OVER

    [2019.03.11][Single] Insanity Injection - Denial of existence

    [2019.03.13][Album] Smileberry - Connect

    [2019.03.13][Album] Silent Siren - 311313

    [2019.03.13][Album] The Novembers - Angels

    [2019.03.14][Album] HAL from FEST VAINQUEUR - ー行ー

    [2019.03.19][Live-Distributed Single] NetherGarden122 - RED LINE

    [2019.03.20][Album] ヴィルシーナ (Verxina) - 教典 (Kyouten)

    [2019.03.20][Single] 己龍 (Kiryu) -「閃光」(Senkou)

    [2019.03.20][Single] 無能なルシッド (Munou na Lucid) - 「侵蝕リフレイン」(Shinshoku Refrain)

    [2019.03.20][Single] ザアザア (Xaa-xaa) - 「死んじゃったポチの話」

    [2019.03.27][Single] Hueye - 「優しく殺して」(Yasashiku Koroshite)

    [2019.03.27][Single] IIRD - Miss You

    [2019.03.27][Mini-album] ユメリープ (Yumeleep) - まくろまたー (makuro matter)

    [2019.03.31][Single] GE+IM - アイオライト-STC

    [2019.04.03][Single] DEZERT -  血液がない! (Ketsueki ga Nai!) / Call of Rescue

    [2019.04.03][Best-of Album] Royz - The BEST 2009-2019 [Type B]

    [2019.04.03][Single] アクメ (ACME) - 放課後の飼育

    [2019.04.05][Live-Distributed Single] ラク×ガキ(Raku×gaki) - 地球外生命体

    [2019.04.07][Single] Initial'L - The End

    [2019.04.10][Single] ラク×ガキ (RakuxGaki) - チューチューチェリーヴァンパイア (Chu Chu Cherry Vampire)

    [2019.04.10][Album] アルファリア (Alphalia) -『D×N×A』

    [2019.04.10][Single] Golden Bomber - 令和

    [2019.04.11][Album] Scarlet Valse - Metamorphosis

    [2019.04.12][Digital Single] Beverly - Again

    [2019.04.13][Album] Jupiter -  Zeus ~Legends Never Die~

    [2019.04.17][Single] DADAROMA - デンドロビューム (Dendrobium)

    [2019.04.21][Single] Roze - Howl

    [2019.04.21][Single] Insanity Injection - grim reminder

    [2019.04.28][Mini-Album] NAZARE - 荊海 BEYOND

    [2019.04.30][Single] アスティ (Asty) - もふもふラビット (Mofu Mofu Rabbit)

    [2019.05.03][Mini-Album] 魅裟 - a rotten apple spoils the barrel

    [2019.05.11][Single] 蘭図 (Rands) - Leda Atomica

    [2019.05.23][Single] XELL - ボクサイコ。 (Boku Psycho.)

    [2019.05.25][Mini-Album] The Ghost Inside of Me - -Scénario Soirée-

    [2019.05.27][Single] DEXCORE - Collapse

    [2019.05.31] さの。 - 発熱モラトリアム (Kanon's solo project from An Cafe)

    [2019.05.31][Single] Insanity Injection - Murder disease

    [2019.06.05][Album] NICO Touches the Walls - Quizmaster

    [2019.06.08][Single] マチルダ (Mathilda) - タガアナイフ (Tag a Knife)

    [2019.06.10][Single] ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Dororo/解放区

    [2019.06.12][Single] Umbrella - Libido

    [2019.06.12][Album] Fuki - Million Scarlets

    [2019.06.12] ROACH - Breathe

    [2019.06.16][Live-Limited Single] NAZARE - 荊海 CODA (Jingai CODA)

    [2019.06.19][Album] Deviloof - 鬼 (Oni)

    [2019.06.23][Album] Kaya - Dress

    [2019.06.26][Mini-Album] Mikansei Alice - Stargazer

    [2019.06.26][Single] Kousai Ravel - Howling

    [2019.07.03][Single] MIGMA SHELTER - Names

    [2019.07.03][Single] 泉まくら (Makura Izumi) - 白濁 (Hakudaku)

    [2019.07.08][Single] Take No Break - Infinity

    [2019.07.10][Single] 己龍 (Kiryu) - 手纏ノ端無キガ如シ (Tamaki no Hashina Kigagotoshi)

