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Status Updates posted by Arkady

  1. Anyone knowing when/if Puresound summer sales will start on their site? (Last year I think it was the start of july, but maybe I remember wrong, since I see no notice there)

    1. JRD


      Usually late july/early august. It'll come around in a bit.

  2. Anyone that bought Versailles "Live Best" new (not used) here willing to answer one question, please?

  3. Damn, I disappear for only two days and I almost miss a sockpuppet drama like it was still 2005.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gesu


      As you said in that recent thread: #WeWillAlwaysRememberSilverEspeon

      Honestly, that hashtag needs to become iconic here on MH.

    3. RaeDesu


      I'm SO curious XD

    4. Chi


      @WhirlingBlack WB...onegai

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  4. God, please give me the strengh to listen to this Kamijo x Hastume Miku collaboration single. 😥

    1. Arkady


      My final verdict:


    2. God


      Wait, what?  Weird combo.  🤔

  5. I miss old 8cm singles with their long cases. They are not the most convenient to store but I always found them cute.

    1. Cantavanda


      I hate them because they always break super fast (the plastic part coming off from the cover)

    2. Arkady


      But they are so cute!!1!



    3. Cantavanda


      Yes they are haha

  6. I wish Discogs let people mute certain sellers notifications (I'm looking at you scalper putting the same stuff on again and again spamming my alerts with your 10x overpriced stuff).

    1. Laurence02


      Ah yes, Kupiku and magius, the cancer of Discogs. I share your sentiments!

    2. Arkady


      @Laurence02Especially the former one you mentioned. The latter doesn't SPAM EVERY SINGLE DAY the same stuff he was selling the days before at least (NOW with a random currency so you don't know at first glance if the price is inflated by x10 or x11).

  7. I'm surprised Mana-sama didn't think to do it sooner. https://ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992426174.html?__lang=en

    1. Arkady


      @spockitty It's not even Mana fault Volks limited dolls cost an arm and a leg (the non limited one also aren't cheap).

    2. spockitty


      I'm vaguely aware that this kind of dolls are expensive but that expensive? jfc 🤨

    3. Gesu


      140k yen is about twice as much as you'd normally pay 😕

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Is it me or Yahoo auctions is no longer so used in Japan? I see much less stuff and less varied than in the past.

    1. Arkady


      Maybe it's Lareine stuff only? I remember in the past every time I peeked there there was always several rare items (I used to go there to update my discography list), now It's almost only the commonest of the regular stuff (for Versailles too even though it's not so old). Thanks for the answers tho.

    2. Seelentau


      You can use japonica to buy from mercari :]

    3. Arkady


      No ok it wasn't me, the majority of private people selling the rare stuff did migrate on Mercari, I got a peek and WOAH, all the promos/fanclub only etc. It's like being on Yahoo Auction in 2007.



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  9. No € don't sink just today that I'm buying stuff in dollars!😨

  10. RIP RealDoll brothel opened less than a year ago in my (pretty little) city. We all knew it wouldn't last, but it was a good source of LOL. F

    1. BrenGun


      RealDoll's are still taboo.

      But it's not original from Japan, but France 😛  A guy in France started first with it... 

    2. Arkady


      The dude opening it didn't think it much trought, here its too much small and irrilevant (and provincial) of a city for it to end in a different way. RIP

  11. Someone that bought from Puresound site in the last few months, may please confirm me if they still have free shipping fees for 5000+yen orders?

    1. ahnchc




      I've spent over ¥12000 and was never met with a free shipping offer, so probably not. It could be a location thing as well, though.

    2. Arkady


      @ahnchcThanks for the answer. Did you mean shipping fees inside Japan? Because I forgot to specify it.

    3. ahnchc


      No, I meant internationally.

  12. The RAGE when you still cannot remember the title of a song you already listened for HUNDREDS of times in 20 YEARS. (I have an awful memory for song titles I cannot link them with the melody for the life of me, I'm more of a visual memory person)


    1. Arkady


      Please, help me regain my sanity and to not waste an entire afternoon searching among Lareine discography. What lareine song is this melody from? I know it's one of the most obvious ones, I can hum all of it, but I cannot connect the title with the melody.


  13. When you look so much forward for your VK package to arrive that you even dream about it...

    1. Mamo


      I've done that before lol So often. I even dreamed about how it sounded before. Yeah always very sad when you wake up

    2. Axius


      OMG i have the same things happen to me. The anticipation :angel:

    3. Enki


      Its always a painful wait 

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  14. Who would have know that one day I would unironically love a country singer's songs and aesthetics.

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