    [2019.07.10][Single] ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - 夢から覚めた日 (Yume kara sameta hi)

    [2019.07.16][Album] Howl - Artist

    [2019.07.17][Single] Chanty - 叫びたくなったから (Sakebitaku nattakara)

    [2019.07.24][Single]ラク×ガキ(Raku×gaki) - 「バッドラッカー」(Bad Lacquer)

    [2019.07.24][Single] 影喰イ (Kagekui) - 「哀」(Ai)

    [2019.07.24][Mini-Album] Nocturnal Bloodlust - Unleash

    [2019.07.25] ARTiCLEAR - 黎明期の夢(でもdemoなんです)

    [2019.07.24][Album] DuelJewel - ZINCITE

    [2019.07.24][Album] HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT - Respawn

    [2019.08.02][Single] エンヴィル (Envyl) - インキュバス (Incubus)

    [2019.08.02][Single] エンヴィル (Envyl) - サキュバス (Succubus)

    [2019.08.02][Single] Initial'L - Tokyo Horizon

    [2019.08.04][Single] Icone - Adrenaline

    [2019.08.11][Album] ROKUGEN ALICE - rein

    [2019.08.12][Mini-Album] Kou - The Beginning

    [2019.08.14][Single] Icone - Good Song

    [2019.08.14][Single] 蘭図 (Rands) - Solaris

    [2019.08.17][Album] DIMLIM - 喜怒哀楽

    [2019.08.18][Single] MIMIZUQ - 夏の夕立、水深300メートル

    [2019.08.20][Album] CRAZY PUNK KID - THE INITIAL IMPULSE

    [2019.08.21][Single] 安月名莉子 (Riko Azuna) -  Glow at the Velocity of Light

    [2019.08.21][Single] ALEVAS - Root

    [2019.08.24][Single] ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) - 水没

    [2019.08.24][Album] Ayabie - 辞するモラトリアム

    [2019.08.28][Single] ヴィルシーナ (Verxina) - Cult

    [2019.08.30][Single] L-The World - Merry Go Round (Remastered ver.)

    [2019.09.04][Album] シド (Sid) - 承認欲求

    [2019.09.04][Single] まみれた (MAMIRETA) - 次のニュースです少年B(4)猥褻願望のため思考停止

    [2019.09.10][Single] 0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) - 絶望メンブレガール

    [2019.09.11][Album] ジグソウ(Jigsaw) - Day of Showing The Same Number

    [2019.09.11][Album] ジグソウ (Jigsaw) - 朱淫箱

    [2019.09.11][Single] GREED - Crocus

    [2019.09.16][Single] GELNICA - spica

    [2019.09.18][Single] Dir En Grey - The World of Mercy

    [2019.09.25][Album] ロマン急行 (Roman Kyuko) - 人間白書

    [2019.09.27][Single] HOLLOW SHADE - Eroded Light

    [2019.09.29][Single] iCONE - Only Me?

    [2019.10.02][Single] MAMIRETA 調教C

    [2019.10.16][Single] BabyKingdom - MUDDY CANDLE

    [2019.10.19][Single] Golden Bomber - 首が痛い

    [2019.10.22][Single] GELNICA - Arma Doll

    [2019.10.23][Single] アリス九號. (Alice Nine) - 革命開花-Revolutionary Blooming-

    [2019.10.23][Single] Man With a Mission - Dark Crow

    [2019.10.23][Single] MYTH & ROID - TIT FOR TAT

    [2019.10.30][Mini-Album] ラク×ガキ (RakuxGaki) - カミサマノツクリカタ

    [2019.11.05][Single] Gulu Gulu -  輪教育のすすめ

    [2019.11.13][Single] Aiolin - Clear Gray

    [2019.11.13][Single] 己龍 (Kiryu) - 花鳥風月 (Kachoufuugetsu)

    [2019.11.20][Single] NAZARE - INNOCENCE




    [2019.01.16][Single] ネオグラフ (Neograph) -『MOMENT』

    [2019.02.13][Single] 午前零時。(Gozenreiji) - 好き好き大好き超愛してる (Suki Suki Daisuki Chou Aishiteru)

    [2019.02.13][Mini-Album] 午前零時。(Gozenreiji) - アヤシテ? (Ayashite?) [Re-release]

    [2019.02.27][Single] KOU - Daylight

    [2019.03.27][Album] UNICORN - UC100V

    [2019.04.03][Mini-Album/EP] Sigma Memoria - PSYCHOPATH

    [2019.04.24][Single] mama. - ヒステリア

    [2019.05.09][Single] ネオグラフ (Neograph) - 消えてよセレナーデ (Kiete yo Serenade)

    [2019.07.03][Album] BabyKingdom - AGE+PLUS

    [2019.08.25][Single] Calatorie - Reminiscence of Rose

    [2019.11.04][Single] Roze - センチ (Senchi)




    [2019.04.05][Album] CHOKE - CHOKE2

    [2019.07.10][Single] 午前零時。(Gozenreiji) - 6月のゴキブリ








    Release List


    [2019.09.25][Single] sleepyhead - endroll

    [2019.10.02][Single] SARIGIA - Insult Kiss

    [2019.11.06][Single] nano.RIPE - Emblem

    [2019.11.20][Single] GLIM SPANKY - ストーリーの先に (Story no Saki Ni)

    [2019.12.04][Live-Limited Single] NICOLAS - Echo of Silence

    [2019.12.04][Album] UVERworld - UNSER

    [2019.12.10][Single] アスティ(Asty) -『メルヘン少女/Tears』

    [2019.12.11][Album] BAND-MAID - CONQUEROR

    [2019.12.14][EP] Leda - Mirage of Gemini


  3. I think he means that he can incorporate what he played in the Twitter video into the third single? It's nice to know at least Iyu is thinking far ahead to the third single, lol. Although it makes me curious as to what's going to be on the second single.


    Also, their first single is very promising as a new band. Each song is different from the other and showcases their potential. I'm quite excited to hear what they'll release next.




    Best Overall Artist/Band

    Best Album:

    DIMLIM - Chedora 

    The Thirteen - Urge and Lament

    Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP 

    キズ (Kizu) - 0

    ヴィルシーナ (Verxina) - Izon

    ダウト (D=OUT) - Kingyo hachi

    Best Cover Art

    Royz - Sinfonia

    Kiryu - Tensho Rinne

    Best Look

    ACME - Zesshou Ouka

    Best Newcomer

    無能なルシッド (Munou na Lucid)

    ヴィルシーナ (Verxina)

    KHRYST+(It has SCREW members in there, so I’m biased ^^;) 

    Best Veteran

    ダウト (D=OUT)



    Best PV

    キズ (Kizu) - 0

    Saddest Disbandment

    Most Overhyped Band

    Most Overhyped Release

    Most Underhyped Band


    Most Anticipated Release 

    Band that Changed their Sound for the Best

    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse

    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2018

    the Thirteen


    What the hell were they thinking!? Award

    Best Revival/Returns

    Deluhi (Their concert is set for 2019, but they released a best-of album in 2018)



  5. 3 hours ago, zombieparadise said:

    I am feeling so nostalgic right now, haha. It's not surprising that so many of us came into VK between 2006-2009—The music from that period was just so good, so original that it was blowing up everywhere. Coupled with the interest in other hardcore/metalcore bands overseas, it was the perfect setting. I wonder if we will ever make it back here again.

    This! To me, those years were sort of like a renaissance of VK music - so much amazingly good music was released and I still return to listen to lots of it even now. If I remember correctly, VK was at its height in Japan in the '90s - a time when many VK musical pioneers came out - and had mostly faded away from mainstream popularity in Japan in the 2000s. However, for us Westerners, that was the time it felt as though VK offered a treasure trove of fascinating music to listen to. It exposed most of us to something different and got us researching as to what the heck was this genre called visual kei. I could be wrong, but I also feel that the burgeoning interest in anime and/or Japanese culture around this time contributed in creating the perfect setting. At least, that was the case for me.


    By the way, another amazing album, which came out in 2008, was Sincrea's Atlus. That had awesome killer songs, Jesus Maria and Silkspider to name a few.

  6. I believe their bassist, Aki, did have a solo career and is currently in a band, too. Not too sure what happened to the drummer.

  7. Wow, seeing this makes me feel old xD I still remember first listening to vistlip's Revolver and being hooked to it immediately. The same with Versailles's Noble and Sug's Noiz Star. These are all great picks! One of my favorites not included is Kagrra, - Core. That album had solid tracks and was a great album overall.

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